I have a bot where you can register your exercise routines. So now I have a few months of data, and I’d like to do something with it.

I think the gamified contribution graph from Github could be something interesting (to see how often you exercise and how intense it was)

Currently, I have this graph of burned calories each day and a sum, over a timeline, but I think it does communicate anything interesting:

A simple graph of the amount of burned calories across time

A simple graph of the amount of burned calories across time

Any ideas?

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@justamoment@twtxt.net currently the bot gamifies the amount of calories to burn every week, if you do enough you climb to the next level (harder) otherwise you go down to a simpler league (greatly inspired by Duolingo)

But it’s only at a weekly level, I’d like to have something like “you made it greatly this year”

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@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org well, it’s extremely simple, it asks how many calories you burned and the timestamp is recorded automatically. That’s all

I get the calories from the elyptic and from some apps with routines, so perhaps the value is not very accurate but it allows to compare if you are exercising more than before.

If anyone here wants to take a look:
https://t.me/gemu fitbot (For Telegram)

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