@darch@neotxt.dk In any case I don’ think adding nick somehow to the JRD (JSOn resource Data?) would really help here anyway. What this would help with however if we got this spec’ed up and into clients is a way to validate @-mentions and feed URI lookups.

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@darch@neotxt.dk I kind of agree that we can probably omit the nick part in mentions entirely. Since they can be looked up and cached, there’s no need for this. But we’ll have to spec this all up. First let’s see what @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org and @movq@www.uninformativ.de and others like @anth@a.9srv.net thing about finally formalising a standard way to lookup feed URI(s) and define a slightly more saner? @-mention syntax/usage pattern. I for one hate manually typing out (for example) @<darch https://neotxt.dk/user/darch/twtxt.txt> like this @darch@neotxt.dk 😅

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@prologic@twtxt.net My point was also that the client should match and replace @prologic with @<https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt> and prompt the use in some way if there are more than one prologic like yarnd already does with the popup and autofill.

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I mean yeah sure, yarnd already does this today really, based on what’s in your “Followings” list on your account, which basically is a mapping of nick -> url of the feeds you follow. Really it could just be a simple list and we could drop the nick there too at some point (as again, we can just look them up and cache)

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