
"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

Recent twts from prologic
In-reply-to » Okay, the recently implemented --fetch-context, which asks a Yarn pod for a twt, wouldn’t break, but jenny would not be able anymore to verify that it actually got the correct twt. That’s a concrete example where we would lose functionality. Hmmm not sure what I was thinking sorry 🤦‍♂️been a long day 😂

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In-reply-to » @prologic I get where you're coming from. But is it really that bad in practice? If you follow any link somewhere in the web, you also don't know if its contents has been changed in the meantime. Is that a problem? Almost never in my experience. No that’s never a problem because we really only want to “navigate” the web anyway not form threads of xonversation 🤣

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In-reply-to » Okay, the recently implemented --fetch-context, which asks a Yarn pod for a twt, wouldn’t break, but jenny would not be able anymore to verify that it actually got the correct twt. That’s a concrete example where we would lose functionality. this approach also wouldn’t work and when that Feed gets archived so you’ll be forced to crawl archived feeds at that point.

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In-reply-to » Trying to sum up the current proposal (keeping hashes):

The important bits missing from this summary (devil is in the details) are two requirements:

  • Clients should order Twts by their timestamp.
  • Clients must validate all edit and delete requests that the hash being indicated belongs to and came from that feed.
  • Client should honour delete requests and delete Twts from their cache/archive.

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In-reply-to » For implementations, it would be nice if “update twts” always came after the twt they are referring to. So I thought about using this opportunity to mandate append-style feeds. But that’s just me being lazy. Implementations will have to be able to cope with any order, because feeds cannot/should not be trusted. 🫤 I think the order of the lines in a feed don’t matter as long as we can guarantee the order of Twts. Clients should already be ordering by Timestamp anyway.

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In-reply-to » Another thing: At the moment, anyone could claim that some feed contained a certain message which was then removed again by just creating the hash over the fake message in said feed and invented timestamp themselves. Nobody can ever verify that this was never the case in the first place and completely made up. So, our twt hashes have to be taken with a grain of salt. Sorry could you explain this sifferently?

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In-reply-to » Can someone much smarter than me help me figure out a couple of newly discovered deadlocks in yarnd that I think have always been there, but only recently uncovered by the Go 1.23 compiler.

nevermind; I think this might be some changes internally in Go 1.23 and a dependency I needed to update 🤞

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In-reply-to » no my fault your client can't handle a little editing ;)

Location Addressing is fine in smaller or single systems. But when you’re talking about large decentralised systems with no single point of control (kind of the point) things like independable variable integrity become quite important.

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In-reply-to » no my fault your client can't handle a little editing ;)

What is being proposed as a counter to content-addressing is called location-addressing. Two very different approaches, both with pros/cons of course. But a local cannot be verified, the content cannot be be guaranteed to be authenticate in any way, you just have to implicitly trust that the location points to the right thing.

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In-reply-to » no my fault your client can't handle a little editing ;)

For example, without content-addressing, you’d never have been able to find let alone pull up that ~3yr old Twt of me (my very first), hell I’d even though I lost my first feed file or it became corrupted or something 🤣 – If that were the case, it would actually be possible to reconstruct the feed and verify every single Twt against the caches of all of you 🤣

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Speaking of AI tech (sorry!); Just came across this really cool tool built by some engineers at Google™ (currently completely free to use without any signup) called NotebookLM 👌 Looks really good for summarizing and talking to document 📃

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In-reply-to » Getting a little sick of AI this, AI that. Yes I'll be left behind while everyone else jumps on the latest thing, but I'm not sure I care. Yeah I’m looking forward to that myself 🤣 It’ll be great to see where technology grow to a level of maturity and efficiency where you can run the tools on your own PC or Device and use it for what, so far, I’ve found it to be somewhat decent at; Auto-Complete, Search and Q&A.

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In-reply-to » no my fault your client can't handle a little editing ;) I really don’t think we can ignore the last ~3 years and a bit of this threading model working quite well for us as a community across a very diverse set of clients and platforms. We cannot just drop something that “mostly works just fine” for the sake of “simplicity”. We have to weight up all the options. There are very real benefits to using content addressing here that really IMO shouldn’t be disregarded so lightly that actually provide a lot of implicit value that users of various clients just don’t get to see. I’d recommend reading up on the ideas behind content addressing before simply dismissing the Twt Hash spec entirely, it wasn’t even written or formalised by me, but I understand how it works quite well 😅 The guy that wrote the spec was (is?) way smarter than I was back then, probably still is now 🤣

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In-reply-to » @movq going a little sideways on this, "*If twtxt/Yarn was to grow bigger, then this would become a concern again. But even Mastodon allows editing, so how much of a problem can it really be? 😅*", wouldn't it preparing for a potential (even if very, very, veeeeery remote) growth be a good thing? Mastodon signs all messages, keeps a history of edits, and it doesn't break threads. It isn't a problem there.😉 It is here.

@xuu I don’t think this is a lextwt problem tbh. Just the Markdown aprser that yarnd currently uses. twtxt2html uses Goldmark and appears to behave better 🤣

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In-reply-to » An alternate idea for supporting (properly) Twt Edits is to denoate as such and extend the meaning of a Twt Subject (which would need to be called something better?); For example, let's say I produced the following Twt:

@xuu Long while back, I experimented with using similarity algorithms to detect if two Twts were similar enough to be considered an “Edit”.

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In-reply-to » Current Twt Hash spec and probability of hash collision:

Right I see what you mean @xuu – Can you maybe come up with a fully fleshed out proposal for this? 🤔 This will help solve the problem of hash collision that result from the Twt/hash space growing larger over time without us having to change anything about the way we construct hashes in the first place. We just assume spec compliant clients will just dynamically handle this as the space grows.

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In-reply-to » @prologic the basic idea was to stem the hash.. so you have a hash abcdef0123456789... any sub string of that hash after the first 6 will match. so abcdef, abcdef012, abcdef0123456 all match the same. on the case of a collision i think we decided on matching the newest since we archive off older threads anyway. the third rule was about growing the minimum hash size after some threshold of collisions were detected.

@xuu I think we never progressed this idea further because we weren’t sure how to tell if a hash collision would occur in the first place right? In other words, how does Client A know to expand a hash vs. Client B in a 100% decentralised way? 🤔

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In-reply-to » Getting a little sick of AI this, AI that. Yes I'll be left behind while everyone else jumps on the latest thing, but I'm not sure I care.

Plus these so-called “LLM”(s) have a pretty good grasp of the “shape” of language, so they appear to be quite intelligent or produce intelligible response (when they’re actually quite stupid really).

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In-reply-to » Getting a little sick of AI this, AI that. Yes I'll be left behind while everyone else jumps on the latest thing, but I'm not sure I care. You don’t get left behind at all 🤣 It’s hyped up so much, it’s not even funny anymore. Basically at this point (so far at least) I’ve concluded that all this GenAI / LLM stuff is just a fancy auto-complete and indexing + search reinvented 🤣

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In-reply-to » @movq going a little sideways on this, "*If twtxt/Yarn was to grow bigger, then this would become a concern again. But even Mastodon allows editing, so how much of a problem can it really be? 😅*", wouldn't it preparing for a potential (even if very, very, veeeeery remote) growth be a good thing? Mastodon signs all messages, keeps a history of edits, and it doesn't break threads. It isn't a problem there.😉 It is here. This is the different Markdown parsers being used. Goldmark vs. gomarkdown. We need to switch to Goldmark 😅

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In-reply-to » @movq going a little sideways on this, "*If twtxt/Yarn was to grow bigger, then this would become a concern again. But even Mastodon allows editing, so how much of a problem can it really be? 😅*", wouldn't it preparing for a potential (even if very, very, veeeeery remote) growth be a good thing? Mastodon signs all messages, keeps a history of edits, and it doesn't break threads. It isn't a problem there.😉 It is here. i’m guessing the quotas text should’ve been emphasized?

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In-reply-to » LinkedIn Is Training AI on User Data Before Updating Its Terms of Service An anonymous reader shares a report: LinkedIn is using its users' data for improving the social network's generative AI products, but has not yet updated its terms of service to reflect this data processing, according to posts from various LinkedIn users and a statement from the company to 404 Media. Instead, the company says it ... ⌘ Read more NahahahahHa 🤣 So glad I don’t use LinkedIn 🤦‍♂️

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In-reply-to » An alternate idea for supporting (properly) Twt Edits is to denoate as such and extend the meaning of a Twt Subject (which would need to be called something better?); For example, let's say I produced the following Twt:

@xuu you mean my original idea of basically just automatically detecting Twt edits from the client side?

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In-reply-to » So.. basically a rehash of the email "unsend" requests? What if i was to make a (delete: 5vbi2ea) .. would it delete someone elses twt?

@xuu this is where you would need to prove that the editor delete request actually came from that feed author. Hence why integrity is much more important here.

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In-reply-to » @prologic I wouldn't want my client to honour delete requests. I like my computer's memory to be better than mine, not worse, so it would bug me if I remember seeing something and my computer can't find it. without supporting dudes properly though you’re running into GDP issues and the right to forget. 🤣 we’ve had pretty lengthy discussions about this in the past years ago as well, but we never came to a conclusion. We’re all happy with.

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