In-reply-to » @xuu That was one of the horror puzzles where I had to look for help. 🥴 I modelled my solution after this: (I can’t explain it better than the video anyway.) It takes a second on my machine and that’s with my own hashmap implementation which is probably not the fastest one.

i am wondering if maybe i need a better heap like a btree backed one instead of just list sort on Dequeue.

I found a bug where i didnt include an open/closed list that seemed to shave off a little. right now it runs in about 70 seconds on my machine.. it takes over the 300s limit when it runs on the testrunner on the same box.. docker must be restricting resources for it.

I might come back to it after i work through improving my code for day 23. Its similar but looking for the longest path instead of shortest.

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