In-reply-to » @thecanine Hey! 👋 Welcome back! 😅 Haven't seen you in a while, how have you been? 🤔

…to explain myself better, here is the color selection tab in Pixel Station - my favorite app for pixelart:


The top line shows the 8 most recently used colors, so you can return to them easily. The basic colors are always on the left, but on the right you get 6 variants of any color you’re just using. Under it are the tools, needed to get colors from the image you’re working on and tweak the values of the currently used color.

So as you can see, most other apps would have to implement quite a bit of changes, to make their apps the main art app of people who have a workflow similar to mine. And this is still far from a complete list of my “requirements”.

This isn’t a criticism of this app. I like it and hope if helps more people find joy in the creation of pixelart. I might even use it myself for some pixelated doodles when I’m online. I’m just saying it probably won’t replace my main art app any time soon.

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