Advent of Code 2022 started today.

Anybody else doing it this year? Although, I shouldn’t ask that question. I really want to do it in Rust this year, and avoid all kinds of competition. 😅 (Competition would drive me to not using Rust, because I’m still not very productive with this language.)

⤋ Read More I tried last year, but it’s complicated for me to program every day on vacations. I’d like more like a weekly challenge or something more relaxed.
That said I learned a lot… So I’ll try this year at least to look at the answers.

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What I loved to do is take some intensive course online, where I had to program hours per day, to achieve the course. unfortunately after 80% (almost 2 month) I had to stop, (no more time), so I never graduated. I wanted to restart (because I had all the code) but my PC burnt and I lost everything.

⤋ Read More damn! I don’t know what to say, I hope it’s only recoverable losses.

Reading your tweet, I remembered a joke from a local comedian. Something like “News by phone”.
It starts with a dead parrot 🦜, you can guess increasing tragedies are told, including a burnt house 🏠.

Sorry, I thought the PC was burnt due to the AoC somehow.

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Oh man 🤦‍♂️ Advent of Code. I’ve done it two years in a row, but this year I just can’t seem to musty up enough energy and “spare time”. New job, blah, something else, blah 😅 Maybe next year and I’ll probably do what you’ve done – My own pace 👌

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