@darch@neotxt.dk I just totally missed the fact that the mentioned URI was just entirely wrong 😅

$ bat https://twtxt.net/twt/xzi7m6q | jq -r '.text'
(#kwyhrda) @<darch@neotxt https://neotxt.dk/user/darch/twtxt.txt> Looking great! :-)

I guess @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org can’t blame yarnd1 for this one 🤣 Hehe 😅 -- But seriously, this is the problem with essentially what are free-form mentions that have no validation. If we seriously reconsidered what I _was_ trying to propose some months ago about formalizing a@userlookup spec and validation for @-mentions (_whichyarndimplements, but is undocumented and I never spec'd it..._) this _might_ be solvable...

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I’ve built a client and server library and command-line tool (combination of a bunch of code I found and fixed up): https://git.mills.io/prologic/webfinger

I’ve also implemented an experimental feature called WebFinger (webfinger) in d940da9f05 which I’m hoping will “just work”™ 🤞 (at least to provide webfinger lookups) – client-side lookups and discover can come later.

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Some questions…

  • What should the mime-type for the Twtxt feed be? Should we define one (even if its accepted by the W3C at this point)? 🤔
  • What other data/properties should we return (fi any)? 🤔

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This is now correctly working rather nicely 👌


– If anyone wants to give this a try, just docker pull prologic/yarnd:latest (if you’re running using Docker) or git pull and rebuild, then either --enable-feature webfinger or add it to Settings -> Poderator Settings and restart (or edit /path/to/data/settings.yaml)

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