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Recent twts from aelaraji

Iā€™m still alive ! Hereā€™s a quick, brainless recap dump before I switch back to the other side:

  • Been daily driving FreeBSD on the o(ther)ld machine for the last couple of days.
  • Read through the handbook, played around with jails, pulled on my hair because of network issues (I think I might have maybe fixed that) ā€¦ etc.
  • Still procrastinating over migrating my Jenny/Mutt setup out there. until then, Iā€™ll be getting my Twtxt fix reading through conversations over on the āœŒ
  • Gave a couple of Nostr based platforms a try, it was ā€¦ not for me to say the least.
  • Started learning Emacs (I know, Iā€™m in trouble LOL) and might even start twtinā€™ from there instead.

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In-reply-to » ... So it's gonna be either a:

Holly insert inappropriate word here ! šŸ¤£ I have finally done it !!!

FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE (GENERIC) #0 releng/14.0-n265380-f9716eee8ab4: Fri Nov 10 05:57:23 UTC 2023

Welcome to FreeBSD!

% pkg update
The package management tool is not yet installed on your system.
Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]:

A freshly installed #FreeBSD Over SSH, thanks to mfsBSD !

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In-reply-to » What's all of this about? one may ask...

ā€¦ So itā€™s gonna be either a:

  • Find a way to do a Chroot install a la Chad Arch Linux way, on a portion of the disk space while Iā€™m Ssh-ing in and then whip out the old debian installation if all goes well.
  • or a YOLO automated/unattended install.

Either way, Iā€™m ready to deal with the eff up! Because Iā€™ve never done none of that beforeā€¦ šŸ˜‚

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In-reply-to » I've ripped off it's GPU about a year ago to rescue another computer ... Now I'm stuck with only SSH to play with it. Since it came with just a VGA port for display and my monitor takes all but THAT!

Whatā€™s all of this about? one may askā€¦

Well Iā€™ve been itching to toy around with a BSD on actual hardware and away from the comfort of VMs. NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSDā€¦ It doesnā€™t matter. I just want to ā€œMake it feelā€¦ Make it feel alive AGAIN!ā€


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In-reply-to » Planning a file back up from an old machine that's been sitting in the corner gathering dust... Because I know ! I'm about to eff it up, BIIIIG Time ! šŸ˜‚

Iā€™ve ripped off itā€™s GPU about a year ago to rescue another computer ā€¦ Now Iā€™m stuck with only SSH to play with it. Since it came with just a VGA port for display and my monitor takes all but THAT!

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Planning a file back up from an old machine thatā€™s been sitting in the corner gathering dustā€¦ Because I know ! Iā€™m about to eff it up, BIIIIG Time ! šŸ˜‚

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This is a test twt to see if :set formatoptions-=t in vim would stop the annoying line breaking Iā€™ve been having in my twtsā€¦ And I guess, thatā€™s it! Things are looking OK on my end.

How about if I add in a separate paragraph like this one? Did hit return twice for it. I hope it isnā€™t breaking anything else.

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In-reply-to » Do you believe one can survive surfing the web using a text-based web browser? (i.e: Lynx or W3m) no CSS no Bling for at least 24 hours šŸ˜²

Well! My 24 hrs without a GUI Web browser was quite of a nice experience.
As a matter of fact, and as long as Iā€™m not doing any 3D work, I kind of donā€™t need gui applications as much as it feels like.

Even though, a couple of websites asked me to eff off because they need
JavaScript to work. Some others handed me a cold ā€œ402 Upgrade Requiredā€ client
error responseā€¦ (LOL letā€™s not even talk about how Github repos looked
and felt like). I have managed to fix a couple of things Iā€™ve been meaning to
for quite some time but never got, mainly to because of my browsing
habits. I tend to open a lot of tabs, read some, get distracted then
open some more and down the rabbit hole (or shall I say tabs) I go.

All in all, it was quite a nice experience.
How nice? It was an ā€œIā€™m dropping into a full TTY experience for another
24 hrsā€ kind of nice!

Although, I miss using a mouse already, but hey, I would have never
heard about gpm(8) otherwise.

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I have finally decided on creating a properā€¦ (landing page?) home page or whatever it is for my domain name.

It has been the same eye soar of a blank white page for years now.
And this, is when I had something I wanted to toy with in the background,
otherwise, which is most of the time, to be precise, It wasnā€™t pointing at anything at all. šŸ˜…

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In-reply-to » It's kinda quiet in here today! Oh, That sounds delicious! Bā€™Saha![1]
Iā€™m Glad youā€™ve had quite the productive! All I remember of mine is three chapters of an old novel at the coffee shop aaand ā€¦ Now Iā€™m here, in front of a computer. Everything in between is just Blank šŸ˜…

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In-reply-to » @prologic well, I think OP mother tongue isnā€™t English, so certainly not an encoding I might be familiar with. Thank
you! and hereā€™s a twt with the said random characters, since Iā€™ve been
cleaning them up manually, earlier before scp-ing my twtxt.txt file. And
maybe a screenshot of how things look in my editor?


Those new lines are added automatically as I type (except for the ones
after the screenshot.

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Now Iā€™m about to do something that Mayā€¦beā€¦ stupid, Iā€™m no dev but
Iā€™ll try and replace the U+201 in the script with a space and see what
happens ā€¦

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