In-reply-to » @movq, maybe you can help me with this. I want to place the vim cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny's configuration: Ah, startinsert, didn’t even know that existed, tbh. 😅

It doesn’t work because the editor command is currently not run through sh -c ..., i.e. it is supposed to be just a path like /usr/bin/vim. I was just stumped by this myself and I think I’ll soon push a patch to allow setting something like vim -c foo.

In the meantime, your best option is probably putting this in your .vimrc:

au BufRead,BufNewFile jenny-posting.eml normal $

(I use something similar to disable hard text wrapping after 72 chars for twtxt postings.)

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