@movq@www.uninformativ.de Translation? 🤔🤣
@prologic@twtxt.net Good! Germans like Datenschutz! 😂
@movq@www.uninformativ.de LOL I don’t even know roughly how old you are 🤣
I was today years old when I learned that Firefox supports custom per-domain CSS. Is this new? I thought I had tried a while ago and it only worked globally. 🤔
@-moz-document domain(movq.de)
div { border: 1px solid red; }
Either way, I love that I don’t need a plugin for that. 🥳
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org same here! I’m hoping that the T-shirt quality itself is actually worthwhile wearing 🤞
@prologic@twtxt.net @movq@www.uninformativ.de Not only the print quality, but the t-shirt itself was often an issue in the past I’ve found. To be fair, my experience is from a decade ago.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de If it turns out alright, my daughter is going to do a few more designs for me! You’d be more than welcome to just click and purchase them of my portfolios when ready 🤣
Neat! 👌 I have been hacking on sshbox and refactored it a fair bit to have much more flexible auth methods. In addition I also toyed around with the idea of having a shared (free) unix environment like some of the ones around (whose name eludes me right now 🤦♂️), with a couple of key differences and differentiators:
- The environment you get is actually a Docker container
- Based on Alpine, but customized.
- Can persist/detach any background processes you want.
- And reverse proxy to port 8000 in the container.
@prologic@twtxt.net Nice, let’s hope this works out! 🔥🐶🔥 I’ve been wanting to do that, too. Better wait until after Christmas, postal service is jammed now. 😂 (Not really, but I don’t want to add to the congestion.)
Trying to get some custom T-shirts made. Ordered my first one with
– Let’s see what eh quality of the print and T-shirt is before I make any more 😅
@funbreaker@we.loveprivacy.club The value is being able to communicate openly with one another and form social connections across the globe whilst at the same time, avoiding all this centralized or even distributed networking bullshit.
hey @iolfree@tilde.club ! it’s been a while, welcome back!
@fun@we.loveprivacy.club does it takes a whole article to simply say: “Nothing”? 😂
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@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Oh, I know that feeling all too well. 😂 Enjoy it while it lasts!
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Right, you showed this keyboard stand some time ago. I completely forgot about that.
@eapl.me@eapl.me @bender@twtxt.net @skinshafi@thunix.net The feed that nobody follows out of fear.
When I started programming in Delphi, I always included all the files (not only the *.exe, but also *.pas and what else there was) when giving friends my programs on floppy disks. I didn’t know that the executable was technically enough. :-)
@bender@twtxt.net that’s awesome. Thanks!
@movq@www.uninformativ.de You won’t believe how happy I was when I turned off my work machine a few minutes ago. It feels absolutely amazing! :-D
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org LOL. Such a lovely thought! >:-D
haha, that’s gold xD.
#randomMemory I remember when I was starting to code, like 30 years ago, not understanding why my Basic file didn’t run when I renamed it to .exe
And nowadays, I’ve seen a few Go apps in a single executable, so twtxt.exe
could be a thing, he!
Another test testing your test! 😆
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com That’s why I have no intention of upgrading. 😅 It’s more than fast enough for what I do, it got 32 GB RAM, disks are big enough … So why bother 😅
@movq@www.uninformativ.de that’s not THAT old! it still can kick a$$ 👍
There appears to be no standards in terms of boot loader on ARM 🤔 This makes things a bit hard™
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com This is an Intel i7-3770 from 2013 with an integrated GPU (HD 4000).
Looks like FreeCAD works fine and I think this is a more appropriate program anyway. 😊
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com SolveSpace tells its age by having a download.pl
in its URL. LOL.
@bender@twtxt.net Yes yes all that 🤣
All this, really makes me want to touch some Blender, it’s been a while since last time I did xD … I’d better give it a spin while I still can xD.
@prologic@twtxt.net well, that’s how software evolves, no? I mean, there is certain kind of software that benefits from advances in which newer, more capable hardware, is involved. But I get what you mean too! :-D
@bender@twtxt.net Hmmm… it makes sense. Now I curious, how old is his hardware though? is it SolveSpace kind of old? or reaaaally Blender 2.4 series
kid of old!? 🤔
@bender@twtxt.net And technically even that’s not really the problem either 🤣 The software devs have decided to update the minimum hardware requirements. Maybe that’s legit (API changes) maybe not 🤔
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com will all those run on his hardware? I don’t think @movq@www.uninformativ.de’s problem is the software, it is that his hardware has gotten too old. :-D
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I know, nobody asked 🤡 but, here are a couple of suggestions:
- If you’re willing to pay for a licence I’d highly recommend plasticity it’s under
- Otherwise if you already have experience with CAD/Parametric modeling you could give freeCAD a spin, it’s under
GNU Library General Public License, version 2.0
, it took them years but have just recently shipped their v1.0 👍
- or just roll with Autodesk’s Fusion for personal use, if you don’t mind their “Oh! You need to be online to use it” thing.
(Let’s face it, Blender is hard to use.)
I bet you’re talking about blender 2.79 and older! 😂 you are, right? JK
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Ooohh, nice and long vacation! 😃
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Mostly small and simple stuff, like cable management, headphone rests, pill dispensers (that I didn’t end up using), … The most elaborate thing I made was that contraption for my keyboard, which is a bit hard to explain right now, so here’s some photos:
I didn’t end up using that, either. 🥴
In general, I print very little. So little that some of my supplies have simply gone bad, like that “3D LAC” (sprayable glue).
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Yeah, I saw that when googling the issue. I’m on Linux, there are no DLLs to swap. I could use an older version indeed. 🤔 Let’s see if I can find some better alternative first. (Let’s face it, Blender is hard to use.)
@lime360@lime360.nekoweb.org Welcome yo Twtxt / Yarn.social 👋
I really, really have to go get some sleep. If you see me online before at least 6 hours, punch me in the face!
Despite being a gray day, I still decided to have a longer lunch break and went for a stroll in the woods: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-12-12/ Just returned in time for the next meeting.
@lime360@lime360.nekoweb.org Hi there! 👋
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Damn! I’ve been there, and it sucks when it comes to that. and I may be hallucinating but I believe there was some dll file I had to download and put somewhere in blender’s folder and that got it to work back then. Also, what’s the latest version of #blender you could run?
No surprise, @skinshafi@thunix.net, they can be easily mixed up. See, the hemming distance between prologic
and _doesnm__
is just 7! :-D
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Fear not, there is probably Paint on DOS! :-D
On a more serious note, what things did you 3D-print?
Yeah, @eapl.me@eapl.me, I kinda like file extensions in some situations. What do you think of twtxt.exe, @bender@twtxt.net? ]:->
Yeah, @movq@www.uninformativ.de! “Sorry boss, I accidentally removed the bug report, because the button suddenly materialized under my cursor.” :-D
Luckily, I do not have to deal with that UI from hell for three and a half weeks very soon.
@skinshafi@thunix.net I tried it (still have it installed on work laptop), didn’t like it. The comfort I get from having a web based IRC client (and bouncer) available at all times, from everywhere, can’t be easily replaced. :-)
Agreed, @bender@twtxt.net, bad typography always kills it for me, too.
the feed is made using my own cli app called txtlog, it also supports bluesky cross-posting as well!