

Human Lv. 35, Engineer 🔧, scientist 🔬 and creator 🌱, living in México 🌎, working with teams all across the world 🗺️ and enjoying life! I like difficult questions and controversial truths.

Recent twts from eaplmx
In-reply-to » Just discovered @lucidiot's feed and am very saddened to see anyone take this position Media #Yarn.social is NOT trying to take anything over or become a "monopoly" 🤦‍♂️

@prologic@twtxt.net well, I think that’s something coming along with fame from Yarn and freedom from them. Some people like to stay with simpler things even if they are obsolete, incompatible, and such. They has an option to not follow an improvement and to stay with the version 1.0 of the spec, and that’s OK in my book.

I agree to disagree, even if I really like the extensions, let’s say 1.1, not being able to communicate with people following forks or modern protocols. Their loss.

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In-reply-to » Guys due to my shoulder/neck injury I won't hold a call this week, sorry 😢 At this point given the timing of the holiday season, we might start this up again in the new year 🤞

@prologic@twtxt.net damn, then I wish you a lot of patience. I’ve been on a few slow rehabs and I was very desperate. Perhaps it’s for the best, to slow down a bit. Best wishes.

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In-reply-to » Today is #DayAgainstDRM! Since this year's topic is #FreedomtoShare, I'll celebrate it by starting to read a book from the local library! Media And you, what are your plans for Day Against DRM?

@marado@tilde.pt didn’t know about that holiday, interesting.
I don’t like to be that radical with DRM, but having a DRM free option is always a requirement to me.

It would be interesting to write a bit about DRM free options and why is it convenient for creators and audiences to prefer DRM free products.

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In-reply-to » Guys due to my shoulder/neck injury I won't hold a call this week, sorry 😢 At this point given the timing of the holiday season, we might start this up again in the new year 🤞

@prologic@twtxt.net I agree on starting up again next year, I have a lot of overlapping videocalls, recordings and parties (posadas). Also most people here stars to receive relatives and prepare for winter parties so it’s hard to sync times.

I was thinking on randomly opening a video chat room if anyone here wants to join, but this week I finished exhausted. Perhaps next week?

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In-reply-to » Tonight I sat down with my daughter after playing a few games together. She then asked:

@prologic@twtxt.net reading this story was wholesome. I think your daughter is lucky to have you 😊

I remember being a curious 6 years old kid in the 90s, learning QBasic with the tutorial included with Ms-Dos 6.22 (didn’t know English yet, so there were limited docs and books) precisely with that classic number guessing game. Later in elementary school they teached us GW-Basic and Logo.

Sadly I had no relatives interested in computing at that time. But they were supportive on that strange hobby. So I always remember that moment with pleasure.

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In-reply-to » I'm having a few discussions with my Latin artist friends on Stable diffusion, automation disappearing jobs, inner fears, and such.

tl;dr Enjoy the discussion, be kind, be empathic, and choose your battles wisely 😁!

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I’m having a few discussions with my Latin artist friends on Stable diffusion, automation disappearing jobs, inner fears, and such.

Rather than wasting time on social media, my idea is to learn, to get to a knowledge level of a ‘better life’ (whatever that is), or at least exercise a dialogue and perhaps a debate. Since everyone is discussing different reasons and motivations, this is a phrase I like to remind before the talk gets violent.

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. They’re either speaking or preparing to speak. They’re filtering everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people’s lives.

It’s exciting to spend time discussing with strangers and with friends, which has happened for ages, even before the Internet TM. With due moderation is a good hobby, but that’s the tricky part. Not getting engaged with an ideology showing our own weaknesses disguised as knowledge and beliefs.

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This week has been crazy with the Workshop to design Board Games.
But it has been a pleasant surprise to see that many young people (even kids in elementary school) being creative in this media 😁

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In-reply-to » Got a friend asking me for help with their final C programming exams which they failed 8 times (yes, 8 🤷).

@justamoment@twtxt.net hmmm… I learned C for microcontrollers (I loved it coming from assembler) something like 20 years ago.
But currently, I don’t feel incentivized to do something interesting for PCs, and for microcontrollers they went to MicroPython and some others. I agree with @prologic@twtxt.net says that is too low-level.

What I can suggest is reading Head First C, which has been to me a good starting point for new languages. I think they could take a look to pass the exam

I know a lot of tech engineers don’t want to create stuff by programming, but more to give maintenance to current systems, and that’s OK

Although I tell my students “at least try to pass this requisite”, it’s gonna help to understand how programmers think.

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In-reply-to » Internet's Echo chambers 101

Disclaimer to my friends, and not-so-friends: I posted a comic about a controversial topic. The conversation could go on a ‘memeistic’ side, or extremely deep, philosophical, intellectual, and rational. Usually, I like both approaches.
I don’t want to win any argument. I’m not in the mood to show “You are wrong” (something I do at work, why should I do that here?), although I’m almost always open to learning something new.

If instead of being humorous, is striking a sensitive chord, well, it wasn’t targeted for you. And that’s OK. If you want to hear different opinions, nice! You want to keep your beliefs, even better. What to have a clash of scientific evidence? Well, we can do that another day.

Love you gals/guys.

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In-reply-to » Internet's Echo chambers 101

@thecanine@twtxt.net Yeah. I find that definition too broad and ambiguous (Is it only the same opinions? There are no opposing views, at all?). And I think that leaving a subjective metric, on when it is and is not, won’t help.

How about?

An echo chamber refers to situations in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulated from rebuttal. By participating in an echo chamber, people are able to seek out information that supports their existing views diminishing opposing views, potentially resulting in an unintended exercise of confirmation bias.

An echo chamber is an epistemic construct in which voices are actively excluded and discredited. It does not suffer from a lack of connectivity; rather it depends on the manipulation of trust by methodically denying all outside sources.

And we would need to go deeper on understanding what an epistemic construct is, but I think that’s too long for a twt.

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Ah! Dear yarners… Today I had a chaotic day… I don’t work well with artists lacking structure, planning, and such. And, as you can imagine, we have a commitment this Wednesday, planned a day in advance.

That’s all…

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In-reply-to » FTX-hosted NFTs break after website is redirected to a restructuring page

@thecanine@twtxt.net that definition could be outdated, you’ll have to read the licence to know what rights are you geting when you pay for something in a traditional platform or on a ‘crypto contract’

For instance you could copy a book on epub format, but you shouldn’t. And you could just pirate it since is just a bunch of bytes, but maybe you want to legally buy it without DRM.

Sometimes you get rights to sell your current copy, sometimes you own ‘Related rights’, etc. Sadly it’s not a simple regulation but things like Creative Commons is a good starting point to know more about Copyright (US/UK) and author’s rights (Europe, Latam)

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In-reply-to » FTX-hosted NFTs break after website is redirected to a restructuring page

@thecanine@twtxt.net yeah, IP is extremely difficult due to its intangible nature.

Yeah, it’s designed to protect monopolies in a similar fashion on “the land is from the nature, why should someone could possess the land, and what is on top of it”

No, it’s not made to promote creation, but to restrict. It’s a restrictive regulation, but somehow needed and not so updated for 2022 needs. Yeah, things like ‘Information wants to be free’ is a colliding reality, between previous generations of owners, new creators and a public willing to find the path of least resistance.

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In-reply-to » FTX-hosted NFTs break after website is redirected to a restructuring page

NFTs + art + money + technology is extremely difficult mix since we are putting together many definitions of art and science. Those not involving money, with another about speculation and opportunism.

Sadly when money is involved, (often) you see the worst parts of humans. But also a huge drive to push things forward, so that’s a weird paradox of progress and innovation.

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In-reply-to » FTX-hosted NFTs break after website is redirected to a restructuring page

@abucci@anthony.buc.ci yeah, that’s something stupid from the first generation of NFTs. Having a certificate that you possess an URL.
It’s slightly different than having possession of a file’s hash.

And as with everything, that’s as useful as the value we give to stuff. Why is a canvas with some paint valuable for us? Because we agree on it, or a group of rich people do. Or just because.

Talking about value, owners, innovators, disruptors, influences, power, value and such its always an interesting thing in this slice of life.

I wrote a bit about that here:

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In-reply-to » FTX-hosted NFTs break after website is redirected to a restructuring page

@abucci@anthony.buc.ci having worked with NFTs for a ‘crypto startup’ and currently preparing a course on Legal aspects for videogames, that’s an appealing topic to discuss.

Disclaimer: I’m open to controversial technologies, sure, taking the collateral damage into consideration. Personal, to my family, to the community and to the humanity.

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I’m trying a dopamine detoxing this week. Mainly for e-devices and social technologies (including chats 😿)
I really need to concentrate on a course I’m giving about ‘Law for creators’
Let’s see how it works…

Does Dopamine Detoxing Actually Work? - Andrew Huberman

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In-reply-to » Are we having a video call this weekend?

@prologic@twtxt.net @darch@neotxt.dk guys, today I’m not feeling well, I woke up at 5 am to take my wife to the airport, and after work I just came to die in bed, well, recovering from the flu and sleep a bit.
Care to try tomorrow? My Saturday night, Sunday morning in Europe 🌅 and an unknown time in AU 😛
I know it’s difficult on Sundays, but Saturday afternoons are my best moment 😅

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