In-reply-to » Go does not need a Java-style GC Modern languages such as Go, Julia and Rust don’t need complex garbage collectors like the ones use by Java C#. But why? To explain why, we need to get into how garbage collectors work and how different languages allocate memory in different ways. However, we will start by looking at why Java in particular needs such a complex garbage collector. Good info on how Go deals with memory versus how Java, mainly, handles memory. The most interesting start of a rabbit ... ⌘ Read more This article is really good, I learned quite a few things I wasn’t aware of! Highly recommended. It took me quite a bit to understand the arena allocator code, though. — What the fuck just happend? Suddenly the page reloaded by itself (I didn’t touch my keyboard nor my mouse as I was sitting relaxed in my chair reading) and showed me an HTTP 500. Thank you Medium, you fuckheads! I have a reason usually not visiting this site. — Now continue reading.

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