
a man of the arts with a weakness for (obsolete) technologies

Recent twts from jost
In-reply-to » Excellent article where you reflect on why it is important to write in your blog, even knowing that nobody will read it. At least this article does. The article is a good reminder of the true blogging mindset. But let’s try to think beyond. 2 ideas: (1) writing “forces clarity, structures your thoughts, sharpens your perspective”. But it also generates thoughts in the sense of Heinrich von Kleist (1805). (2) You’re writing for “the future you, one right person, one day” but you are also writing for the AI. The idea of AI as an audience.

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In-reply-to » One week of not tinkering with my OS and I’ve already forgot ~80% of it. 🙄 It happens to the best of us :-) On a more serious note: I’m relieved to hear that I’m not the only one who is completely perplexed by his own projects when returning back to them after a short hiatus.

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In-reply-to » When I woke up today we had already disconnected from the Russian power grid. I checked the uptime of my servers: no reboots, no outages. Not that I was very worried. You can have a nice live view at cross border electricity flow here: We'll connect to the rest of continental Europe on Sunday. Ha,ha :-) I do not maintain anything! In the context of that post I was just an ordinary citizen. So the ‘we’ refers twice to “we, the citizens of the Baltic States”. (Classical case of social media ‘talk at cross purposes’. Now I understand, why they do this Introduction-thing over on mastodon ;-)

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When I woke up today we had already disconnected from the Russian power grid. I checked the uptime of my servers: no reboots, no outages. Not that I was very worried. You can have a nice live view at cross border electricity flow here: We’ll connect to the rest of continental Europe on Sunday.

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In-reply-to » @jost Hmm, not really, no. Could you share your mutt config? (Are you using mutt?) Feel free to send me an email, if doing this over twtxt doesn’t work (yet). You can find the address on ✌️ This time it works! (For the first time). Using mutt, yes, and the config is yours. I’ll contact you later, when I have more data. Some time needed to experiment. Thanks!

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In-reply-to » Every time I go to the office, I get nothing done. Unbelievable. Whether in the office or at home, I get nothing done. ;-) Well, while this is almost true, I actually tried to respond to the other thread I started myself, but starting the editor it switched immediately to this one. Any idea why this happens?

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Thanks for your replies to my ‘Hello World’. Seems I can post but not reply myself. Using jenny, who isn’t as gentle as the name suggests ;-) I’ll figure it out.

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