In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters.

But maybe with the climate getting hotter and hotter, they migrate north to me, too.

And a lot of other nasty stuff with it, bugs, spiders, you name it. Didn’t we migrate all this way up north to be free from such Ungeziefer? 😅

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There was a time when WebKit (I think it was WebKit) stored metadata of downloads in extended attributes. Like the URL you were downloading it from.

This was really useful. 🤔 Chromium also did it for a while and then they removed it due to privacy concerns. Now none of the popular browsers do it anymore. 🫤

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In-reply-to » @prologic There’s another thing to consider: I have a feeling that (some/most/many?) Gopher/Gemini users wouldn’t even want that. I’ve heard them say a couple of times: “If you follow me, just drop me an e-mail.” 🤔 I don’t know if this is a widespread opinion or not, but I do feel the need to first gather some feedback from them, before we start drafting a spec. 😅

Good points 🙇‍♂️

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In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters.

Turns out, there are seven species in Germany (two of them being venomous), but in my wider area there seem to be just the two: Probably just even one, the common European adder is more to the south, just like I thought. But maybe with the climate getting hotter and hotter, they migrate north to me, too.

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In-reply-to » @prologic There’s another thing to consider: I have a feeling that (some/most/many?) Gopher/Gemini users wouldn’t even want that. I’ve heard them say a couple of times: “If you follow me, just drop me an e-mail.” 🤔 I don’t know if this is a widespread opinion or not, but I do feel the need to first gather some feedback from them, before we start drafting a spec. 😅 That’s a very good approach. I have the feeling that requirements engineering seems to be getting more and more a forgotten art these days.

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In-reply-to » Anyone had any intereractions with @cuaxolotl yet? Or are they using a client that doesn't know how to detect clients following them properly? Hmmm 🧐 There’s another thing to consider: I have a feeling that (some/most/many?) Gopher/Gemini users wouldn’t even want that. I’ve heard them say a couple of times: “If you follow me, just drop me an e-mail.” 🤔 I don’t know if this is a widespread opinion or not, but I do feel the need to first gather some feedback from them, before we start drafting a spec. 😅

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In-reply-to » Anyone had any intereractions with @cuaxolotl yet? Or are they using a client that doesn't know how to detect clients following them properly? Hmmm 🧐 Yeah your original idea of precent encoding some information about the new follower is probably what we need to think about more. I think it’ll also work for Gopher/Gemini folk too right? So essentially new metadata key (optional) with some spec for encoding information about the new follower if either a) You don’t implement the User-Agent part of the spec or extensions or b)You use a protocol that makes this impossible.

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In-reply-to » Anyone had any intereractions with @cuaxolotl yet? Or are they using a client that doesn't know how to detect clients following them properly? Hmmm 🧐

For HTTP WebSub is a good simple option here and there is this free inline WebSub hub anyone can use.

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In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters. We basically have no snakes around here. Just the grass snake and the common European adder. Or so I think. While it’s super hard to come across the harmless first one, it’s even rarer to find the little bit dangerous latter. Both are very shy. I never saw an adder. They probably do not live here in my area. A workmate told the other day that he accidentally run over one with this bicycle as a schoolboy, though. Yeah, I was happily suprised that the grass snake was still in this good shape.

I’ve no idea. Not sure how well frogs or toads see in the dark, but I would think if there is some noise coming towards you, you escape away and not towards it. Maybe they did not recognize me as a threat but were just curious?

This larger individual was also a frog or toad. :-) It didn’t freak me out at all, it was super cool to watch. But I thought, what an idiot. :-D I mean, hopping against me once is alright, but then trying again is a bit silly. It then stopped and sat next to my boot. About half a centimeter away. I waited a few seconds and carefully moved on.

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In-reply-to » Anyone had any intereractions with @cuaxolotl yet? Or are they using a client that doesn't know how to detect clients following them properly? Hmmm 🧐

Similarly an optional subscription endpoint so we can optionally avoid having to pull feeds.

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In-reply-to » Anyone had any intereractions with @cuaxolotl yet? Or are they using a client that doesn't know how to detect clients following them properly? Hmmm 🧐 You mean a way of letting them know that someone is following them? 🤔 I guess that’s gonna be hard (I think we discussed stuff like that a few years ago), but I’m open for suggestions. 😅

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In-reply-to » @bender F-Droid is a platform/app that lets you side-load/install and serve android apps without the need for Google's play store's blessing. I also use Aurora Store to install Play Store's apps without having to associate my phone with Google account. 🦾 it makes me feel good about myself 🥸 thing I am too (happy) that is. If I ever wanted to side load an app I could with my Developer account easily!

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In-reply-to » @bender F-Droid is a platform/app that lets you side-load/install and serve android apps without the need for Google's play store's blessing. I also use Aurora Store to install Play Store's apps without having to associate my phone with Google account. 🦾 it makes me feel good about myself 🥸 thank you! Having seeing Google’s Play, of whatever name they call their App Store these days, which is a mess, makes me very wary about using a third party one.

Back to the original topic, I use an iPhone. I am one of those who is perfectly fine with the Apple App Store. 😊

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This would have been a lovely morning, wind softly rustling in the trees. If it wasn’t for the constant droning of the air planes. 🫤

I also saw a string of starlink satellites passing by. What a strange sight that was.

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In-reply-to » Anyone had any intereractions with @cuaxolotl yet? Or are they using a client that doesn't know how to detect clients following them properly? Hmmm 🧐 I don’t think so, no. Judging by their web site, they appear to be primarily a Gemini user (no concept of a “user agent” there). This also works:


But there are nick, url, and description metadata headers in the feed, even an avatar. 🤔

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In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters. That is one flat snake. 🫤 Looks quite pretty, what’s left of it anyway.

What’s going on with the frogs? I guess they can’t properly see in the dark? 🤔

That large “individual” towards the would have freaked me out. Was it at least furry? Or was it a huge spider? 🤪

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In-reply-to » In the process of tweaking my little static HTML index/thumbnail creator so that it a) properly supports dark/ligh mode and, more importantly, b) gracefully degrades on ancient browsers. I’m not surprised, it’s pretty archaic. It’s the only browser readily available on OS/2 Warp 3 and 4, though. 😅

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In-reply-to » Found this in an old copyright notice from 1993: In a collection of (old) wallpapers that I downloaded a while ago. The source appears to be this:

But the following addendum does not exist yet in the COPYRIGHT file on my disk. 😅

This restriction does not apply to use in World-Wide Web pages served from or viewed on Windows machines.

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In-reply-to » @slashdot At least Android has fDroid. Apple is a dominatrix. F-Droid is a platform/app that lets you side-load/install and serve android apps without the need for Google’s play store’s blessing. I also use Aurora Store to install Play Store’s apps without having to associate my phone with Google account. 🦾 it makes me feel good about myself 🥸

⤋ Read More
In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters. Poor little guy 😢 Also eww I hate snakes 🤣 I have a bit of a phobia 😅

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In-reply-to » Apple Stands By Decision To Terminate Account Belonging To WWDC Student Winner TechCrunch's Sarah Perez reports: Apple is standing by its decision to terminate the Apple Developer Account of Appstun, a mobile app company created by one of Apple's own Worldwide Developer Conference 2021 student winners. According to an announcement published on Appstun's website, Apple moved to terminate the devel ... ⌘ Read more At least Android has fDroid. Apple is a dominatrix.

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I’m out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters.

On the way there I picked two handful of blackberries in the forest. Delicious!

Today was the second time in my life that I saw a grass snake in the wild. They can easily be recognized by the yellow “ears”. Unfortunately, this one was run over. :-( But I jumped at the opportunity to photograph it as it didn’t escape in a fraction of a second like my first encounter three years ago. Still, poor fellow. :-(

Run over grass snake

Run over grass snake

On the way home, a deer jumped out of the brush in front of me and headed down the forest road before it went back in the other side. As always, that’s nice.

I also had to slow down a bunch of times because of frogs or toads on the paths. Not sure which ones, it was already after dark. I guesstimate it must have been 60-70 amphibians in total, maybe more. Some of them did not move to the wayside but rather into the middle of the track, right in front of me. Crazy suicide frogs! There were four reeeeaaaallly close calls. I could just avoid stepping on them after they tried to hop right under my boot. Not a centimeter to spare. No toads were harmed during my trip. Phew!

Once I had to stop completely because of the large activity ahead of me. A larger (about the size of half a palm) individual surrounded my foot and then jumped against my heel. Twice! What the heck!? :-D But suuuper cool experience. I’m very glad I actually went out. Totally worth it. I met so many amazing animals. Don’t care about the missed sunset a single bit.

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In the process of tweaking my little static HTML index/thumbnail creator so that it a) properly supports dark/ligh mode and, more importantly, b) gracefully degrades on ancient browsers.

Why? Because I often exchange data via HTTP with old systems and my tooling automatically invokes that indexer/thumbnailer script. 🥴 It’s really annoying when I just see garbage in Netscape 2 or IE5.

Screenshots and videos:

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Found this in an old copyright notice from 1993:

These images are not for use with the Microsoft Windows environment. Using these patterns in a Windows environment consitutes a copyright violation.

Someone clearly didn’t like Windows.

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