
Vertex Pusher • Photon Hunter • Render Time Junkie

Recent twts from aelaraji
In-reply-to » I got promoted today to try using Passkeys on Fine 😅 I did that, but I discovered that when you use your Passkey to login, Chrome prompts you for your device's password (i.e: The password you use to login to your macOS Desktop). Is that intentional? Kind of defeats the point no? I mean sure, now there's no Password being transmitted, stored or presented to but still, all an attacker has to do is somehow be on my device and know my login password to my device right? Is that better or worse? 🤔 I’m speculating, but if I had to guess I’d say it’s probably asking for your user password in order to access some user keyring (or whatever your OS uses to manage user secret credentials) used to safely store your passkeys related data in order to do its passkeys /ME doing air quotes Magic™ … you could try with a different password manager to avoid said scenario.

Also, passkeys UX sucks.

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In-reply-to » What would you like the new twtxt logo to be? Comments: Media I can do that as soon as I get back home. Also, just in case you’ve missed it, Choice 1 is actually 4 different variations.

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In-reply-to » Second power outage since this morning! yeeeey 🥳 I'm not mad at all ... not even a little bit. might end up throwing a monitor out tha window for sports, but no, it doesn't mean that I'm mad... Nooooo, we're all Gucci over here 🧟 would it work wit cats instead? there has been a whole flock of them in the neighborhood the last couple of days, one female and a gazillion males taking turns 😅 … at least they’d be good for something other than their non-stop after midnight opera 😂

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Second power outage since this morning! yeeeey 🥳 I’m not mad at all … not even a little bit. might end up throwing a monitor out tha window for sports, but no, it doesn’t mean that I’m mad… Nooooo, we’re all Gucci over here 🧟

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In-reply-to » @prologic Or databag self-hosted on a RaspberryPi you can throw on a corner of your basement (or a small vps if one is willing to pay for threema) and never look back. The hardest part is getting others to at least test anything other than the already mainstream apps. Huh? 🤔 I’m curious to what other features you’d want from a messaging app! Also, you can easily send in a couple of feature requests, the dev is pretty receptive 👌

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In-reply-to » There's a reason I avoid speaking my mind on the internet like the plague. The same reason I'd set up a {B,Ph,Gem}log months ago but never got myself to publish any of the drafts in any of them. Believe me, I’ve yapped on twtxt in the last couple of moths more than I did anywhere else within the past +5 years in all other platforms together. 🤣 Here, is the only place I can be myself which I have all of you to thank for.

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In-reply-to » I would like to drop Onedrive for Proton Drive and WhatsApp for Threema - I just need to convince my whole family to follow me with that. Or databag self-hosted on a RaspberryPi you can throw on a corner of your basement (or a small vps if one is willing to pay for threema) and never look back. The hardest part is getting others to at least test anything other than the already mainstream apps.

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In-reply-to » I have managed to make the fetching of feeds asynchronous. To do this I have set up a small system of task queue. All requests are executed at the same time! 🚀 #twtxtel #emacs Sweeeeet! Just gave it a try, you’ve done a wonderful work 🫡 I wanted to replay from there but couldn’t go past the first page of the feed. It kept freezing on me and complaining about some bad Url (as mentioned on the test twt), so I’ll have to dig through my follow list and see where I effed up this time. 😅

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Here’s a twt from ’s new version of Twtxt-el 🥳 It feels WAaaaaY better! although it freezes on me as soon as I navigate to the next page complaining about some bad url, but the chronological sorting of the feed as well as the navigation buttons (links?) are a great addition. Looking forward to the next update already! 😁 🥳🥳🥳

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There’s a reason I avoid speaking my mind on the internet like the plague. The same reason I’d set up a {B,Ph,Gem}log months ago but never got myself to publish any of the drafts in any of them.

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In-reply-to » I would like to make another proposal to the community, to discuss it calmly: #twtxt I believe is referring to the one on the original twtxt docs . I’ve been meaning to contribute to the discussion on the git but I’m just lazy 😅 amma throw in a little something in a minute Poke a bee hive and run away style 😆

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In-reply-to » ... Still reverse proxying an Nginx web server tho 😅 Skill Issues of course, but that's going away next as soon as I get my php-fpm shi_ together. I’d stumbled upon #FrankenPHP while reading through #Caddy stuff and thought maybe it’s bit overkill for what i need it for but then again, it will be just a “One container in for two out”, that’s win in my book 😆

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In-reply-to » hmmm? 🤔 😆 There was something weird going on with my #Timeline instance, the text input box was visible even though I was logged out and I was able to twt from it … It has to do with cache because it wouldn’t disappear unless I whip my website’s cache from the browser.

Poke and I have no Idea how to reproduce this.

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In-reply-to » Google Begins Requiring JavaScript For Google Search Google says it has begun requiring users to turn on JavaScript, the widely-used programming language to make web pages interactive, in order to use Google Search. From a report: In an email to TechCrunch, a company spokesperson claimed that the change is intended to "better protect" Google Search against malicious activity, such as bots and spam, and to improve the over ... ⌘ Read more Who the F+++ still uses goo’s search engine anyway xD Shout out to all my homies hosting a Searx instance 😂🤘

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In-reply-to » @lyse /Me throws his keyboard off to the side, grabs his camera just in case and runs upstairs screaming "Yeah! Science B_ !"

Two days later Holly Shi_ … I got to see all four at the same time! 😲 Venus and Saturn on one side, Mars a tiny bit bellow the rising Moon on the other side then Jupiter in between but more towards the moon and mars half of the sky. Funny thing is seeing Aldebaran and nearly shitting myself out of excitement thinking it was Uranus 😅🤣

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In-reply-to » @lyse /Me throws his keyboard off to the side, grabs his camera just in case and runs upstairs screaming "Yeah! Science B_ !"

Couldn’t see shi_, but enjoyed observing the moon light slipping trough the fast moving clouds! I’ll take that as a win 👍

/Me came back with a soar neck …

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In-reply-to » Heck yeah, that's really cool! Let's hope for a clear sky: "On the evening of 28 February 2025, all seven of the other planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars all lining up in a neat row – a magnificent sky feast for the eyes known as a great planetary alignment." /Me throws his keyboard off to the side, grabs his camera just in case and runs upstairs screaming “Yeah! Science B_ !”

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In-reply-to » Shit in my life has been spiraling out of control at an unbelievable rate. And just when you think life can't get shittier it dumps an even bigger N° 2 on yO face.

Thanks, I’m trying my best. Also, nice to meet you (and welcome back?), never seen you around before. 🙌

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In-reply-to » taskbook is really neat. i like using its to-do features, i think the note-taking i won't need as i've been using obsidian a lot for that lately but the to-do stuff is really helping me out

ever heard of our lord and savior nb ? 😇

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In-reply-to » I'm still making progress with the Emacs client. I'm proud to say that the code that is responsible for reading the feeds is almost finished, including: Twt Hash Extension, Twt Subject Extension, Multiline Extension and Metadata Extension. I'm fine-tuning some tests and will soon do the first buffer that displays the twts.

That’s pretty awesome @ ! I’ve seen your contributions to twtxt-el and wondering if you’ve been updating the same one or made another from scratch. either way, I can’t wait to give it a try! 🙌 cheers

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In-reply-to » I'm usually comfortable keeping my hardship to myself, most especially AWAY from the internet; an act of kindness of sorts towards others, "Everyone's got their own problems to worry about" kind of thing.. But maaan am I starting to believe creating a twitter account would be a healthy decision 🤣🤦 Read nothin' out there, just a one way echo chamber of sorts to let that shi_ out of my chest. It seem that's what everyone else's been using it for all this time.

Thank you for your kind words 🙏 things will indeed.

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I’m usually comfortable keeping my hardship to myself, most especially AWAY from the internet; an act of kindness of sorts towards others, “Everyone’s got their own problems to worry about” kind of thing.. But maaan am I starting to believe creating a twitter account would be a healthy decision 🤣🤦 Read nothin’ out there, just a one way echo chamber of sorts to let that shi_ out of my chest. It seem that’s what everyone else’s been using it for all this time.

A Bsky would be even better! 😂 I’d get to shi_ post and yap all I want, allll the way from terminal and never ever have to look back at it or whatever comes out of it. But I digress…

I FU_ing despise this … whatever this is. I wish I could just wake up in some sort of parallel universe where everything is just sunshine and rainbows, alas, life would be just as meaningless.

and sorry you had to read this if you did.

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In-reply-to » Any idea What's this "twtxtfeevalidator/0.0.1" UA about? I thought I could ask before throwing a 1000GB file at it 🪤 could it be the same 'xt' thing @lyse was talking about the other day?

hmm… apparently the invalid twts are the latest ones I’d posted from Timeline but highly probably because I’d tried to restore them manually, after unintentionally overriding my twtxt file with one that was out of date 🤦

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In-reply-to » Any idea What's this "twtxtfeevalidator/0.0.1" UA about? I thought I could ask before throwing a 1000GB file at it 🪤 could it be the same 'xt' thing @lyse was talking about the other day? Oh! no need to be sorry and feel free to keep at it if it helps, I don’t mind. It’s just that I’m always on the lookout for corpo-bots and crawlers slipping through the cracks (a fun little game of sorts) 😅 the only thing I let them see is a robots.txt telling them to :diffoff

Also, I’m curious about the invalid lines in my feed. is it something I should lookout for in future?

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Good riddance 2024…
2025, be good or else.

Happy new year Twtxt people. I’m grateful for getting to meet/talk to you all, It certainly was the best thing to have happened to me in this “2024” chapter of my life.

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Had to turn my freeBSD pet computer off in hopes of saving a couple of pennies off of the power bill. 🥲 And having had a blast spending time living in tty earlier this year, I thinking about daily driving the RPi4B for a while and let the main beast hibernate as well 🧘

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In-reply-to » ROFL 🤣 I've found myself a new insult: :diffoff a vim command... it offends someone with a different opinion? 🤣

No, seriously… :diffoff is used to disable vim’s diff mode that’s usually started running vim -d someFile someOtherFile or by having both files on a split window and applying :diffthis on both panes. (just learned this this morning)

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In-reply-to » Hi everybody! I just created this account and I have absolutely no idea if this works... but it does seem promising! It is working! I’ve just noticed your feed link in my access.log and came by to say Hello! 👋 just give it a minute and others will notice your feed as well.

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In-reply-to » hmm any ideas how to fix this case when there is no nick and it on a shared tilde hosting? No I’m not trying to standardize the domains themselves xD I was just hinting at filtering cases where nick is identical to a level of a domain; in order to show shorter format nicks within clients, i.e: or instead of a or Just like what already did with the nick = domain case. (unless I’m missing the point)

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In-reply-to » hmm any ideas how to fix this case when there is no nick and it on a shared tilde hosting? Here are two more cases:

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In-reply-to » GoToSocial snapshot has gained "editing statuses" capabilities (and the ability to see the update trail as well). That was one of the things I wanted to most to be implemented. Actually, that sits at the top of my wish list. Next is push notifications. Le Me is very tempted to spin up my own but not sure my pet computer(/server wannabe) and stone age bandwidth can withstand the Fedi-load 😅

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In-reply-to » One thing I've learned over the many years now (approaching a decade and a half now) about self-hosting is two things; 1) There are many "assholes" on the open Internet that will either attack your stuff or are incompetent and write stupid shit™ that goes crazy on your stuff 2) You have to be careful about resources, especially memory and disk i/o. Especially disk i/o. this can kill your overall performance when you either have written software yourself or use someone else's that can do unconfined/uncontrolled disk i/o causing everything to grind to a halt and even fail. #self-hosted /ME taking notes… 📜✍

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In-reply-to » Thanks @bender for the feedback. I fixed and expanded the article. I'm sorry for my poor interaction. Furthermore, I'm reading and writing while programming a client in Emacs. there’s’s twtxt-el already, I couldn’t use it correctly when I’ve had just discovered it (yes, #emacs skill issues) … but it has been updated since then. I should give it another spin 👌

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In-reply-to » My 400th Twtxt Post will be about you: wishing you, reader of my Twtxt feed, all the best for the coming year and most of all love, health, and that your projects and work may contribute to the greater good of all mankind. I will be taking a social-media break for a couple of weeks to enjoy this special time with my family. I hope you will be able to do this with your family and friends too.

Have fun and see -(or read?)- you soon!

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In-reply-to » As long as you can correctly statically link your binary of course 🤣 I’m scratching my head already trying to figure this one out 🤣 not sure if just mirroring ldd’s output into my image’s content would do, -I’ve Just found about that one by the way.- but I’ll never know until I try.

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In-reply-to » @bender I built my own, a much smaller one with a multi stage build... shouldn't that do the trick? 🤔 Dud! you should see the updated version! 😂 I have just discovered the scratch #container image and decided I wanted to play with it… I’m probably going to end up rebuilding a LOT of images.

~/htwtxt » podman image list htwtxt
REPOSITORY                TAG            IMAGE ID      CREATED             SIZE
localhost/htwtxt          1.0.7-scratch  2d5c6fb7862f  About a minute ago  12 MB
localhost/htwtxt          1.0.5-alpine   13610a37e347  4 weeks ago         20.1 MB
localhost/htwtxt          1.0.7-alpine   2a5c560ee6b7  4 weeks ago         20.1 MB  latest         c0e33b2913c6  8 years ago         778 MB

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In-reply-to » Goodbye Blender, I guess? 🤔 I know, nobody asked 🤡 but, here are a couple of suggestions:

  • If you’re willing to pay for a licence I’d highly recommend plasticity it’s under GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3.
  • Otherwise if you already have experience with CAD/Parametric modeling you could give freeCAD a spin, it’s under GNU Library General Public License, version 2.0, it took them years but have just recently shipped their v1.0 👍
  • or just roll with Autodesk’s Fusion for personal use, if you don’t mind their “Oh! You need to be online to use it” thing.

(Let’s face it, Blender is hard to use.)
I bet you’re talking about blender 2.79 and older! 😂 you are, right? JK

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