@eapl.me There are several points that I like, but I want to highlight number 7. https://text.eapl.mx/a-few-ideas-for-a-next-twtxt-version #twtxt
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# default_lang = en
# discovery_url = https://example.com/discovery/
# follow = alice https://example.com/alice.txt ABCDEF12
# follow = alice gemini://example.com/alice.txt
# avatar = https://example.com/avatar/alice.png
# avatar = gemini://example.com/avatar/alice.png
1 2025-03-03T15:00:00-04:00 {lang=en} Hello, world! Welcome to my twtxt feed. UTF-8 check: é, ö, ü.
2 2025-03-03T15:05:00-04:00 {lang=es} ¡Hola, mundo! This tweet is in Spanish.
3 2025-03-03T15:10:00-04:00 {url=ABCDEF12,id=1} Replying to tweet 1 using its URL hash.
4 2025-03-03T15:15:00-04:00 {edited=1} This tweet has been edited once.
5 2025-03-03T15:20:00-04:00 {lang=fr} Bonjour le monde! A French twt overriding the default language.
6 2025-03-03T15:25:00-04:00 Regular twt without metadata defaults to en.