In-reply-to » Oh, and I think I said this before, but just in case, fuck Gemini. Hell, fuck Gopher too. Bring on telnet, and UCCP. 😈 Well this is the thing really. Gopher and Gemini are very broken ways to distributed content. Broken in the sense that for Twtxt either support a) caching in any way shape or form b) discovery in any way shape or form.

This is a bit of a problem because if a Feed author complains (nad they have in the past) that their Gopher/Gemini feeds are being hit “too hard”, well that’s really kind of on them for choosing to host their feed on an ill advised protocol thatc cannot possibly support Caching at all.

This is primarily one of the reasons we introduced the idea of a “feed advised refresh interval” that clients SHOULD respect.


This optional field is used by feed authors as a hint to clients to control how often they should fetch or update this feed.

The value of this field is seconds represented by an integer.

NOTE: An empty, bad, or unparsable value is ignored.

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