wtf is going on with Microsoft and OpenAI of late?! LIke Microsoft bought into OpenAI for some shocking $10bn USD, then Sam Altman gor fired, now he’s been hired by Microsoft to run up a new β€œAI” division. wtf/! seriously?! πŸ€” #Microsoft #OpenAI #Scandal

​ Read More the new product was GPTs. A way to create tailored bots for specific use cases. (fun fact: I did an internal hackathon where we made something like this for $work onboarding. And I won a prize!)

The competed project is poe which is basically the same idea. Make a AI bot tailored to a specific domain of knowledge. And monitize it.

The timing fits very well as openAI announced it just a few weeks ago.

​ Read More its not.. There are going to be 1000s of copy cat apps built on AI. And they will all die out when the companies that have the AI platforms copy them. It happened all the time with windows and mac os. And iphone.. Like flashlight and sound recorder apps.

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