In-reply-to » I forget who it was but someone here pushed back on me when I said there were a bunch of Nazi instances on mastodon, but it's true. They were one of the earliest adopters and they're still a big nuisance over there. If yarn ever becomes super popular watch out!

We saw a glimpse of this already, with the guy who “soft doxxed” me. Imagine if 90% of yarn users were doing stuff like that all day every day. I’d certainly leave pretty quickly–I don’t have time for that, and I don’t have the free time or the inclination to try to fight it.

Yeah I remember, it was a bit of “touch and go” there for us all, but abuse is abuse and as “tetering on the edge” it might have been it was inexcusable. I do wonder though why you’d leave at all? Wouldn’t you just Unfollow problematic individuals? 🤔 You could even just blacklist the world and maybe just whitelist a few known good feeds, maybe pods even (we haven’t built this). – My point is, escaping people like this is probably hard / next to impossible, all we can do is try to help them (assuming they can be helped at all? 🤔 I’m sure some can be helped/saved 🤞), and ensure they don’t or cannot abuse the platform (or in our case, the ecosystem)…

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