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Recent twts from eaplmx

We push ourselves harder to get rid of anxiety, but the result is actually more anxiety, because the faster we go, the clearer it becomes that we’ll never succeed in getting everything to move as fast as we feel is necessary.


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I’d like to know more numbers for techs like GPS/Navigation, Twitter, TikTok, AI/ML based assistants. Decisions taken based on ML. Wearables. Medicine. Encryption. % of population with a mobile device and Internet access.
It’s going so fast that we can’t remember how to live w/o those technologies, anymore.
As a tech designer is exciting. As a world citizen… Well, a bit overwhelming, but with hope that all that tech won’t make us consumerists.

#stupidMooresLaw #buckleUp


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Today it has been difficult to focus on designing the course/book for Unity, C# and Poker.

There are many moving parts that I have to settle as learning objectives, that I’m a bit overwhelmed. I simplified the game a lot, yet not enough it seems. That’s when I recall phrases like “The hard things about hard things”

Also, Unity is too visual to be taught by a book. At the same time I want to write a book about a topic I like 🤔
A reference is “Head first C#”, which I used to learn C# in 2008, so I think it’s feasible to a certain extent.

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Since I’m again collecting dozens of links to read later in my Telegram Notes, I’ll try a different approach.

I’ll be saving those to Markdown files on Obsidian, and then I’ll upload them to my web. Instead of opening any social service or “forum” like Hacker News looking for new stuff to read, I’ll check that list before.
Let’s see how it works.

I am sharing it here in case it’s interesting to you:

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But I think I’m too deep into controversial topics.
I guess I’ll switch to more mundane topics for a while.

I watched Willow, a fun movie from the 80s. And finished recording a class about DRM and Piracy… Interesting Saturday here. How is going yours?

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Reading that book about the Telegraph made me thing A LOT on the history of technology. Another book about history of power made me think on our short lifetime of, let’s say 50 productive years, how much we can impact in society from what we currently are, to the future of society in 100 years.

Action and thinking… Progress, quality of life, a better world for our families, resources. Transcendence. These are things that have moved a lot of people for the last centuries.

I think the current life speed is faster than it should, but I guess that depends on our reference point.

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For some reason I couldn’t sleep tonight (I think that strong coffee ☕ at dinner was a bad idea)

Anyway, it was a nice opportunity to settle my ideas for this year. After a few days of vacations, I could define more easily what to aim for, what to work for. My references are the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Hierarchy of Hapiness as insights on things I might be overlooking. Like social relationships, relationship with money, belongings, impact with creativity, altruism, a learning path and so on.
My main realization (perhaps obvious but what can I say…) is that statistically I have about 30 years more of productive life. There is no rush, but at the same time I need those challenges to live a tasty present.

I’m grateful that this has been a pretty decent life, which is transforming into something new (damn mid-30s crisis). As they say, the best things are yet to come. Or at least, new challenges to overcome. And that’s the tasty part of life.

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This week has been crazy with the Workshop to design Board Games.
But it has been a pleasant surprise to see that many young people (even kids in elementary school) being creative in this media 😁

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Ah! Dear yarners… Today I had a chaotic day… I don’t work well with artists lacking structure, planning, and such. And, as you can imagine, we have a commitment this Wednesday, planned a day in advance.

That’s all…

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I found a Foosball with a digital scoreboard.


In college I wanted to make one of these with electronics and PICs, but it was a bit expensive as a student, so never I finished that.
Later I made one with a tablet and an online ranking system.

I wanted to build one for table tennis, inspired by one I say online which recognizes a RFID chip in your racket 🏓

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I remember that around 20 years ago, browsers had an option to manually select which cookies are you receiving, but now I can’t find that option anymore…

Does anyone here know which browsers still allow this, or if there is some extension to do it?

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Well, after a few hours updating now I have a Mac with macOS 12 🥳

it doesn’t look that bad, as the transition from Win 10 to Win 11 which is awful 😑

For everything else, Xubuntu 😅

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What is a decentralized organization?

To preserve the community aspect of Gitea we are experimenting with creating a decentralized autonomous organization where contributors would receive benefits based on their participation

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In my mind I currently have:
What tech stack should I master on the next few months? I’m thinking in a Unity, Flutter, RoR

Also, what should I do with the Game Studio? In thinking on restructure it from the scratch, stating as a co-op, redesigning how to bring resources to create new products.

And for me and my family, I think we are doing OK, but need resources for the next immediate goals

So I have a lot to think, but at the same time I should not obsess overthinking 🙃

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For this travel I’m using a forgotten laptop (Dell Inspiron of 2012 I think) and it’s working amazingly with a new SSD and Xubuntu 22.04

And now, I’m updating my personal VPS (eapl.mx/eapl.me) to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and also doing some clean up of personal stuff.

Looks like a nice saturday over here

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Hello everyone, I’m enjoying my vacation over here, but checking twtxt.net has been a good hobbie to think about a community/platform creation. I’ve seen also some work on specifications, protocols and such.

I got to say it’s a nice conversation

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