In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters. We basically have no snakes around here. Just the grass snake and the common European adder. Or so I think. While it’s super hard to come across the harmless first one, it’s even rarer to find the little bit dangerous latter. Both are very shy. I never saw an adder. They probably do not live here in my area. A workmate told the other day that he accidentally run over one with this bicycle as a schoolboy, though. Yeah, I was happily suprised that the grass snake was still in this good shape.

I’ve no idea. Not sure how well frogs or toads see in the dark, but I would think if there is some noise coming towards you, you escape away and not towards it. Maybe they did not recognize me as a threat but were just curious?

This larger individual was also a frog or toad. :-) It didn’t freak me out at all, it was super cool to watch. But I thought, what an idiot. :-D I mean, hopping against me once is alright, but then trying again is a bit silly. It then stopped and sat next to my boot. About half a centimeter away. I waited a few seconds and carefully moved on.

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