UN food chief: Poorest areas have zero harvests left
Aleks Phillips,  Reporter  -  BBC (U.K.)

_Stephan: Air pollution and the death it causes in children is just one of the trends shaping the earth, and the people living on it. Food is another and this is what is happening. This is going to result in massive death and tens of millions of people displaced and on the move. This is the world that is emerging. Take a moment and on Friday look at my podcast, Five Trends that ar … ⌘ Read more

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The Schools That Are No Longer Teaching Kids to Read Books
Xochitl Gonzalez,  Contributing Writer  -  Microsoft Start / The Atlantic

_Stephan: America is one of the least literate nations in the developed world. Fifty-four percent of American adults can’t read past sixth-grade level, and 43% can read past fifth-grade level. That means there are literally millions of Americans who can not read and properly comprehend The Washington Post or the magazine in which this … ⌘ Read more

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New law requires all Louisiana public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments
SARA CLINE,  Reporter  -  Associated Press

_Stephan: Controlled by christofascist White supremacy Republicans, Louisiana, based on its social outcome data, is essentially the equivalent of a developing country. Your baby or its mother are more likely to die at its birth in Louisiana than in 45 other states. Most people don’t even live as long in Louis … ⌘ Read more

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OpenResty-Lua-Redis-MQ 實現高 QPS 下熱點數據的存取方案
京東、淘寶首頁每天的訪問量是非常的大,如果不對首頁上的一些熱點數據做技術上的處理就會出現首頁的訪問速度慢,甚至在高併發下無法打開首頁,這些都會嚴重的影響用戶的體驗。首頁常見的熱點數據是輪播圖,下圖是京東和淘寶首頁的輪播圖:    每個用戶打開京東、淘寶網站的首頁都會出現這個輪播圖,由於平臺是國內知名的購物平臺,所以其 QPS 是非常高的;另外這個輪播圖也是可以做更改和替換來達到展示不同的圖 ⌘ Read more

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在構建高性能的系統架構時,緩存策略是至關重要的一環。通過合理使用緩存,我們可以顯著減少數據庫的訪問次數,降低網絡延遲,從而提高系統的響應速度和吞吐量。本文將深入探討緩存的類型、使用場景、緩存一致性以及數據同步等關鍵內容。一、緩存類型緩存按照其存儲位置和用途,可以分爲多種類型。以下是幾種常見的緩存類型:本地緩存本地緩存通常指的是進程內的緩存,如 Java 中的 HashMap、ConcurrentH ⌘ Read more

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Go:標準庫 bufio 包詳解
引言在日常開發中,對文件或輸入輸出流進行讀寫操作是非常常見的任務。Go 語言標準庫中的bufio包提供了數據的緩衝讀寫功能,使得讀寫操作更加高效。本文將詳細介紹bufio包的主要功能及其在實際編程中的應用場景。bufio 包概述bufio包主要提供了緩衝讀寫的能力,通過包裝一個io.Reader或io.Writer對象,創建一個帶緩衝的(buffered)讀寫器。使用緩衝可以減少對底層 IO 資源 ⌘ Read more

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如何實現 Redis 和 Mysql 中數據雙寫一致性
在我們的實際開發中,我們用到了 redis 緩存一些常用的數據(如熱點數據)用來提高系統的吞吐量。    但是不可以避免的出現了數據的修改場景,這就導致了數據庫中的數據和 Redis 中出現不一致性的情況。如何保證數據一致性就顯得非常重要了,下面介紹一下保證數據的雙寫一致性的方案。1、先刪緩存再操作數據庫方案    在 redis 一般寫的場景下對數據的更新操作是不推薦使用的,推薦使用刪除 ⌘ Read more

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使用 Golang 開發 eBPF 的應用
大多數時候, 我們在開發軟件或使用軟件時, 都在操作系統的安全邊界內運行。我們甚至不知道 IP 數據包是如何從網絡接口被接收的, 或者當我們保存文件時, inode 是如何被文件系統處理的。這個邊界被稱爲用戶空間, 我們在這裏編寫應用程序、庫和工具。但還有另一個世界, 即內核空間。操作系統內核就駐留在這裏, 負責管理系統資源, 如內存、CPU 和 I/O 設備。通常我們不需要深入到 socket ⌘ Read more

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在 Go 中如何讓結構體不可比較?
最近我在使用 Go 官方出品的結構化日誌包 slog 時,看到 slog.Value 源碼中有一個比較好玩的小 Tips,可以限制兩個結構體之間的相等性比較,本文就來跟大家分享下。在 Go 中結構體可以比較嗎?在 Go 中結構體可以比較嗎?這其實是我曾經面試過的一個問題,我們來做一個實驗:定義如下結構體:type Normal struct { a string B int}使用這個結構體分別聲明 ⌘ Read more

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滴滴打車如何找出方圓一千米內的乘客?揭開 GeoHash 的神祕面紗
背景–不知道大家是否思考過一個問題,在一些場景下(如大家在使用高德地圖打車的時候,鄰近的司機是如何知道你在他的附近並將你的打車通知推送給他去接單的?)是如何實現的?一般來講,大家也許會想到,首先肯定需要知道每位乘客的經緯度 (lng,lat),也即是二維座標(當然這是在絕對理想的情況,不考慮上下坡度)。而在知道了經緯度之後,一個暴力簡單且容易想到的思路就是將經緯度這個「二元組」 都存放在一個「 ⌘ Read more

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負載均衡器是一種在多個服務器之間分配網絡或應用程序流量的設備或軟件應用程序。其主要目的是確保沒有一臺服務器承擔過多的需求,從而提高應用程序的響應速度和可用性。在計算機發展的早期,負載均衡是一個手動過程。管理員手動配置 DNS 設置,在服務器之間分配流量。專用負載均衡設備的概念出現於 20 世紀 90 年代。思科和 F5 Networks 等公司開始開發硬件負載均衡器,提供更復雜、更自動化的流量分配 ⌘ Read more

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Rust 編程範式最佳實踐
面向對象的 Rust與前面討論的函數式和命令式示例相反,讓我們引入一個新的結構體 FileFilter,它封裝了過濾文件和文件迭代的邏輯。pub struct FileFilter {    predicates: VecBox ⌘ Read more

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(#dqacyjq) But what would you prefer if you were rethinking the architectural design of your next web app? A bazillion lines of Javascript™ wi …
But what would you prefer if you were rethinking the architectural design of your next web app? A bazillion lines of Javascript™ with all kinds of indirections and acrobatics that are impossible to understand? 🤔


– Or just write your web application as a normal set of pages in the Hypermedia Driven Application (HDA) style/architecture, tha … ⌘ Read more

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Apple Education Store Down in US and Canada, Back to School Offer Expected Soon
Apple’s online education store has gone down in the United States and Canada, as Apple prepares to launch its annual Back to School promotion for university students.


Apple’s back to school sales provide students with a free Apple gift card when purchasing a Mac or an iPad, and this year’s promotion co … ⌘ Read more

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DiosDelRayo completes first milestone for MoneroSigner CCS proposal
DiosDelRayo1 has posted the first progress report2 for their CCS proposal3 to take over and finish the Monero Signer project 4:

Milestone 1: Monero Signer basics on emulator (5.38 XMR): Done5

Progress overview

Emulator easy start
implement Polyseed in (pure) Python
Monero seed generation by camera
Monero seed generation on dice rolls
Polyseed generation  ... ⌘ [Read more](https://monero.observer/diosdelrayo-completes-first-milestone-monerosigner-ccs-proposal/)

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Meeting summary: Monero Research Lab, 19 June 2024
This is a comprehensive summary, with added reference links, of the MRL meeting1 from June 19th 2024, 1700 UTC.


The raw, unedited, full log file for this meeting:

240619-mrl.log (81 lines)


Note: it is possible that some relevant information may be missing from this summary; read the full log file for the complete, unedited discussion.

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The ExectOS operating system
ExectOS is a preemptive, reentrant multitasking operating system that implements the XT architecture which derives from NT architecture. It is modular, and consists of two main layers: microkernel and user modes. Its’ kernel mode has full access to the hardware and system resources and runs code in a protected memory area. It consists of executive services, which is itself made up on many modules that do specific tasks, a kernel and drivers. Unlike the NT, system does not f … ⌘ Read more

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The X Windowing System turns 40 today
Today just so happens to be the 40th birthday of X, the venerable windowing system that’s on its way out, at least in the Linux world. From the original announcement by Robert W. Scheifler: I’ve spent the last couple weeks writing a window system for the VS100. I stole a fair amount of code from W, surrounded it with an asynchronous rather than a synchronous interface, and called it X. Overall performance appears to be about twice that of W. The code seems … ⌘ Read more

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Adobe Says It Won’t Train AI Using Artists’ Work. Creatives Aren’t Convinced
Adobe has issued new wording to explain how users’ content will be treated, after a backlash earlier this month from artists who believed their work will be used to train AI. ⌘ Read more

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