Ubuntu security updates are a confusing mess
I’ve read this article several times now, and I’m still not entirely sure how to properly summarise the main points without leaving important details out. If you really boil it down to the very bare essentials, which packages get updates on which Ubuntu release is a confusing mess that most normal users will never be able to understand, potentially leaving them vulnerable to security flaws that have already been widely patched and are availab … ⌘ Read more

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Elon Musk Couldn’t Beat Him. AI Just Might
Imran Ahmed, founder of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, is unsentimental about what’s at stake if we don’t curb the spread of disinformation: the death of democracy, yes, but also the complete ruin of reality. ⌘ Read more

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It’s Shockingly Easy to Buy Off-Brand Ozempic Online, Even If You Don’t Need It
Weight-loss drugs like Ozempic are in shortage, and telehealth startups are selling “compounded” versions. A WIRED investigation looks at how easy it is to order these meds online. ⌘ Read more

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(#ebsmpza) This is the whole point of this Yarn where I’m trying to figure out with y’all to see if there might possibly be a way to formally me …
This is the whole point of this Yarn where I’m trying to figure out with y’all to see if there might possibly be a way to formally measure and manage complexity, budget of a software, system or organization. ⌘ Read more

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Donald Trump is Unfit to Lead
The Editorial Board,    -  The New York Times

Stephan: I completely agree with this.


Credit: Kenny Holston / The New York Times

Next week, for the third time in eight years, Donald Trump will be nominated as the Republican Party’s candidate for president of the United States. A once great political party now serves the interests of one man, a man as demonstra … ⌘ Read more

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Hungary’s Viktor Orbán to Visit Trump Following NATO Summit and Putin Meeting
JENNIFER JACOBS and ALBERTO NARDELLI,  Staff Writer  -  Time Magazine

_Stephan: Two christofascist criminals, Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban hung out together at Mar-a-Lago, just after Orban met with Putin. Do you think for a moment that Orban didn’t bring a message from Putin to Trump, and that Trump didn’t respond? I am sure Orban will now pass s … ⌘ Read more

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Busted: GOP lawmaker pushed millions for pipeline to benefit companies that donated to her
Matthew Chapman,  Staff Writer  -  Raw Story

_Stephan: When I tell you that the United States has one of the most corrupt governmental structures amongst the developed democracies of the world this is exactly what I mean. This is a report on a MAGAt Representative, but the trial of Senator Menendez is a Democrat example. Citizens United legalized … ⌘ Read more

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Extreme Heat Takes a Toll on the Rails
MATT SIMON,    -  truthdig

Stephan: Climate change, and the rise of temperature it is producing is having all kinds or negative effects, but have you ever heard anyone talking about buckling railroad rails? I think this is just one of hundreds of climate change problems few have thought about, predicted, or for which preparations have been made.


_Railway tracks. Credit: … ⌘ Read more

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2024 年 Rust 加密生態系統概述
根據一項加密庫漏洞的實證研究,加密庫中 37.2% 的漏洞是內存安全問題,而只有 27.2% 是加密問題。現在是時候不再使用 C 作爲實現加密庫的實際語言了。由於 Rust 的高級特性與底層控制,沒有垃圾收集器,可移植性和易於嵌入,Rust 是我們取代當今最常用的加密庫的最佳選擇。OpenSSL, BoringSSL 和 libsodium,它們都是用 C 編寫的。2024 年,Rust 的加密生 ⌘ Read more

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IoT 物聯網通信調試工具,智能防粘包,支持 ModbusRtu、MQTT 服務端、MQTT 客戶端
在現代工業自動化和物聯網 (IoT) 領域,通信協議的重要性不言而喻。Modbus 和 MQTT 作爲兩種主流的通信協議,廣泛應用於設備之間的數據交換。今天,亞倫給大家推薦一款集成了這兩種協議的通信調試工具——Wu.CommTool。Wu.CommTool 是一款專爲 Windows 系統設計的通信工具,它不僅支持 Modbus RTU 協議,還集成了 MQTT 服務器和客戶端的功能。這款工具 ⌘ Read more

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圖解 RocketMQ 架構
寫在前面Kafka、RocketMQ 都是很出名的中間件,上次我們講解了 Kafka,這次我們來講講 RocketMQ 的原理。基本架構圖解析RocketMQ 總共可以分成四個模塊NameServer:提供服務發現和路由功能,管理各種元數據信息。 Broker:消息存儲和路由分發節點,負責存儲消息和將消息路由給消費者。 Producer:消息生產者,負責產生併發送消息到指定的 Topi ⌘ Read more

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Kafka 一條消息的完整生命週期
1、引言    在大數據和實時流處理的領域,Apache Kafka 憑藉其高性能、高吞吐量和可擴展性,成爲了業界廣泛使用的分佈式消息隊列系統。然而,在諸多應用場景中,消息的順序性往往是一個至關重要的需求。無論是金融交易、日誌記錄還是其他需要精確時間線的業務場景,消息的順序消費都顯得尤爲關鍵。    Kafka 如何保證消息的順序消費,是許多開發者和架構師關心的問題。從根本上說,Kafka 通過其 ⌘ Read more

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一文搞懂大模型、RAG、函數調用、Agent、知識庫、向量數據庫、知識圖譜、AGI 的區別和聯繫!!—
背景        當我們把 AI 大模型視作人的大腦時,調用 A 大模型就如同調用一個人的智慧。將 AI 大模型人格化,意味着它應該能夠理解人類的語言(懂人話)、用人類的語言進行表達(說人話),並直接給出結果。然而,重要的是要認識到,儘管 AI 大模型可以提供快速的答案,但這些結果並不總是完全準確。    在 AI 大模型的推理基礎上,我們採用了多種技術手段來實現真正的 AGI(通用人工智能 ⌘ Read more

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Apple Vision Pro Launches in UK, Canada, France, Germany, and Australia
Apple’s Vision Pro spatial computing headset today arrived at Apple Store locations in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, and Australia. The device was previously only available in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, mainland China, and the United States.


Consumer interest in the $3,499 he … ⌘ Read more

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全面掌握 Go 語言 errors 標準庫:使用指南與源碼深度解析
前言–在 Go 語言中,錯誤處理是一個重要的部分。Go 官方提供了一個輕量級的 errors 標準庫,用於創建和處理錯誤。本文將介紹如何使用 Go 的 errors 標準庫,並深入解析其源碼實現。準備好了嗎?準備一杯你最喜歡的咖啡或茶,隨着本文一探究竟吧。 Go 版本:1.22.0error 接口——–下面的內容會提到 error 接口,因此我們有必要先了解一下 error 接口的相 ⌘ Read more

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Go 語言實現 Base64、Base58 編碼與解碼,很簡單
在 Go 語言中,實現 Base64 和 Base58 編碼與解碼是非常常見的任務。Go 標準庫中已經包含了 Base64 的編碼與解碼函數,而 Base58 需要使用第三方庫來實現。下面分別介紹 Base64 和 Base58 編碼與解碼的實現方法。Base64 編碼與解碼Go 標準庫的encoding/base64包提供了 Base64 編碼與解碼的功能。示例代碼package mainimp ⌘ Read more

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(#uepfgma) @movq well that depends on what this 2000 lines of coat does right does the 2000 lines of code basically amount to a linear set of in …
@movq @www.uninformativ.de well that depends on what this 2000 lines of coat does right does the 2000 lines of code basically amount to a linear set of instructions with no branching? Or is that 2000 lines of Covid include lots of conditional branching that make understanding what the program does, difficult … ⌘ Read more

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