Recent twts from tkanos
In-reply-to » Social networks are very dangerous for teenagers. When your teen needs one consider giving him a Flip Phone. And watch all new device connecting to the wifi because the « friends » of the teen will give him, one of their old mobile (that he will hide). it is good solutions. Just the a/ is hard to implement if they have a mobile phone with 5G (solutions exist though). and the point b/ is the most important, a continuous discussion about the dangers.

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Social networks are very dangerous for teenagers. When your teen needs one consider giving him a Flip Phone. And watch all new device connecting to the wifi because the « friends » of the teen will give him, one of their old mobile (that he will hide).

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In-reply-to » Muay Boran Martial Arts Sparring w Small Gloves 7: Strike and Grapple In Muay Boran sparring we can apply both strikes and grappling exchanges. This allows practitioners to get accustomed to using other body weapons aside from just striking. In today's fighting environment, it's important to know how it feels to be taken down and hit on the ground. By becoming familiar with level changes, practitioners learn to deal with pressure in any circumstance and counter accordingly.#martialarts #muayboran #muaythai #warrior #technique #selfdefense #karate #kungfu #kickboxing #martialartstraining #sparring #sweeps #silat #combatsports #mma #howtospar #foryou

it won’t have more, I’m sorry, it is my fault. I wanted to create my own training of Muay Boran, and for that I created a program that transforms a youtube channel in twtxt, with the goal to have an alerting that gives me 4 training videos per weekend, the time was suppose to increment + 1 week at each 4 videos. (so I could read it in my feed, each saturday morning like “don’t forget to train on those videos today”) BUT I messed up the time part.

Sorry again.

PS: Yes still active user (reader).

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you were reading a newspaper and they say, ‘Man Shot in the Face by a Six-Foot Rabbit Expected to
Survive,’ and they never tell you it’s a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
Dave Chapelle

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In-reply-to » @prologic @justamoment Yet another unpronouncable project name, congrats. :-D The content column is way too narrow in my opinion, I basically have to horizontally scroll all diffs. Also the log view could benefit from a much wider view so that commit subjects are not split into several lines. That would help readability. All in all, way too much waste of screen space in my mind, but that might be inherited from legit, I don't know. I wonder how the twtxt part pans out, currently I don't see how that helps and simplifies any workflows. Let's see. Happy hacking! we discussed that here

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Hi I tried to understand the point of @lucidiot, and what he actually doesn’t like is not the extensions on itself (even if he prefers #hashtag instead of # < hashtag url> (that I understand)), because he also uses some extension.

Actually what he doesn’t like, is the fear that you may extend the protocol and once it’s adopted by everybody, make it proprietary and oblige everybody to only uses your platform. (here

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In-reply-to » I hate to be the one that instigates and continues to make true the saying "the few spoil it for the many", but off the back of this thread; I have to ask... You know that haters gonna hate. I don’t see any valuable discussion or thinking from explaining his statement, waiting for that I won’t give much value on a non explaining post.
And above of that which extension didn’t he like :

  • metadata (not specific to yarn) and he also uses
  • subject (sorry not specific to yarn either)
  • Hashtag (not specific to yarn)
  • Hash (ok makes one, and he may not like (I don’t either), but it’s practical)

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In-reply-to » Don’t be jealous:

But for a spare phone, it’s cool. And the coolest thing is that you can run a terminal (and everything that goes with it (currently playing with python3). I think it is more useful like a tablet.

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In-reply-to » Don’t be jealous:

The Phone is cool, you can call, text, take pictures, go to internet thanks to the browser (Morph Browser).
After all Apps integration are crap, there are not really apps, but rather web-apps (just a front page for the web version), so you miss all the integration like receiving notification, cast videos ……

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In-reply-to » I spent a fair amount of my spare time this week diving into some ancient computer science from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s (!!!), specifically Dana Angluin's L* algorithm for learning a finite state machine from an oracle and Rivest & Shapire's followups and extensions. Quite beautiful work in my opinion.

Through the years I read some « old » IT books and they are still good. My favorite one is the Dragon Book by J. Ullman.

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In-reply-to » What do you feel when you listen to something you didn't believe it's true? if you like history you can read the books of Cornelius Tacitus (a Roman historian) and Titus Flavius Josephus (a Roman Jew historian). They talk about history in general and they mention Jesus at some point.

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In-reply-to » I’m unfortunately well aware of that shit. And believe me don’t get your kids to use internet or social media before 18.

Can you block apps that uses cloud like AWS/GC/…. without blocking entirely every site using AWS and GC ?

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In-reply-to » I’m unfortunately well aware of that shit. And believe me don’t get your kids to use internet or social media before 18.

Yep it’s the best as parent we can do for them. What do you use to block, I was using open dns, but there were some things that it cannot block (like apps using cloud AWS/GC/Azure/…)

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In-reply-to » Actually my house burnt to the ground, and my pc was inside, so my PC burnt. The course was a standford course (in their old platform lagunita) by the famous Professor Jeffrey Ullman. But you can find the course (very interesting already read the book many times, before he burnt too :D) in edx :

it’s oki, it was in June, since then, thanks to God, we are better.

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In-reply-to » I found that old Article (2012) : Minority Report is real: FBI wants to use social networks to prevent future crime :

yep that question is more important.

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In-reply-to » I found that old Article (2012) : Minority Report is real: FBI wants to use social networks to prevent future crime :

how far do you think they get since then ? As much as I found the idea cool to find clusters of sociopath (I hope they never had enough training data set), it’s a bit scary based on the book (I mute the first one that talks about the movie instead of the great book : talking about minority report)

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In-reply-to » @prologic I agree with you, we should be discussing ideas openly and transparently. Because it's though discussion that we can get the reality. As @bender says "people spreading things they believe to be right", maybe we are ourselves spreading false claims, without knowing, we can only know by exchanging ideas, and being open. The biggest question is what is "misinformation", I believe the answer change according your beliefs. Many times we have seen what was categorize as "official" misinformation, being actually real.

Genuine question : How comes stupid conspiracist knew it before governments and journalists ?

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In-reply-to » @prologic I agree with you, we should be discussing ideas openly and transparently. Because it's though discussion that we can get the reality. As @bender says "people spreading things they believe to be right", maybe we are ourselves spreading false claims, without knowing, we can only know by exchanging ideas, and being open. The biggest question is what is "misinformation", I believe the answer change according your beliefs. Many times we have seen what was categorize as "official" misinformation, being actually real., Thanks, I should maybe read that magazine so, I like to see a lot of different points of view., I never understood that one, here in Canada they were saying in the beginning that the virus came from chinese eating bats or something like this. Why have not told the truth since the beginning ??

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In-reply-to » i'll only say a couple of things here:

thanks I love data.

For the echo chamber I’m doing a study on it. And for now see the opposite.

Example : Someone that is into flat earth “theory” (for example), thanks to the recommendation algorithm will find more content about it, and liking it, the recommendation loop will show him more and more till the point he is surrounded by that content (that part is already validated), then he will begin to see others “theory” near the “flat earth” cluster. I think that at the end (not yet there) that person will be looking (believing?) that the pope is an alien and he is the one ruling the earth. (at least he will know the truth about aliens :D joking of course)

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In-reply-to » i'll only say a couple of things here:

And each time I talk with people, I assume I am maybe wrong. How could I know that in some subject I may be wrong, if people doesn’t debate with me, but just call for my canceling.
I can do research but :

  • in some cases I may not do research because mostly I don’t care, so I have a wrong view point, and I don’t know.
  • If I do research I may stay in my echo chamber, not even knowing where to search.
  • Maybe some research will indicate me the right direction, but it will be very costly ( a simple debating sentence, may be more indicating)
  • And people have the right to be wrong, people have the right to don’t know everything, people even (if I stay in the law) have the right to be assholes (unfortunately)

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In-reply-to » i'll only say a couple of things here: I mostly agree with you in many points, I will read the points you are talking about. For the echo chamber, I tend to disagree a bit, becasue you may be in an echo chamber without knowing it, thus not being able to go out, if you don’t see people debating in those echo chamber. One of the biggest echo chambers are the social network recommendation system, you may be recommended a lot of view like yours, and without knowing stay in that echo chamber (youtube is great for that, I mean for letting you around what you are comfortable with).

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In-reply-to » i'll only say a couple of things here: most of the people are not extreme, so taking an extreme example to validate a today’s behavior it has no much point. But I will try to answer your question. First if I was in Germany during those times, I hope that I would have been in the good side of history (I hope so because I grew up around jews family), then if it had been the case I think I will have been arrested, and it is when I would have stopped talking (but at least I’m sure I won’t have stopped).

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In-reply-to » Big snow day. I think we're approaching 12" in our neighborhood now. I shoveled our driveway twice already and actually broke out the snowblower to clear part of the street by the curb and our mailboxes. It works great when the snow is powdery, but clogs up fast with wetter snow like we're getting now.

Good luck, where are you ?

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In-reply-to » Advent of Code 2022 started today.

Actually my house burnt to the ground, and my pc was inside, so my PC burnt.
The course was a standford course (in their old platform lagunita) by the famous Professor Jeffrey Ullman. But you can find the course (very interesting already read the book many times, before he burnt too :D) in edx :

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In-reply-to » Advent of Code 2022 started today.

What I loved to do is take some intensive course online, where I had to program hours per day, to achieve the course. unfortunately after 80% (almost 2 month) I had to stop, (no more time), so I never graduated. I wanted to restart (because I had all the code) but my PC burnt and I lost everything.

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In-reply-to » i'll only say a couple of things here:

I still believe that debating is the most peaceful way to deal with disagreement because, the point on debating in social network, is not stopping people from spreading bad ideas. Is to make everybody else that look at the debate think, and not fall on those bad ideas, by hiding the bad ideas, and not debating them, we may push others people to believe in them, and we may push people that already believe in them to stay in an echo chamber and become worse. the problem with that sentence is that if one day two people may disagree, and they may convince themself that the other is spreading hate speech,/disinformation or worse than the other is a nazi, and ask for physical harm.

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