In-reply-to » would it be possible to have some indication if you already follow a person? like where the profile pic is - some indication if you are already following or not? I often have to click in to know. Hey πŸ‘‹ So I guess after thinking about this on/off all day, I’d like to go back to what the problem is we’re trying to solve here? πŸ€” Is the problem that you sometimes see Twts from feeds you’re not sure that you even follow? πŸ€” There are only 2 cases where this can happen:

  • You are following someone that replies to a feed that you don’t follow and whose Root Twt is missing from your Pod, so your Pod asks its peers if it has that Twt.
  • You are following someone clearly having a discussion with one ore more folks you don’t follow and so you only see one side. TBD (this is not implemented yet)

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