First #FridayReads of #MarchMysteryMadness #2025 with Stephen Chance’s “Septimus and the Minster Ghost” - the second in the series - in a Faber Finds edition.
Palavras de Francisco Ferreira na mais recente newsletter da #ZERO :
“Há poucas semanas, esta nova Comissão (apesar da mesma Presidente Ursula von der Leyen), apresentou o chamado pacote legislativo “omnibus”. […]
A proposta #Omnibus pretende alterar três pilares fundamentais do Pacto Ecológico Europeu - a Diretiva de Dever de Diligência das Empresas em Sustentabilidade (#CSDDD), a Diretiva de Comunicação de Informações de Sustentabilidade das Empresas (#CSRD) e o Regulamento de Taxonomia. Tal pode comprometer os objetivos climáticos e sociais da União Europeia. O argumento da simplificação regulatória, usado pela Comissão Europeia, vai, na prática, resultar no enfraquecimento de regras fundamentais que garantem transparência empresarial, redução de emissões e proteção dos direitos humanos nas cadeias de fornecimento globais. Além disso, essa revisão legislativa ameaça as empresas que já investiram na transição sustentável, favorecendo aquelas que ainda não se adaptaram às exigências ambientais e sociais.
Quando a Europa deveria ser um farol à escala mundial, num mundo ameaçado por enormes crises ambientais, estamos afinal a retroceder em áreas fundamentais para o futuro.”
Para a #musiquinta de #carnaval uma foto mas sem link, que não encontro estas músicas online.
“Gande Carnaval de Verão 1974” é um disco de Carnaval em que as letras foram alteradas para promover a #Tupperware :-P
Já se percebeu que o CDS quer voltar a ir a votos coligado com o PSD, em Maio, mas a grande questão política do momento agora é: será que o PPM continua a querer apoiar Montenegro?
Demorou demasiado, mas a próxima versão do yt-dlp
vai voltar a suportar a RTP! Quer isto dizer que já podem facilmente aceder aos conteúdos diferidos da RTP, bastando para isso usar o yt-dlp. Enquanto a nova versão (com esta e outras alterações) não sai, podem já usá-lo através da versão git, disponível em .
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 09
I’ve written before about the use of US cloud services within EU and how that goes against the GDPR, even with all the attempts to create exceptions. The latest exception was being challenged, but hinged on a few things that the new US administration is tearing down.
EuroActiv has a nice new article about all of this:
The most important thing there, for me, is at the end:
“if the EU executive does scrap the deal, it will undoubtedly be seen as a political move against Washington. Better to say and do nothing in the meantime, seems to be the policy.
But silence can’t last forever.
On 5 February, 19 MEPs from across the political spectrum called on the Commission to address the question of whether the DPF is still viable. The Commission has until 19 March to respond in writing.
On 6 February, the chair of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee wrote to Commissioner McGrath asking whether the DPF still meets the essential equivalence requirement established by the ECJ after the PCLOB shootings and whether this affects the validity of the DPF.
Schrems told Euractiv that the Commission’s silence could leave companies in the legal limbo of an invalidated DPF.
“My biggest worry… is that there is no fucking contingency plan,” he said.”
It has been interesting to see so many reflecting at the same time about the current state and the possible future of web browsers - even if it was fired up by some bad news from @mozillaofficial@mozillaofficial.
Still, it is important to acknowledge what is and has been going on - how a web browser currently became a lot more than just a piece of software implementing a number of open standards, how they are all basically based over one of two existing browser agents (Gecko and Webkit) with the emergence of two upcoming ones (Servo and LibWeb); the difficulties of creating or maintaining a new web browser, or how dependent are all firefox forks (or older, harder derivatives like SeaMonkey) of Mozilla (both Firefox and Gecko).
I’m not trying to get to any point with this text, but rather to highlight that now is the time to have a few conversations around open standards, and in particular web standards. And as it happens, the “annual day” to have discussions of that sort is around the corner: @dff@dff’s Document Freedom Day 2025 is already in the 26th of this month. So why aren’t there more events on the map? How is your community, user group, etc. going to mark and celebrate this day?
Organize something, and put it on the events map, right this way:
Nice try: focus on the particulars, ignore the big issue.
@mozillaofficial@mozillaofficial reacted once more to the outcry regarding the introduction of Terms of Use to #Firefox. Instead of addressing the fact that neither Firefox needs or it is desirable to its users that it has Terms of Use, thet propose to make changes to the terms, clarifying things.
Their changes are meaningless: even if you were only focused on the fact that their Terms were bad, well - they still are. But with this announcement also comes a clear “justification” for it all:
“In order to make Firefox commercially viable, there are a number of places where we collect and share some data with our partners”
This is what you do NOT want your web browser to do, but now apparently Mozilla is in the data broker business and the browser is their means towards that data (in order to be commercially viable, no less). They are not going to move away from this - but in doing so they’re definitively moving away from the software freedom community.
It’s a shame but we’ll survive, we always do. For now, firefox forks will see their user numbers grow. If Mozilla will be able to survive a shift like this, that’s another question entirely. I am nowadays inclined to hope they won’t.
I don’t often read in digital format, but I wanted to try the new Portuguese digital library #biblioled, so I went for something quick and light. Apparently, I enjoyed #Heartstopper vol. 1 well enough, since I decided to borrow volume 2 too…
Habemus datas! #extramuralhas
So, #Mozilla wrote something up to “explain” their #Firefox move. Read it in full here:
TLDR? It’s bull. Let’s dive in?
They focus basically in saying three things:
- Mozilla needs a license to your data to do things like sending your words to a search engine;
- there’s #AI stuff that needs ToS and Priv. Policy;
- the acceptable use policy was already in place at Mozilla for the website, etc..
Why bull?
- if what I type on Firefox (the browser) was sent to Mozilla so they could send it to the search engine, then they’d need access to it. It’s not how a browser works or how a privacy-caring browser should ever work. Since what goes on between my Firefox textfields and the browsers I submit to is between us and then, Mozilla should have nothing to do with that data, with or without license.
- They talk about two kinds of AI: AI services you can access to from Firefox, and AI offline and private abilities within Firefox. For the first, each of those services - if we choose to use them - can and should have their own ToS (distinct from Firefox or any other software used to reach them). AI services running locally should never share anything with anyone, so there’s no licenses Mozilla should get.
- Keep your website’s ToS to your website, I don’t need it on Firefox - and Mozilla neither.
Este tema da #musiquinta não é bem a minha onda, mas acho que esta música serve quanto baste (pelo menos dançada à minha moda):
DVAR - Bedrii Wedrii
The “official conversation” is happening here:
There they tell users that “You stay in control”. Unfortunately, their new Terms of Use say that:
“Every once in a while, Mozilla may decide to update these Terms. We will post the updated Terms online. We will take your continued use of Firefox as acceptance of such changes.”
No matter how common this has become over the past years, this is quite unacceptable, and Firefox users deserve better from Mozilla. The fact that they can unilaterally change the terms and users are automatically bound to them (as soon as they use the browser again - even if they’re using it to open the document where they can see the date on the terms!) is not a fair agreement - and works against the claim that “You stay in control”.
@mozillaofficial@mozillaofficial in the meantime updated their news item to add this “explanation” regarding one of the items within the terms that has been criticized:
“We need a license to allow us to make some of the basic functionality of Firefox possible. Without it, we couldn’t use information typed into Firefox, for example.”
In the explanation, they don’t tell us -what- is that “some basic functionality” they refer to, or why would Mozilla need to use information typed into Firefox, for example.
@mozillaofficial@mozillaofficial decided to add “Terms of Use” to #Firefox.
If you just asked “WTF?”, welcome to the club.
Of course, this doesn’t make sense, it couldn’t be just like that… so I went on and read the terms. The trick is specifically on this bit:
“These Terms only apply to the Executable Code version of Firefox, not the Firefox source code.”
So sure, Firefox is still the Free Software codebase you were used to, only now if you want to use not the code but Mozilla’s distributed binaries, you’ll do so while also agreeing to some Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
The trick is, of course, to not use their binaries. In practice, things are a bit trickier. Ubuntu, for instance, was more than happy to ditch their self-compiled Firefox packages and use Mozilla-provided snaps instead.
But trickier or not… well, Mozilla has just made an unhappy user base unhappier - and I hope they reap what they are sowing.
“So old, but so old, that not even the Internet knows what it is!”
Dear Internet, can you prove them wrong and tell me what “Heller” from this tin box used to be?
“Today” is too late.
I know, the great is enemy of the good, we all have Things To Do ™, and that’s not your core business.
I’ve heard it all, and I know: there is a million reasons not to do something, specially if it doesn’t affect you particularly. That’s why we (still?) have buildings with stairs but no ramps, digital systems without backups… or infrastructure running on proprietary third-parties.
I know, I’ve heard it all. You’d love to, but you really don’t have an alternative to google docs yet, zoom can’t be that bad anyway since everyone seems to use it, and here’s our form you have to fill in - hosted by Qualtrics. Between the “you don’t care because it isn’t a problem to you” and the “I get you, I really do, but I don’t have the means to switch”, we both know that your parents group will either remain on WhatsApp or move away from it “soon”.
The problem is, it is already too late. What if there’s someone needing their union, but the conversation happens over slack?
I know, change is hard. But it is also needed.
Fiz uma pesquisa sobre o SNS, dei com uma coisa escrita pela DGS… no Facebook. Li, mas também vi as dezenas de comentários. Todos(!) eles eram comentários de desinformação (antivax), ainda que hovessem dois ou três “comentários de comentários” a tentar por algum juízo naquilo.
#15yrsago I cancelled my #SellABand subscription.
TLDR: Enel wanted to use Android Auto in a way there was no API for, today EU’s Justice Court said Google is using an abusive dominant position on Android Auto. Enel’s issue was solved in the meantime (Google created an API), but the court’s decision is still useful: it said “A refusal by an undertaking in a dominant position to ensure that its platform is interoperable with an app of another undertaking, which thereby becomes more attractive, can be abusive”. Now, it is time for someone (hint!) to try to use a 3rd party Operating System with their Android Auto car, and sue if there are no APIs to make it happen. I can see the interest of folks like @e_mydata or @ubports in being able to connect their OS and devices to cars…
2025 e no último dia dum prazo das finanças site borrega, outra vez.
February 2025, and Europe is still playing this game:
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 08
Ainda o sismo de Lisboa:
Today was the day.
If you’re “late to the game” regarding the #OSAID #OpenSource #AI definition from @osi@osi and what is the criticism to it all about, this blog post from @sj@sj, while specifically directed to @mozillaofficial@mozillaofficial, has a good enough amount of linkdump to be clarifying:
#musiquinta sobre “cachorro”, a música que tinha em mente acho que já aqui a divulguei numa outra musiquinta, e em vez disso deixo-vos aqui uma música para chorar:
Ashram - Lucky’s Song (My Dog)
Mostra de Fanzines
17 de Maio de 2025, 15h às 23:59h
Grupo Recreativo de Santo António (Paio Pires) / CoopA
- lançamento do CoopAzine n° 4
- concerto por TRAS TE
- workshop de BD, para crianças, por PEPEDELRAY
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 07
A #FluConf retrospective article is out, and interesting reading. If you just want a TLDR:
“if you appreciated FluConf you might consider donating to BigBlueButton, or FFmpeg, the Internet Archive, or one of countless other bit of critical infrastructure”
“I’d like to be able to post the call for proposals for FluConf2026 no later than early October”
“This first edition was scheduled to coincide with FOSDEM, but I think that point’s been made, and future editions could probably stand on their own merit at another time of year if there was some clear benefit.”
“If you’re interested in helping with anything like that, or if you have other ideas to share, then please do reach out via the Fediverse or the FluConf IRC channel”
The full article:
It’s #2025 and we’re still discussing #gas reserves instead of talking about #BanFossilFuels …
This year for #ilovefs I also want to thank @lenovous@lenovous for selling Laptops with GNU/Linux in Portugal!
I’ve learned that I can live without @kde@kde but I’m not able to live without #konsole, so… my first ❤️ of this year’s #ilovefs goes to the lovely Konsole and specially The Konsole Developers!
#Clima: “A UE ateou o fogo e não pode esperar que outros países sejam os bombeiros”
(WWF quer mais da UE)
“As falhas que a UE tem vindo a cometer, alegam os autores do relatório, prejudicam os esforços de descarbonização e, denunciam ainda, incluem “subsídios aos combustíveis fósseis, licenças gratuitas para poluir para a indústria pesada ao abrigo do regime comunitário de comércio de licenças de emissão, a isenção de impostos para a aviação comercial[…]”.”
“O aquecimento a curto prazo (anual) não equivale a uma violação permanente do objectivo do Acordo de Paris de 1,5 graus Celsius, mas esta violação a longo prazo pode ocorrer em breve: segundo o Copérnico [programa europeu de monitorização do clima e atmosfera], se a tendência de aquecimento de 30 anos até Dezembro de 2020 se mantivesse, o aquecimento global atingiria uma média a longo prazo de 1,5 graus Celsius em Janeiro de 2034”, destaca o relatório do WWF. E isso trará consequências dramáticas impossíveis de ignorar.”
“Entretanto, na segunda-feira, terminou o prazo oficial para os países entregarem às Nações Unidas os seus planos de redução de emissões de gases com efeito de estufa até 2035. Cerca de 95% dos países não cumpriram a sua obrigação — entre os quais a União Europeia (Portugal incluído, claro).”
Quando se fala em música brasileira, há sempre um certo tipo de música que nos vem à cabeça (pelo menos a mim)… E portanto, quando foi anunciado que o tema desta #musiquinta era “música brasileira”, eu decidi… escolher música brasileira de um outro género :-)
Aqui fica o pouquíssimo conhecido projecto Brasileiro “dshock”, com a música “I Want a Pizza Party”:
WTF, EU? You do know that when Trump says “jump” the right answer isn’t “how high”, right?
E tu, já tens planos para 6ª à noite?
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 06
#Europe has been for too long mandating the use of closed #standards, and in 2018 there was an attempt to get them #open by demanding free access to them using #FOIA.
The @EUCommission@EUCommission said “no”, those asking for them sued, then appealed, and in the now called “ @carlmalamud@carlmalamud judgement” the comission was told to grant access.
Who didn’t like this? Standards bodies - entities that should be working for a goal and the common good, but instead see their work as a business. In December, #ISO and #IEC sued. Let’s see how this evolves…
A better and less summarized description here:
Meanwhile, in the French senate:
“Mrs. Catherine Morin-Desailly . - We need an industrial surge if we do not want France and the European Union to be crushed in the Homeric war between the Americans and the Chinese. The Horizon 2030 plan, which is failing, must be accompanied by strategic European funding, combining research and development in an open source logic , and an assumed doctrine of public procurement to strengthen our sovereignty. Our data is strategic, it is not negotiable for gas!
Let’s have a proactive speech at the Paris summit. Nothing would be worse than rolling out the red carpet for Musk, Zuckerberg and their cronies. (Applause from the benches of the UC , RDS E, SER groups and from several benches of the GEST ; Mr. Pierre Ouzoulias also applauds . )”
Make #Europe #AntiFascist Again
Revista Ebulição
#Revista #Português #CriseClimática
250.000 scrobbles!
How does my current, cumulative digital listening stats compare with the first ten years of it?
Well, Mindless Self Indulgence got more plays than +ko+ko+, Sieben got into my top 10 bands (Empyrium falling into 11th place).
In sum: almost nothing changed, the only “surprise” is Sieben getting more plays these last few years (there was a time it wasn’t even part of my Top 15).
Feel free to geek out around what I scrobble at
Lei de Bases do #Clima: #ZERO alerta para atrasos críticos
A ZERO assinala o terceiro aniversário da Lei de Bases do Clima, lamentando atrasos na sua aplicação. Medidas essenciais, como planos de mitigação e a constituição do Conselho de Ação Climática, continuam por concretizar. Apesar de pequenos avanços na Assembleia da República, a ZERO apela à urgente implementação das disposições da lei para garantir uma ação climática eficaz e credível.
Eu juro que a minha fase #ManOwaR já passou há décadas, mas pela segunda vez numa #musiquinta sou tentado a escolher a “Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in Eight Parts” deles, desta vez para o tema #história, porque realmente esta música conta a história de… bem, o título diz, e se querem melhor explicação ouçam ;-)
Artigo com trinta anos, podia ter sido escrito hoje…
#Portugal #Mortalidade :
Duas mil mortes acima do esperado em janeiro
TLDR: vacinem-se 💉 , usem máscara 😷
Gostavas de ler os números passados do #CoopAzine ?
Aqui estão eles, gratuitamente em formato digital:
CoopAzine Nº 1 (NOV2016)
CoopAzine Nº 2 (DEZ2017)
CoopAzine Nº 3 (OUT2019)
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 05
suggestion for 2026: Always allow for some time interval between sessions. Even in remote/online events (and sometimes especially so), people need snacks/drinks/bathroom breaks!
This was the first #fluconf2025 presentation, and I predict it to already be the best presentation I’ll have seen this month.
Take an hour of your time and watch it too:
“Distribuindo os indecisos, que nesta altura são 16%, AD e PS estão separados por apenas três pontos percentuais, com 33 e 30% respetivamente. Neste estudo, a distribuição dos indecisos é feita de acordo com a inclinação política que demonstram ter noutras perguntas do questionário e não proporcionalmente.
O Chega ficaria com 17%, a IL com 4%, o Bloco de Esquerda e a CDU 3%, e o Livre e PAN com 2%.”
Me: “this year I’ll buy less records, one per month will be quite enough”
Also me: 273 items in wishlist
#musiquinta de #piano, deixo-vos com #Ashram, aqui com um vídeo dq última vez que os vi ao vivo
Visto hoje na SIC, #sondagem #ptpol.
Pelos vistos o pessoal está contente com aquilo que temos… e eu só abano a cabeça.
#qotd (read on a mailing list, purposefully not naming the author):
“Promoting F/OSS and European digital sovereignty on Zoom is like advocating for healthy eating at McDonald’s. The irony is deafening.”
Alerta amarelo, mas lá vamos nós.
Chegado ao local, acompanhante não entra.
Sala de espera cheia de pessoas em situação equiparavel (ou francamente mais grave): cadeiras de rodas, muletas, etc., algumas vieram de ambulância ou transporte de serviços sociais. Olha-se em volta e pelo menos metade dos que cá estão garantidamente estão de baixa porque tem de ser. Pessoas conversa, queixam-se de ser chamadas e o inconveniente que é. Alguém diz, “e ainda nem comecei a fisioterapia…”, mas outra pessoa desilude-a logo: “eles chamam uma e outra vez ainda há 15 dias cá estive”.
Dois médicos por sala, para olhar para papelada que está registada no SNS e chegar à conclusão que sim senhor, faz sentido. Assim vai Portugal.
Hospital: “agora vai para casa e não faz esforços nenhuns pelo menos durante um mês. Para não ter mesmo de se esforçar nada, uma equipa de enfermagem vai a sua casa fazer os pensos.”
Centro de Saúde: “tem baixa pelo menos até à sua próxima consulta no hospital, onde lhe dirão até quando precisa de repouso absoluto, nada de sair de casa até lá”
Segurança Social: “estás convocado a aparecer por cá dia x às tantas horas que é para podermos ver com os nossos próprios olhos se estás mesmo a precisar da baixa ou estás só a mandriar…”
Faz todo o sentido, sim sr., parabéns a todos os envolvidos. [Para que não restem dúvidas: é do actual Governo o DL que mudou estas validações de “a partir dos 30 dias” para “a partir dos 3 dias”.] Na convocatória da SS não são dadas alternativas, apenas uns avisos em tom ameaçador sobre o que acontece se faltar.
Diz o DL que estipula isto que “o beneficiário pode requerer a realização de exame médico por videochamada”, mas informação sobre como fazer esse requerimento é coisa que não existe.
(highlighted by the @fsf@fsf):
#Maintainers are drowning in junk bug reports written by machine learning models #ml
“While low-grade and frustrating online materials have been a problem for many years (long before chat bots entered cyberspace), machine learning models have significantly boosted the quantity of illegitimate reports. Even for those who don’t use machine learning models, #developers who #maintain projects must still spend valuable time and resources investigating any potentially valid reports received, including those created by machine learning models. Not only is investigating these junk reports a waste of time, but it may also increase maintainer #burnout and lead to a smaller population of people involved in #security work. If you are a #bug submitter, avoid submitting anything without first having human eyes verifying it.”
The original article:
A sessão de lançamento da #BiblioLED - #Biblioteca Pública de Leitura e Empréstimo Digital é hoje:
“A partir de dia 27 de janeiro, as bibliotecas públicas aderentes e que integrem a Rede Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas já podem disponibilizar aos utilizadores o acesso a livros digitais e audiolivro através da BiblioLED. A Leitura e o Empréstimo Digital são o novo serviço na sua biblioteca municipal!”
Acontece que o evento, às 14:30, é transmitido no #Facebook 😞
Mais info:
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 04
Para quem como eu não pode estar presente hoje, #ectl é a hashtag do primeiro de muitos encontros regulares das comunidades de tecnologias livres em Portugal, e podem espreitar para ver fotos e o que estamos a perder!
Para a #musiquinta com o tema “Pedra na PM”, um clássico que marcou uma geração- pelo menos pelos meus lados:
What about this nice new neofo - here’s some info about how to keep your hair scurf-free! - lk record?
#Videoclips used to be promotional tools, a way for an artist or band to promote their music. Now you cannot see one without being interrupted in the middle so the platform it was published on can serve you an ad promoting something else…
With politicians now finally realizing the perils of having main social media controlled by millionaires, perhaps now it is a good time to promote #fedigov again:
Are you in touch with politicians? If so, you might want to send them this link!
A celebração do Dia do #DomínioPúblico em #Portugal é já amanhã!
Na Biblioteca Nacional, com a @wikimediapt@wikimediapt e a @ansol@ansol, há programa para a manhã e a tarde, a participação é gratuita mas sujeita a inscrição que deve ser feita através do formulário!
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 03
#selfhosting is a privilege.
Sure, I agree: it is the best option in many cases, and in some cases it feels like the only option - if you care for things like safety and privacy.
But us - the same community that usually promotes self-hosting - should also be aware that it is a means to an end, we should understand the reasons why it is a good idea… and also design “the fallback” for those who cannot, for some reason, self-host.
And we know how to do that: just look at the healthy community of fediverse servers that are out there, not in competition but in cooperation with a number self-hosted single-user instances. But we don’t do it/have the same ecosystem in many other fields.
And self-hosting is a privilege: it demands more financial investment, more time investment, and has some potentially expensive dependencies (stable 24/7/365 internet connection and electricity, for eg.).
Just like the “path to #freesoftware” is a ladder and not a binary switch, service autonomy/independence/sovereignty is too (an often they are even related - how many “need” to use some proprietary app in order to access to a certain service they are dependent of?).
Jovem: tens 50 ou mais anos, estás em Portugal, e ainda não fizeste a vacinação sazonal contra a gripe e COVID-19?
De que estás à espera? É fácil, rápido e grátis.
Protege-te a ti e aos outros.
Mais informação:
#musiquinta sobre #obsessão com “Jack’s Obsession”, do “Nightmare Before Christmas”:
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 02
It might feel that #chatcontrol is a “modern fight”, but it is worth remembering that the attack to #privacy and #encryption is not new and needs to be fought against, again and again.
So, this is my reminder: it was exactly ten years ago that Cameron made an electoral promise to put an end to privacy:
Deadline TODAY:
Call for Co-Creation Bootcamp: Improving civic participation with emerging technologies - Observatory of Public Sector Innovation
“We are looking for developers, designers, researchers, or technologists to join public sector teams to jointly create solutions to civic participation challenges in our co-creation bootcamp in Lisbon from 26 to 27 February 2025.”
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 01
For #2025 I will try to weekly post a picture of a plant. No special meaning, no rules: it doesn’t need to be my favorite plant, or a particularly pretty shot, it just needs to be… a picture of a #plant. You’re welcome to join me on the #WeeklyPlant hashtag.
#petpeeve - when in the middle of a #book series, the publisher decides the books should be 1cm taller
My #fridayreads is CBA vol 58, the “C’est Bon Anthology” entitled “Modern Glossolalia or the Erosion of Meaning”.
How do we talk when words that used to mean certain things have become so vague that they can be freely appropriated by anyone, for any purpose? And what’s up with the currently so prevalent flirting with war, fascism and the dehumanization of anyone who doesn’t fit into the unspoken and conveniently unspecified national identity?
Released in 2022, it feels even more up-to-date today.
My twtxt feed has now been rotated, an archive for the second half of 2024 can be seen here:
(#bwkz64a) <@prologic> is that the reason why is giving an SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALERT error?
#musiquinta de #duetos ?
Provavelmente todo este CD (ou mesmo toda a discografia) de #interlock serve, mas para aer só uma musiquin(h|t)a fica escolhida logo a música que abre este disco: skinless.
Aqui o vídeo:
🎊🎉 No primeiro dia do ano, dia do domínio público, a @wikimediapt@wikimediapt, com o apoio da @ansol@ansol, publica a Lista de autores portugueses que entram em domínio público em 2025, com os dados provenientes do wikidata, e a Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal publica igualmente uma listagem de autores, a partir dos registos das suas bases de dados.
Com isto, durante o mês de janeiro, convidamos todos os interessados a criar, melhorar e desenvolver as informações sobre os autores que entram em domínio público e as suas obras.
💻💻 No final do mês, a 23 de Janeiro de 2025, convidamos todos os interessados a participar nas celebrações do dia do domínio público na Biblioteca Nacional, onde decorrerão sessões formativas e um workshop de edição.
Vou poupar-vos a ter de lidar com mais uma lista dos melhores discos de 2024 ou algo do género, mas deixo o ano com um lembrete de que ainda podem comprar o tributo aos Raindogs que saiu este ano:
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 53
This is the last week of the year and my last #WeeklyRecord.
#MaradoWeekly will continue with a different prompt for #2025!
#musiquinta de #FimDoMundo para a última quinta do ano:
(Sim, mais Marilyn Manson: The Last Day On Earth)
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 52
O que diz o @BlocodeEsquerda@BlocodeEsquerda sobre o qie anda o #PSD a fazer, no que diz respeito ao #SNS, à #saúde e à #emigração:
In this Internation Day Against DRM #IDAD there are some who are asking to make the DRM problem on the web even worse, adding more restrictions to users, in a way that once again breaks the web by making different browers, OSs, etc have a different behaviour:
Fortunately, there are those who keeps consistently fighting against DRM, in all its fronts.
Today, the FSF is sending a message about DRM on Operating Systems:
And ANSOL is promoting a number of DRM-free sources of culture (music, books, software, etc.):
Earlier this year, Software Freedom Conservancy managed a major win in the US:
And, as I often do, let me remind you of a good ol’ article from FSFE telling you how can you fight against DRM in your country, if you’re in Europe:
How will YOU be celebrating #idad2024 ?