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In-reply-to » New post (mostly follow-up on the previous with a few new points) on the twtxt v2 discussion. Thanks for the followup. I agrees with most of it - especially:

Please nobody suggest sticking the content type in more metadata. 🙄

Yes, URL can be considered ugly, but they work and are understandable by both humans and machines. And its trivial for any client to hide the URLs used as reference in replies/treading.

Webfinger can be an add-on to help lookup people, and it can be made independent of the nick by just serving the same json regardless of the nick as people do with static sites and a as I implemented it on (wf endpoint). Try on (wf lookup) or on

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In-reply-to » There we go! Regarding the new way of generating twt-hashes, to me it makes more sense to use tabs as separator instead of spaces, since the you can just copy/past a line directly from a twtxt-file that already go a tab between timestamp and message. But tabs might be hard to “type” when you are in a terminal, since it will activate autocomplete…🤔

Another thing, it seems that you sugget we only use the domain in the hash-creation and not the full path to the twtxt.txt

$ echo -e " 2024-09-29T13:30:00Z Hello World!" | sha256sum - | awk '{ print $1 }' | base64 | head -c 12

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In-reply-to » @anth you wrote: YES James, it should be up to the client to deal with changes like edits and deletions. And putting this load on the clients, location-addressing with make this a lot easier since what is says it: Look in this file at this timestamp, did anything change or went missing? (And then threading will not break;)

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In-reply-to » So really your argument is just that switching to a location-based addressing "just makes sense". Why? Without concrete pros/cons of each approach this isn't really a strong argument I'm afraid. In fact I probably need to just sit down and detail the properties of both approaches and the pros/cons of both.

why can we both have a format that you can write by hand and better clients?

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In-reply-to » And finally the legibility of feeds when viewing them in their raw form are worsened as you go from a Twt Subject of (#abcdefg12345) to something like ( 2024-09-22T07:51:16Z).

(#2024-09-24T12:45:54Z) I’m not really buying this one about readability. It’s easy to recognize that this is a URL and a date, so you skim over it like you would we mentions and markdown links and images. If you are not suppose to read the raw file, then we might a well jam everything into JSON like mastodon

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In-reply-to » There is also a ~5x increase cost in memory utilization for any implementations or implementors that use or wish to use in-memory storage (yarnd does for example) and equally a 5x increase in on-disk storage as well. This is based on the Twt Hash going from a 13 bytes (content-addressing) to 63 bytes (on average for location-based addressing). There is roughly a ~20-150% increase in the size of individual feeds as well that needs to be taken into consideration (on the average case).

(#2024-09-24T12:44:35Z) There is a increase in space/memory for sure. But calculating the hashes also takes up CPU. I’m not good with that kind of math, but it’s a tradeoff either way.

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In-reply-to » So really your argument is just that switching to a location-based addressing "just makes sense". Why? Without concrete pros/cons of each approach this isn't really a strong argument I'm afraid. In fact I probably need to just sit down and detail the properties of both approaches and the pros/cons of both.

(#2024-09-24T12:39:32Z) It might be simple for you to run echo -e "\t\t" | sha256sum | base64, but for people who are not comfortable in a terminal and got their dev env set up, then that is magic, compared to the simplicity of just copy/pasting what you see in a textfile into another textfile – Basically what also said. I’m also on team extreme minimalism, otherwise we could just use mastodon etc. Replacing line-breaks with a tab would also make it easier to handwrite your twtxt. You don’t have to hardwrite it, but at least you should have the option to. Just as i do with all my HTML and CSS.

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In-reply-to » @sorenpeter Points 2 & 3 aren't really applicable here in the discussion of the threading model really I'm afraid. WebMentions is completely orthogonal to the discussion. Further, no-one that uses Twtxt really uses WebMentions, whilst yarnd supports the use of WebMentions, it's very rarely used in practise (if ever) -- In fact I should just drop the feature entirely.

(#2024-09-24T12:34:31Z) WebMentions does would work if we agreed to implement it correctly. I never figured out how yarnd’s WebMentions work, so I decide to make my own, which I’m the only one using…

I had a look at WebSub, witch looks way more complex than WebMentions, and seem to need a lot more overhead. We don’t need near realtime. We just need a way to notify someone that someone they don’t know about mentioned or replied to their post.

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Some more arguments for a local-based treading model over a content-based one:

  1. The format: (#<DATE URL>) or (@<DATE URL>) both makes sense: # as prefix is for a hashtag like we allredy got with the (#twthash) and @ as prefix denotes that this is mention of a specific post in a feed, and not just the feed in general. Using either can make implementation easier, since most clients already got this kind of filtering.

  2. Having something like (#<DATE URL>) will also make mentions via webmetions for twtxt easier to implement, since there is no need for looking up the #twthash. This will also make it possible to make 3th part twt-mentions services.

  3. Supporting twt/webmentions will also increase discoverability as a way to know about both replies and feed mentions from feeds that you don’t follow.

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In-reply-to » I’m still more in favor of (replyto:…). It’s easier to implement and the whole edits-breaking-threads thing resolves itself in a “natural” way without the need to add stuff to the protocol. I cases of these kind of “abuse” of social trust. Then I think people should just delete their replies, unfollow the troll and leave them to shouting in the void. This is a inter-social issue, not a technical issue. Anything can be spoofed. We are not building a banking app, we are just having conversation and if trust are broken then communication breaks down. These edge-cases are all very hypothetical and not something I think we need to solve with technology.

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In-reply-to » Alright, before I go and watch Formula 1 😅, I made two PRs regarding the two “competing” ideas:

Been thinking about it for the last couple of days and I would say we can make do with the shorter (#<DATETIME URL>)since it mirrors the twt-mention syntax and simply points to the OP as the topic identified by the time of posting it. Do we really need and (edit:...)and (delete:...) also?

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In-reply-to » Something odd just happened to my twtxt timeline... A bunch of twts dissapered, others were marked to be deleted in mutt. so I nuked my whole twtxt Maildir and deleted my ~/.cache/jenny in order to start with a fresh Pull. I pulled feed as usual. Now like HALF the twts aren't there 😂 even my my last replay. WTF IS GOING ON? 🤣🤣🤣

no my fault your client can’t handle a little editing ;)

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In-reply-to » The tag URI scheme looks interesting. I like that it human read- and writable. And since we already got the timestamp in the twtxt.txt it would be somewhat trivial to parse. But there are still the issue with what the name/id should be... Maybe it doesn't have to bee that stick? Thanks for the feedback.

  1. Yeah I agrees that nick sound not be part of syntax. Any valid URL to a twtxt.txt-file should be enough and is more clear, so it is not confused with a email (one of the the issues with webfinger and fedivese handles)
  2. I think any valid URL would work, since we are not bound to look for exact matches. Accepting both http and https as well as a gemni and gophe could all work as long as the path to the twtxt.txt is the same.
  3. My idea is that you quote the timestamp as it is in the original twtxt.txt that you are referring to, so you can do it by simply copy/pasting. Also what are the change that the same human will make two different posts within the same second?!

Regarding the whole cryptographic keys for identity, to me it seems like an unnecessary layer of complexity. If you move to a new house or city you tell people that you moved - you can do the same in a twtxt.txt. Just post something like “I move to this new URL, please follow me there!” I did that with my feeds at least twice, and you guys still seem to read my posts:)

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In-reply-to » @prologic Some criticisms and a possible alternative direction:

The tag URI scheme looks interesting. I like that it human read- and writable. And since we already got the timestamp in the twtxt.txt it would be somewhat trivial to parse. But there are still the issue with what the name/id should be… Maybe it doesn’t have to bee that stick?

Instead of using tag: as the prefix/protocol, it would more it clear what we are talking about by using in-reply-to: ( or replyto: similar to mailto:

  1. (,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)
  2. (,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)
  3. (replyto:,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)

I know it’s longer that 7-11 characters, but it’s self-explaining when looking at the twtxt.txt in the raw, and the cases above can all be caught with this regex: \([\w-]*reply[\w-]*\:

Is this something that would work?

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In-reply-to » @sorenpeter !! I freaking love your Timeline ... I kind of have an justified PHP phobia 😅 but, I'm definitely thinking about giving it a try!

Thank you, I’m glad you like it. I use PHP because it’s everywhere on cheap hosting and no need for the user to log into a terminal to setup it up. Timeline is not mean to be use locally. For that I think something like twtxt2html is a better fit. (and happy to see you using simple.css on you new log page;)

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In-reply-to » @falsifian In my opinion it was a mistake that we defined the first url field in the feed to define the URL for hashing. It should have been the last encountered one. Then, assuming append-style feeds, you could override the old URL with a new one from a certain point on:

I was not suggesting to that everyone need to setup a working webfinger endpoint, but that we take the format of nick+(sub)domain as base for generating the hashed together with the message date and content.

If we omit the protocol prefix from the way we do things now will that not solve most of the problems? In the case of gemini:// they also have a working twtxt.txt at … damn I just notice the gemini. subdomain.

Okay what about defining a prefers protocol as part of the hash schema? so 1: https , 2: http 3: gemini 4: gopher ?

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In-reply-to » @falsifian In my opinion it was a mistake that we defined the first url field in the feed to define the URL for hashing. It should have been the last encountered one. Then, assuming append-style feeds, you could override the old URL with a new one from a certain point on:

how little data is needed for generating the hashes? Instead of the full URL, can we makedo with just the domain ( so we avoid the conflicts with gemini://, https:// and only http:// (like in my own twtxt.txt) or construct something like like a webfinger id nick@domain (also used by mastodon etc.) from the domain and nick if there, else use domain as nick as well

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In-reply-to » I've been thinking about a new term I've come across whilst reading a book. It's called "Complexity Budget" and I think it has relevant in lots of difficult fields. I specifically think it has a lot of relevant in the Software Industry and organizations in this field. When doing further research on this concept, I was only able find talks on complexity budget in the context of medical care, especially phychiratistic care. In this talk it was describe as, complexity:

This reminds me of this video: The Biggest Gap in Science: Complexity
However you might end up with more questions (complexity?) than answers (simplicity?)

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In-reply-to » Can anyone recommend and/or vouch for a Chrome/browser extension that lets me write rewrite rules for arbitrary links on a page? e.g: s/(www\.)?\/watch?v=([^?]+)/\1 for example? 🤔

Have not tried any of them, but some of these seem to fit the bill:

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In-reply-to » What's that thing called when everyone on a social media platform (hardly matters which one) all post the same sort of thing. It all sounds oh so wonderful, or all so dramatic, everyone claps and cheers and thumbs up or whatever. What's that thing called? There's a term for it hmmm 🧐

echo chambers?

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In-reply-to » @Prologic can you pleas fix this line in your twtxt.txt: # follow =

I fixed it by adding (?<!\S) to the regex filter. But what is going on with the ?nick=dbucklin anyhow?

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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) the difference is that these other servers does not post several times a day with content that are not informative/interesting to people outside your academic context, which can be perceived as noise.

What have done is what I would call curation of the service he offers to the world for free (as in beer). It’s no one right to have their posts syndicated to the frontpage of, it’s simply a gift he gives to the world and he is free (as in speak) to wrap is anyway he sees fit. I hope you stay around 🌞

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In-reply-to » @bendwr and I discussing something along the lines of: Media I.e: How to deal with or reduce noise from legacy feeds.

The wording can be more subtle like “This feed have not seen much activity within the last year” and maybe adding a UI like I did in timeline showing time ago for all feeds


I agree that it good to clean up the Mastodon re-feeds, but it should also be okay for anyone to spin up a twtxt.txt just for syndicating they stuff from blog or what ever.

The “not receiving replies” could partly be fixed by implementing a working webmentions for twtxt.txt

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In-reply-to » I've gathers my ideas about mentions for twtxt/yarn here: Webmentions vs. custom mentions spec for twtxt/yarn - HedgeDoc You are welcome to edit and comment in the doc, so our ideas are not fragment into a bunch of treads you can over at or by looking at the raw txt
I can’t help it that only have temporary caching ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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