Four Out of Five People Want Increased Climate Action, UN Poll Says
Cristen Hemingway Jaynes,  Contributing Writer  -  EcoWatch

Stephan: Here is some more good news. It is clear that the collective consciousness of humanity is shifting; people are beginning to realize much more needs to be done to prepare for what climate change is doing. I hope we see this same awareness in the upcoming election.

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在 Rust 中使用 SQLX 集成 SQLite 數據庫
SQLite 是一個 c 語言庫,它實現了一個小型、快速、自包含、高可靠性、全功能的 SQL 數據庫引擎,與 Rust 的安全性和性能非常匹配。sqlx crate 是一個很棒的工具,可以提供到各種數據庫 (包括 SQLite) 的異步連接。sqlx 的美妙之處在於它可以在編譯時檢查 SQL 查詢語句以及它與 Rust 異步特性的兼容。在這篇文章中,我們將探索如何使用 sqlx 將 Rust 與 ⌘ Read more

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PocketBase:一體化的開源 Go 語言實時後端
PocketBase 是一個開源的實時後端解決方案,採用單一文件的形式進行分發。它由嵌入式數據庫 (SQLite) 和實時訂閱功能組成,提供了開箱即用的文件和用戶管理功能、方便的管理儀表板 UI 以及簡單的 REST 風格 API。本文將深入探討 PocketBase 的功能、安裝、示例代碼和一些高級的應用技巧。主要特性—-嵌入式數據庫PocketBase 內嵌 SQLite 數據庫,這意味着 ⌘ Read more

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面試中經常會被問到如何提高系統的併發能力,針對此問題我整理如下的提高系統併發能力的方案: (1)分流方案:常見的的方案有負載均衡、數據庫拆分 / 集羣、消息隊列(2)導流方案:緩存、CDN(3)系統自身優化:數據庫優化、代碼優化(4)增加資源:增加服務器、CPU、內存等硬件資源1、分流方案——負載均衡    使用負載均衡技術可以將請求分發到多個服務器上進行處理,從而提高系統的併發處理能力 ⌘ Read more

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Go: 使用依賴注入實現 Gin 框架路由處理函數的解耦
在 Go 語言開發中,Gin 是一個非常流行的 Web 框架。其輕量級、高性能的特點,使其成爲許多開發者的首選。然而,在實際項目中,隨着業務邏輯的複雜化,我們往往會遇到代碼耦合嚴重、測試困難等問題。依賴注入(Dependency Injection, DI)是一種有效的解耦手段,能夠幫助我們實現代碼的高內聚、低耦合,從而提升代碼的可維護性和可測試性。本文將探討如何在 Gin 框架中使用依賴注入來解 ⌘ Read more

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長文梳理!近年來 GPT 系列模型的發展歷史:從 GPT-1 到 GPT-4o(前世、今生)
引言–隨着 ChatGPT 的發佈,大語言模型的關注度和數量都在不斷上升, 它引領了人類進入了大模型時代,並且隨着一輪一輪的迭代,最新模型已經進化到了 GPT-4o。在衆多大語言模型中,GPT 系列因其代表性而備受關注,其發展歷程和技術革新值得深入探討。那麼今天帶大家回顧一下近年來 GPT 系列模型的發展。【參考中國人民大學《大語言模型》】GPT 系列模型的基本原理是訓練模型學習恢復預訓練文本數 ⌘ Read more

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簡介Go 語言的 runtime/trace 包含一個強大的工具,用於理解和排查 Go 程序。其中的功能允許跟蹤每個 goroutine 在一段時間內的執行情況。然後,使用 go tool trace 命令(或優秀的開源工具 gotraceui)可以可視化和探索這些跟蹤中的數據。跟蹤的魔力在於,它可以輕鬆地揭示程序中其他方式難以看到的東西。例如,在 CPU 概要文件中很難看到併發瓶頸,因爲沒有要採 ⌘ Read more

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分庫分表最全詳解 -圖文全面總結-
大家好,我是 mikechen。分庫分表是大型架構的必備技能,也是大廠重點考察的對象,下面我就全面來詳解分庫分表 @mikechen分庫分表分庫分表是數據庫設計、和管理中的一種策略,主要解決隨着數據量、和併發訪問量的增加而帶來的性能、和擴展性問題。分庫分表,主要就是兩種常用手段:“分庫”、和 “分表”。如下圖所示:分庫(Database Sharding): 將數據按照某種規則,分散到多個獨立的數 ⌘ Read more

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Go singlefight 源碼詳解
寫在前面 通俗的來說就是 singleflight 將相同的併發請求合併成一個請求,進而減少對下層服務的壓力,通常用於解決緩存擊穿的問題。詳解基礎結構— singleflight 結構體:type call struct { wg sync.WaitGroup // 這些字段在 WaitGroup 結束前寫入一次 // 只有在 W ⌘ Read more

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iOS 18 Expands Convenient AirPods-Like Pairing to More Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Accessories
During its WWDC 2024 keynote last week, Apple announced that iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 will let apps offer AirPods-like pairing for more Bluetooth or Wi-Fi accessories.


In apps that implement this new pairing process, users would be able to … ⌘ Read more

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Is 2024 the year of Windows on the desktop?
It should be no secret to anyone reading OSNews that I’m not exactly a fan of Windows. While I grew up using MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, and Windows 9x, the move to Windows XP was a sour one for me, and ever since I’ve vastly preferred first BeOS, and then Linux. When, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Wine community and Valve gaming on Linux became a boring, it-just-works affair, I said goodbye to my final gaming-only Windows installation about fo … ⌘ Read more

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Bugatti’s Tourbillon 2024: Price, Specs, Availability
Furiously complicated and astoundingly fast, the 250-mph, 1,800-hp, electrically enhanced, blood-curdling Tourbillon signals the start of Rimac’s influence on the century-old automaker. ⌘ Read more

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1Password Launches Recovery Codes and Simplified Sign-In Process
Popular password management app 1Password today announced the launch of two new features that are designed to make the app more user friendly. 1Password is improving the sign-in process on new devices and adding the ability to recover an account when a master password and secret key are lost.

With recovery codes, 1Password is providing a failsafe that will let cust … ⌘ Read more

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Big Tech Is Giving Campaigns Both the Venom and the Antidote for GenAI
Microsoft and Google have taught dozens of political groups how to use generative AI tools like their Copilot and Gemini chatbots, but the situation is a little complicated. ⌘ Read more

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Potatoes Are the Perfect Vegetable—but You’re Eating Them Wrong
The humble potato is a miraculous vegetable, but Americans are eating less of them than ever before and have ditched fresh potatoes for frozen. Is it time to rebrand the spud? ⌘ Read more

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Global Air Pollution Kills 2,000 Kids Under Five Every Day: Report
Julia Conley,  Staff Writer  -  Common Dreams

_Stephan: Global air pollution kills 2,000 kids under five every day – that 730,000 little kids a day. It has become, as this report describes, the second-biggest killer of children under the age of five globally. Meanwhile, the carbon corporations pour tens of millions of dollars a year into further corrupting America’s politicians in order to pre … ⌘ Read more

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