
Home of Bender Rodriguez. Get off my lawn!

And here is one of my many nuggets of wisdom: "Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park. With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the park."

Recent twts from bender
In-reply-to » I'm very glad that I decided to have a very long lunch break today. When I reached the summit, dark clouds came from the northwest and the sun was gone for the day. But on the way there I was delighted about all the beautifully blazing colors around me. wow, such a lovely day! I also liked the cat very much.

Some very lovely cat

Some very lovely cat

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In-reply-to » Oh boy, I'm looking for trapezoidal (like ACME thread) screws and nuts in left hand form. The rods are already expensive, but nuts feel like a total ripoff. A hex nut for Tr20x2 being 30mm long and 30mm in "diameter" costs me 22 bucks! O_o Just a single one, made of regular steel. A meter of rod is 21€. The more common Tr20x4 hex nut is just 7€ and the rod 17€, but 4mm pitch is a bit much for a leadscrew for semi-precision work I reckon. oh, fancy!

X-Y table

X-Y table

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This happened yesterday:

Screenshot of an email, allegedly from Sendgrid

Screenshot of an email, allegedly from Sendgrid

The first give away is the sender, Not Sengrid. Now, check the URL on the link provided to check the account activity:

I was curious, so I follow it on my dedicated VM for these kind of things. It took me to a page looking exactly like a Sendgrid login, with a URL. Upon entering, as username, and yourfathersmellsofelderberries as password, it sent me to

It was well done. This morning the same link renders a blank page with a “Not found” link that takes you to a 404. Hmm…

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In-reply-to » We have great April weather over here. Yesterday sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, hail, sun, hail, sun, rain, etc. It didn't hail today, but sun alternatd with rain a bunch of times. Went out this evening and boy, what an absolutely gorgeous scenery!

One of Lyse's photos

One of Lyse's photos

Wow, so pretty, dude! The one you used on this twt (tiny photo too, not sure what happened here) doesn’t make justice to the entire set. Very good clicks there!

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