(#ebsmpza) @movq but surely it doesn’t just come down to an individuals understanding of a piece of software right? I mean, complexity comes fro …
@movq @www.uninformativ.de but surely it doesn’t just come down to an individuals understanding of a piece of software right? I mean, complexity comes from many different things for example, the number of components the number of sub-systems, lines of code, the number of abstractions, even the complexity of t … ⌘ Read more

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**(#zbwsfwq) @slashdot

The new report published Thursday dives into the many types of dark patterns like sneaking, obstruction, nagging, force …**
@slashdot @feeds.twtxt.net

The new report published Thursday dives into the many types of dark patterns like sneaking, obstruction, nagging, forced action, social proof and others. Sneaking was among the most common dark patterns encountered in the study, referring to the inability to turn off the … ⌘ Read more

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構建 LLM 應用:向量數據庫(第四部分)
作者:Vipra Singh 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀在系列博客中,我們通過檢索增強生成(RAG)應用的視角來學習大規模語言模型(LLM)。引言在之前的博文中,我們已經討論到將原始數據嵌入爲向量的內容。爲了重複利用嵌入的信息,我們需要存儲這些嵌入,以便按需訪問。爲此,我們使用一種特殊的數據庫,即向量數據庫。對於使用檢索增強生成(RAG)的大規模應用來說,高效存儲和檢索向量的 ⌘ Read more

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構建 LLM 應用:句子 Transformer(第三部分)
作者:Vipra Singh 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀通過檢索增強生成(RAG)應用的視角來學習大型語言模型(LLM)。在前幾篇博文中,我們學習了面向 RAG 的數據準備,這包括數據攝入、數據預處理及分塊。由於在執行 RAG 期間需要搜索相關的上下文分塊,我們必須將數據從文本格式轉換爲向量嵌入。因此,我們將探索使用 Sentence Transformers 來轉換文本的最 ⌘ Read more

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都應該會的前端代碼規範 - 日誌打印規範
在前端開發中,隨着項目迭代升級,日誌打印逐漸風格不一,合理的日誌輸出是監控應用狀態、調試代碼和跟蹤用戶行爲的重要手段。一個好的日誌系統能夠幫助開發者快速定位問題,提高開發效率。本文將介紹如何在前端項目中制定日誌輸出規範。1. 日誌等級首先,我們需要定義不同的日誌等級,以便根據消息的重要性進行分類。通常,日誌等級從低到高可以分爲以下幾類:DEBUG: 詳細的開發時信息,用於調試應用。 INFO ⌘ Read more

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Go 1-23 的 os-CopyFS:告別第三方庫,輕鬆複製目錄
在 Go 1.23 版本中,標準庫 os 包引入了一個名爲 CopyFS 的新函數,它提供了一種僅使用標準庫函數即可複製目錄的便捷方法。從此,開發者無需再依賴第三方庫來完成這項常見任務。本文將深入探討 os.CopyFS 函數的功能、用法以及其帶來的優勢。告別第三方庫——在 os.CopyFS 出現之前,Go 開發者通常需要藉助第三方庫(如 github.com/otiai10/copy) ⌘ Read more

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內網 - 公網穿透 實現原理
概述–閱讀本文前,需要熟悉 NAT 實現原理,因爲內網穿透的核心原理之一,就是需要能夠穿透 NAT 網絡設備,如果讀者還不瞭解 NAT, 可以先閱讀 這篇文章

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iPhone 17 Pro Max Will Be First to Feature Three 48MP Camera Lenses
Next year’s iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature an upgraded 48-megapixel tetraprism camera for enhanced photo quality and zoom functionality, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.


In his [latest investor note published to Medium](https://medium.com/@mingchikuo/水晶光電為iphone四重反射稜鏡升級藍圖的領先受益者-crystal-optech-as-a-leading-beneficiary-in-iphone-tetraprism-upgr … ⌘ Read more

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yamabiiko submits CCS proposal for 2 months of full-time Cuprate dev work
yamabiiko1 has submitted their first CCS proposal2 looking to work full-time on Cuprate 3 development for 2 months:

This proposal will be for 2 months of dev work on Cuprate, mainly focusing on implementing ZMQ Pub/Sub and documentation.

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John Foss publishes ‘The Monero Moon’ Issue href=”https://txt.sour.is/search?q=tags:70”>#70**
John Foss1 has published Issue #702 of The Monero Moon curated weekly newsletter:

The Monero Moon is a curated newsletter covering all the latest news within Monero (XMR). We are driven by a compelling need to champion both freedom and financial privacy!

The publication includes news about:

  • Development, Releases, and Technology
  • General News
  • Events
  • Exchanges and Merchants
  • Community Crowdfunding
  • Trading & Speculation
  • N … ⌘ Read more

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rehrar releases Stack Wallet v2.1.2
rehrar1 has released Stack Wallet2 version 2.1.23 with various fixes and improvements.

Changes overview

Added viewing xpub and xprivs for BTC and derivative coins
Phone will no longer timeout when on the Fusion screen
Updated to latest Coinlib
Added XMR and Wownero private key functionality
Fixed default Solana node
Removed cap on upper address scan limit
Can copy order details from the Buy screen
Added preference for auto accepting a  ... ⌘ [Read more](https://monero.observer/rehrar-releases-stack-wallet-v2.1.2/)

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AmiKit launches a new Amiga that’s not an Amiga at all
I try to keep tabs on a huge number of operating system projects out there – for obvious reasons – but long ago I learned that when it comes to the world of Amiga, it’s best to maintain distance and let any important news find its way out of the Amiga bubble, lest one loses their sanity. Keeping up with the Amiga world requires following every nook and cranny of various forums and websites with different allegiances to diff … ⌘ Read more

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“I fixed a 6-year-old .deb installation bug in Ubuntu MATE and Xubuntu”
I love a good bug hunting story, and this one is right up there as a great one. Way back in 2018, Doug Brown discovered that after installing Ubuntu MATE 18.04, if he launched Firefox from the icon in the default panel arrangement to install Chrome from the official Chrome website, the process was broken. After downloading the .deb and double-clicking it, GDebi would appear, but after clickin … ⌘ Read more

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I’ve been thinking about a new term I’ve come across whilst reading a book. It’s called “Complexity Budget” and I think it has relevant in lots …
I’ve been thinking about a new term I’ve come across whilst reading a book. It’s called “Complexity Budget” and I think it has relevant in lots of difficult fields. I specifically think it has a lot of relevant in the Software Industry and organizations in this field. When doing further research on this concept, I was only able find talks on complexity budget in the context of medical care, … ⌘ Read more

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Everyone Is Trying to Make This TikTok Go Viral—and It Never Will
The app’s algorithm is so powerful that ordinary TikTok users can’t get their favorite videos into the record books. Homegrown viral campaigns like the egg that took over Instagram are a thing of the past. ⌘ Read more

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Which Motorola Phone Is for You? Pros, Cons, and Features (2024)
Motorola phones may seem old-school, but their simple Android interface, good battery life, extra storage, and tendency for steep discounts make them solid Android phones. Plus, the Razr is back. ⌘ Read more

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一文詳談 20 多種 RAG 優化方法
大規模語言模型(LLMs)已經成爲我們生活和工作的一部分,它們以驚人的多功能性和智能化改變了我們與信息的互動方式。然而,儘管它們的能力令人印象深刻,但它們並非無懈可擊。這些模型可能會產生誤導性的 “幻覺”,依賴的信息可能過時,處理特定知識時效率不高,缺乏專業領域的深度洞察,同時在推理能力上也有所欠缺。在現實世界的應用中,數據需要不斷更新以反映最新的發展,生成的內容必須是透明可追溯的,以便控制成本並 ⌘ Read more

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