Fusion OS: writing an OS in Nim
I decided to document my journey of writing an OS in Nim. Why Nim? It’s one of the few languages that allow low-level systems programming with deterministic memory management (garbage collector is optional) with destructors and move semantics. It’s also statically typed, which provides greater type safety. It also supports inline assembly, which is a must for OS development. Other options include C, C++, Rust, and Zig. They’re great languages, but I chose Nim for its s … ⌘ Read more

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The Hidden Ties Between Google and Amazon’s Project Nimbus and Israel’s Military
A WIRED investigation found public statements from officials detail a much closer link between Project Nimbus and Israel Defense Forces than previously reported. ⌘ Read more

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‘He was a Republican’: Juan Williams reminds Fox News that Trump shooter wasn’t a Dem
David Edwards,  Senior Editor  -  Raw Story

Stephan: Fox News, and NBC News report that Thomas Matthew Crooks who attempted to assassinate criminal Trump was a registered Republican.


_Thomas Matthew Crooks, the Republican gunman who tried to assassinate Donald Trump. Credit: The New … ⌘ Read more

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72% of Americans say the U.S. used to be a good example of democracy, but isn’t anymore

_Stephan: Almost three-quarters of Americans, and an average of 40% of the people of the rest of the world recognize that the United States is no longer a good example of democracy. The turning point will come on November 2nd when Americans decide whether they wish to continue as a de … ⌘ Read more

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Going Undercover in the Incel Movement
SIAN NORRIS,  Contributing Writer  -  truthdig

_Stephan: One of the foundational groups in MAGAt world are White men who can’t find a woman willing to have sex with them. It is that basic. As Sian Norris, the author of this article says, “Through my research I discovered that many incels believe in the far-right Great Replacement conspiracy theory which, they claim, is fueled by women’s reproductive rights, leading to extreme anti-abortion content … ⌘ Read more

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Israel Opposes Rebuilding Gaza’s Internet Access Because Terorrists Could Go Online
Sam Biddle,  Staff Writer  -  The Intercept

_Stephan: The Israelis just bombed the remaining children’s hospital in Gaza, just as the Russians destroyed a children’s hospital in Ukraine. In both instances the hospitals were deliberately chosen targets. Both Russia and Israel are basically attempting to carry out a genocide. The Israelis, with the help of the U … ⌘ Read more

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Google can totally explain why Chromium browsers quietly tell only its websites about your CPU, GPU usage
It’s time for Google being Google, this time by using an undocumented APIs to track resource usage when using Chrome. When visiting a *.google.com domain, the Google site can use the API to query the real-time CPU, GPU, and memory usage of your browser, as well as info about the processor you’re using, so that whatever ser … ⌘ Read more

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Pretty pictures, bootable floppy disks, and the first Canon Cat demo?
About a month ago, Cameron Kaiser first introduced us to the Canon Cat, a computer designed by Jeff Raskin, but abandoned within six months by Canon, who had no idea what to do with it. In his second article on the Cat, Kaiser dives much deeper into the software and operating system of the Cat, even going so far as to become the first person to write software for it. One of the most surprising as … ⌘ Read more

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在當今數字化時代,實時聊天系統已成爲人們日常生活和工作中不可或缺的一部分。設計一個高效、穩定且可擴展的實時聊天系統架構對於提供優質的用戶體驗至關重要。本文將深入探討如何設計一個實時聊天系統的架構,以滿足現代用戶的需求。一、需求分析在設計實時聊天系統之前,我們首先要明確系統的需求。一個基本的實時聊天系統應支持以下功能:用戶註冊與登錄:允許用戶創建賬戶並登錄系統。 好友管理:用戶可以添加、刪除和 ⌘ Read more

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Redis 高性能架構詳解 -圖文全面總結-
大家好,我是 mikechen。Redis 現在是大型架構的必備技能,也是大廠重點考察對象,下面我就全面來詳解 Redis 的高性能架構 @mikechenIO 多路複用技術Redis 的高性能,有功於其使用的 IO 多路複用技術(IO multiplexing)。IO 多路複用是一種 IO 模型,它使單個線程可以監視多個文件描述符(如:網絡套接字)。這種機制避免了爲每個連接創建一個線程或進程的開 ⌘ Read more

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在 Go 項目中使用 Redis 的幾個實用建議
今天來聊一聊 Redis,主要是聊一些在 Go 項目中使用 go-redis 代碼上的一些建議。在上代碼之前我還是要廢話幾句,在大家開發需求用到 Redis 時一定要多想個兩分鐘 “我是不是把 Redis 當數據庫用了?” 因爲數據在數據庫和 Redis 裏存兩份就就得考慮它們的一致性怎麼維護,賊麻煩,而這個一致性不做上線後還經常會出 BUG,所以不是必要我一般不用 Redis。需要過期的數據肯定 ⌘ Read more

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簡單就是美:Postgres 極簡架構,用 Postgres 取代一切
曾經流傳已久的簡單美的架構思想已經被到處卷的現代 IT 給拋棄了。系統變得越來越大,分系統越來越多,架構越來與複雜,出現問題排查越來越難。那麼迴歸簡單不好麼?關鍵是怎麼實現成了一個問題,今天我們就介紹一個以 Postgres 爲基礎的,簡化堆棧、減少移動部件、加快開發速度、降低風險並的方法,那就是 “用 Postgres 取代一切”!這種方法特別適合一些剛剛開始的初創公司和還在探索優化架構的那些組 ⌘ Read more

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構建 LLM 應用:搜索 - 檢索(第五部分)
作者:Vipra Singh 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀在系列博客中,我們通過檢索增強生成(RAG)應用的視角來學習大規模語言模型(LLM)。 讓我們開始在 RAG 應用程序中探索尋找相關數據的旅程。當用戶輸入查詢時,過程包括對用戶查詢進行分詞,並使用與嵌入原始數據相同的模型進行嵌入。接着,根據與用戶查詢的相似度,從知識庫中提取相關的信息塊。本篇博客將全面深入地探討搜索過程 ⌘ Read more

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Apple Approves First Retro PC Emulator for iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro
Apple this weekend approved free PC emulator “UTM SE” for the App Store on iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro. The app allows users to emulate old versions of Windows OS, macOS, Linux, and more to fire up classic software and games on Apple devices.


As the first of its kind to be allowed on the App Store, UTM SE offers several unique feature … ⌘ Read more

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如何開發一款 JSSDK
本文作者系 360 奇舞團前端開發工程師JSSDK 的定義與分類什麼是 JSSDKSDK 是Software Development Kit(軟件開發工具包)的縮寫,JSSDK是爲了幫助前端實現特定需求,而向開發者暴露的一些JS-API的集合,開發者可以通過它在網頁中集成和使用某些特定的功能,例如社交分享、地圖服務、支付功能等. 它通常包括一下模塊:JavaScript庫:這是 JSSDK 的核心 ⌘ Read more

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Seraphis Wallet Workgroup meeting scheduled for 22 July 2024 1800 UTC
The next Seraphis Wallet Workgroup 1 meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, July 22 2024 at 18:00 UTC, in the IRC/Libera #no-wallet-left-behind 2 channel and the bridged Matrix room3.

Consult the project’s wiki4 page to learn more about Seraphis, Jamtis, and wallet3.

Logs for the previous meeting are available on Monero Observer5.

_This is an ongoing story and the rep … ⌘ Read more

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COMIT ‘xmr-btc-swap’ v0.13.3 released
Version 0.13.31 of COMIT2’s XMR-BTC atomic swap implementation ( xmr-btc-swap 3) was released:

Changes overview (since 0.13.2)
-Introduced a cooperative Monero redeem feature [..]
-CLI: --change-address can now be omitted. [..]

Downloads1 and the full list of changes4 are available on Github.

Read the Safety 5 section of the README.md file before using this tool and join COMIT’s Matrix channel

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Microsoft quietly updates official lightweight Windows 11 Validation OS ISOs for 24H2
Microsoft has again quietly updated its Validation OS ISOs. In case you are not familiar with it, Validation OS is an official lightweight variant of Windows and it is designed for hardware vendors to test, validate and repair hardware defects. ↫ Sayan Sen at Neowin I had no idea this variant of Windows existed, but it kind of makes sense when you think about it … ⌘ Read more

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GitHub is starting to feel like legacy software
The corporate branding, the new “AI-powered developer platform” slogan, makes it clear that what I think of as “GitHub”—the traditional website, what are to me the core features—simply isn’t Microsoft’s priority at this point in time. I know many talented people at GitHub who care, but the company’s priorities just don’t seem to value what I value about the service. This isn’t an anti-AI statement so much as a recognition that the tool … ⌘ Read more

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AT&T Paid a Hacker $370,000 to Delete Stolen Phone Records
A security researcher who assisted with the deal says he believes the only copy of the complete dataset of call and text records of “nearly all” AT&T customers has been wiped—but some risks may remain. ⌘ Read more

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