

SameAs: @sorenpeter(www.darch.dk/twtxt.txt)

Recent twts from darch
In-reply-to » Meta Threatens To Pull Facebook and Instagram From Europe If It Can't Target Ads "Facebook is threatening it will simply pull out of Europe altogether if it is no longer able to share data about European users with its U.S. operations, applications, and data centres," reports ITWire.

Best news in a long time

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In-reply-to » Let's be clear, I liked "The Matrix" a lot. I was even able to bare the two following sequels, "The Matrix Reloaded", and "The Matrix Revolutions". While not as good as the first they were… passable, digestible, whatever you want to call it. Now, about "The Matrix Resurrections", do yourself a favour, do not spend any coins on it. Even if you could see it without paying anything extra—like I did, and suffered through it—don't. It will be over 2 hours of your life you will never get back. It is bad. It is sad. Just don't.

I kinda enjoyed it, but yeah it’s lacking all the philosophy from the first ones -
The Critical Drinker does a good there-down (contains spoilers!)

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In-reply-to » To clarify, I was thinking before (and even discussed in TextoPlano but it had no traction) on a public channel where you store messages that anyone can read, but only a person with the private key can decrypt.

Could we turn twtxt on it head, so these encrypted feeds are something that all participant are writing to, more like a IRC channel: 2021-01-31T09:59:00Z <darch> message ?

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In-reply-to » To clarify, I was thinking before (and even discussed in TextoPlano but it had no traction) on a public channel where you store messages that anyone can read, but only a person with the private key can decrypt.

@prologic@twtxt.net @eaplmx@twtxt.net I also like the idea about a separate feed for encrypted messages using the post-as feature maybe, so it’s easier for other clients to no see the noise of salty jibberish

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In-reply-to » And btw @darch ... @ullarah and I have been discussing how we about refactoring and building some new UX around a "Gallery" view that you've wanted for a while. The only reason this is difficult to achieve today is because we lump all uploaded media in once place and don't attribute any user to that media. Once we fix that and refactor that part of the backend we think we can support your use-case. Not sure yet what it'll look like per se, but it'll be possible 👌

@prologic@twtxt.net nice😊 what I have done in Pixelblog is to filter out posts contains any markdown image (![](url)) and render eatch match as its own image, that then links back to the original post See the code for gallery.php

Do you want to have gallery view for all the feeds someone follows or just under eatch user on the profile page?

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In-reply-to » 👉 RFC: Encrypted Feeds and Twt Signatures 👈

@prologic@twtxt.net to be fair I did not read the spec and I hadn’t had my coffee yet😴You are of couse as aways free to build what you like. I just see twtxt/yarn/pixelblog as a way for open broadcasting. Private communication would be better of using separate technology. I just rather see a working search and filtering feature build into yarn or as a separate service than adding features that is in my opinion out of scope for twtxt.

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In-reply-to » @prologic they did it once. Just once, that I remember. If it was done often, it would make it hard to interact. Imagine how far—not!—Linux would have gotten should Linus insisted in conducting all development in Finnish. No good, right?

Ma oskan natuke eesti keelt så jeg forstår også få ord på finsk

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In-reply-to » @prologic they did it once. Just once, that I remember. If it was done often, it would make it hard to interact. Imagine how far—not!—Linux would have gotten should Linus insisted in conducting all development in Finnish. No good, right?

@movq@www.uninformativ.de @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org det er lidt kedeligt at være den eneste dansker i denne garnverden, men håber på en dag af få spedt denne trolddom til mange andre her til lands og i resten af verden og ude i rummet en dag måske.

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In-reply-to » @darch I understand your points, but this is very cheap https://tinykvm.com/, not trying to convince you of anything.

@adi@twtxt.net thx for the link. I might get one for myself if it was not in the US, but way to much stuff that can break and to learn for my friends here in Copenhagen who I’m building this thing for.

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In-reply-to » Ready for clone https://github.com/sorenpeter/pixelblog

@adi@twtxt.net and @prologic@twtxt.net to the question about PHP. My goal is to make something anyone with ftp access can deploy in a hour without having to use a command prompt. SSH access also often comes at a extra fee if available at all. I know PHP is not the most efficient out there compared to go and static site generators like pp, but my target users are not professional programmers like you guys - pixelblog - a twtxt frontend not just for hackers™

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In-reply-to » Ready for clone https://github.com/sorenpeter/pixelblog

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org So to sanitize the files going thought upload.php is something like preg_replace(“/[^a-z0-9\.]/”, “”, strtolower($str)); // from:http://www.touchoftechnology.com/simple-way-to-clean-up-filenames-in-php/ enough or should I use this https://gist.github.com/sumanthkumarc/2de2e2cc06c648a9f52c121501a181df or something completely different?

I relation to checking if the uploaded files is in fact images it is this code from https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asp good?

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In-reply-to » This is my first twt here and, as such, it should be something witty, and memorable. Something I should be able to pass down my children as an NFT. Something unique, warm, conveying. I got it, I think: "hello world". Perfect, that ought to do it!

Someday nfts will be like rubels in the USSR or other runaway inflation

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In-reply-to » Wondering what (non-pod) twtxt clients are being used out there. twtxt doesn't work on modern python versions, txtnish is no longer maintained. I've thinking of becoming a tt user, but it still has so many features missing...

@marado@tilde.pt there is also @jdtron@tilde.team’s twet https://twtxt.net/conv/vqxbvxq
Let us know what you think about them. I have still not really tried any of the terminal clients, would be nice with some reviews and comparisons

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In-reply-to » This twt is from a user you have muted.

Iframes is how you embed content from other sites. It might not be a pure as writing everything in go;) but it’s something anyone can do since you just paste in some code to a html file. It is also used by Vimeo and SoundCloud. But I’m away that there might be some XSS issues. What other option do you have in mind? Something like the Twitter cards just the other way around could do the trick and most big tech sites offer this preview text and image

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In-reply-to » This twt is from a user you have muted.

@prologic@twtxt.net I could but I like to have a site (like algorave.dk/videos) where people can just see my content instead of having to go to youtube. And then you don’t need to upload the video to more platforms. It works fine in my #pixelblog, which it what i’m testing. I should probally include a link and a image as well as a fallback, when posting videos like this in the fututer. Regarding advertising on youtube then ublock origin is taking care of that.

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In-reply-to » @prologic this seems to be missing "like" functionality, which maybe you never intended to implement.

@kayos@twtxt.net I don’t really see the issue with bots that you are suggesting, since twtxt/yarn is purely pull, and not push. So there might be a bunch of twtxt.txt files replying or mentioning you in a lot of post, but unless you actively follow those feeds you will not get the noise.

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In-reply-to » @prologic Yeah, I get that. If it's impractical, it's not a problem. I just hate when people see my nickname as one word, so being able to change it to either "the canine" or "TheCanine" would be cool and I think there are more people, who would also want the chance to capitalize some letters in their nicknames, so if we get capital letters working, there'll be less need for spaces. 🤔

the url for the .txt should be the username and then nick can be whatever

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In-reply-to » Glossary - yarn - Mills

yes I agree we should define Yarn, but what we are building is not that special to the end users, who I images will just be confused about what twt, yarn, thooth etc. are. compare to using familiar words like post and tread. Tread also binds nicly with the yarn as a overall concept :)
For the technical layer, then yes, we should have a vocabulary that can be closer to the “metal”, but not in the UI

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