Hey, @ I know. Just wondering the kind of apps or software and how you all stay up to date in conversations. Is it through webmentions?
@Codebuzz@www.codebuzz.nl how did you end up with a broken incomplete mention here? 🤔
@Codebuzz@www.codebuzz.nl you replied to me, but the reply was just an @, nothing else (the whole handle was missing).
There are no web mentions here, and no notifications. It isn’t Mastodon; if you want to see if someone wrote something new, or replied to you, you need to open your client.
@Codebuzz@www.codebuzz.nl Here you go:
$ bat https://twtxt.net/twt/dn2zlga | jq '.'
"twter": {
"nick": "Codebuzz",
"uri": "https://www.codebuzz.nl/twtxt.txt",
"avatar": "https://www.codebuzz.nl/twtxt-avatar-800.jpg"
"text": "(#q5rg3ea) Hey, @<bender bender@twtxt.net> I know. Just wondering the kind of apps or software and how you all stay up to date in conversations. Is it through webmentions?",
"created": "2024-10-30T22:12:24Z",
"markdownText": "(#q5rg3ea) Hey, @<bender bender@twtxt.net> I know. Just wondering the kind of apps or software and how you all stay up to date in conversations. Is it through webmentions?",
"hash": "dn2zlga",
"tags": [
"subject": "(#q5rg3ea)",
"mentions": [],
"links": []
As @aelaraji@aelaraji.com points out, this @<bender bender@twtxt.net>
is currently wrong. The 2nd part of a mention is currently required to be a full absolute URI.
@Codebuzz@www.codebuzz.nl Ahh I see 🤣