But I manged to send myself a webmetion using curl -i -d "source=http://algorave.dk&target=http://darch.dk" https://webmention.io/darch.dk/webmention since I got a link on algorave.dk to darch.dk

@prologic@twtxt.net is there a feature flag to add for webmention support or how does it work?
I excepted if I mentioned my feed on darch.dk @sorenpeter@darch.dk then it would send a webmention to that domain, but where is the link on the yarn pod, that confirms the mention?

EDIT: I found this 7 months old issue: #1156 - Webmention: a source doesn’t mention the target - yarn - Mills

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Yarns does not generate a link back to the site that is being mentioned (eg. <a href="http://darch.dk/social">look here</a>) which is needed for validating that it is indeed a real webmention, ant not just spam. Try rereading the specs😉

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It need to be a proper link to the domain. And mention is linking to a profile page on the pod, so it doesn’t validate.

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