Billionaires Take Sides as Turbulent Presidential Race Heats Up
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The US presidential election has seen a wave of unprecedented events, but one constant has been donor money pouring into campaign coffers.

Since surviving an assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump has received a cascade of money, capped by billionair … ⌘ Read more

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Elon Musk and Peter Thiel’s War on Democracy
ROBERT REICH ,   the Carmel P. Friesen Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies  -

_Stephan: Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are explicitly trying end democracy in the United States. They have been joined by other billionaires, but they are the main villains in this naked attempt to end our democracy. What can … ⌘ Read more

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‘There are no guardrails’: Supreme Court empowers cities to take tougher steps to police homelessness

_Stephan: One of the outcomes of the grotesque wealth inequality in the United States has been the massive increase in homeless people. In many American cities, if you walk the streets of the city or look in the parks or along the highways you see thousands of men and women who have been reduced to living … ⌘ Read more

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Is gun violence an epidemic in the U.S.? Experts and history say it is
Destinee Adams,  Production Assistant  -  npr

_Stephan: Studies show the the largest population of gun killers are lonely isolated White men. I have thought a lot about why this is the case. One obvious part of an answer is the laxity of gun laws. But there is more to it than that. When I was young men there was a draft and a large percentage of young men went into the armed forces. Whe … ⌘ Read more

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CrowdStrike issue is causing massive computer outages worldwide
Well, this sure is something to wake up to: a massive worldwide outage of computer systems due to a problem with CrowdStrike software. Payment systems, airlines, hospitals, governments, TV stations – pretty much anything or anyone using computers could be dealing with bluescreens, bootloops, and similar issues today. Open-heart surgeries had to be stopped mid-surgery, planes can’t take off, people can’t b … ⌘ Read more

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(#ojhrg4a) I re-blocked this feed (if anyone really wants it, please let me know!) and nuked it from the cache. It’s full of garbage AFICT ��� …
I re-blocked this feed ( if anyone really wants it, please let me know!) and nuked it from the cache. It’s full of garbage AFICT 🤦‍♂️ ⌘ Read more

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rust 實現字典樹
tabletbodytrtd width=“557” valign=“top” align=“center” class=““section class=”“br/sectionp class=”“strong何爲字典樹?/strongbr/p/td/tr/tbody/table字典樹又名前綴樹,是一種多叉樹。常用於路由查找、相同前綴的單詞查詢等場景。如果使用包含 26 個英文字母組成的語料庫來構 ⌘ Read more

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分享一次 Sharding JDBC 億級數據分表真實經驗
前言–從入職以來寫了一年的業務代碼,突然接到來自領導的技術需求,說要給我們的借款、還款申請單分表。查看了一下借款表,只有幾千萬數據,再看還款表已經兩億多了,爲了提高數據查詢效率,降低數據庫的壓力。確實可以考慮分表了。另外…… 這是入職一年以來第一個非業務需求!設計方案—-開始編碼實現之前我們需要先做系統設計,主要是以下幾塊內容要跟領導開會對齊顆粒度!分表數據庫基本信息分表數據庫使用新 ⌘ Read more

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構建並運行 eBPF 應用 - Part 2
在上一篇文章中,我們用 C 語言創建了一個 eBPF 程序,以瞭解某個進程使用 CPU 的時間。這些數據隨後被存儲在 BPF HashMap 中。但這是一個不斷更新的短期存儲位置,數據的壽命很短…… 我們該如何利用這些數據呢?這就是用戶空間程序的用武之地。用戶空間程序不在內核空間運行,但可以附加到 eBPF 程序並訪問 BPF HashMap。現在讓我們來看看如何用 Golang 編寫用戶 ⌘ Read more

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Linux Kernel:Page Fault 頁異常全面解析
當程序訪問虛擬內存中的一個頁面時,如果該頁面當前不在物理內存中,就會觸發一個稱爲 “page fault”(頁異常)的異常。操作系統需要處理這個異常,並將所需頁面從磁盤加載到內存中。實現虛存管理的一個關鍵是 page fault 異常處理,其過程中主要涉及到函數 — dopgfault 的具體實現。比如,在程序的執行過程中由於某種原因(頁框不存在 / 寫只讀頁等)而使 CPU 無法最終訪問到相應的 ⌘ Read more

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手動實現 Rust 中的 Channel,理解同步原語 CondVar
在今天的文章中,我們將通過手動實現 Rust 中的 Channel,來理解同步原語 CondVar、Arc 和 Mutex。我們使用 Rust 標準庫中的 VecDeque 隊列模擬 Rust Channel,VecDeque 是一個雙端隊列,作爲一個不斷增長的環形緩衝區。數據模型爲了使我們的解決方案更有條理,我們定義了 3 個結構體:TransmitterTransmitter 結構體 (tx) ⌘ Read more

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構建 LLM 應用:高級 RAG(第十部分)
作者:Vipra Singh 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀現在,請跟隨我們一起踏上另一段探索之旅,進入高級 RAG 技術的迷人世界。歡迎回到我們關於高級檢索增強生成(RAG)技術系列的最新篇章!在本系列的前九部分中,我們深入探討了 RAG,解析了檢索機制與生成模型之間的精妙互動。從掌握生成模型的基礎知識到通過大型語言模型(LLMs)探索前沿技術,我們覆蓋了廣闊的概念與方法領域。 ⌘ Read more

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構建 LLM 應用:評估(第八部分)
作者:Vipra Singh 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀我們在上一篇博客中成功構建了多個 RAG 應用。現在,讓我們來看看評估這些應用的過程。我們在上一篇博客中成功構建了多個 RAG 應用。現在,讓我們來看看評估這些應用的過程。我們將探究從我們的大型語言模型生成的結果有多可靠。首先,讓我們通過下表來理解傳統機器學習、深度學習和 LLMs 之間的區別。大型語言模型(LLMs)的 ⌘ Read more

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構建 LLM 應用:構建 LLM 服務(第九部分)
作者:Vipra Singh 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀LLM Serving 指的是部署和運行大型語言模型(LLMs)以處理用戶請求的過程。它涉及到將通常離線訓練的 LLM 設置爲實時響應查詢。LLM Serving 指的是部署和運行大型語言模型(LLMs)以處理用戶請求的過程。它涉及到將通常離線訓練的 LLM 設置爲實時響應查詢。以下是 LLM Serving 包含的主要 ⌘ Read more

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Crowdstrike Says Global IT Outage Limited to Windows PCs, But Mac and Linux Hosts Not Affected
A widespread system failure is currently affecting numerous Windows devices globally, causing critical boot failures across various industries, including banks, rail networks, airlines, retail, broadcasters, and many more businesses. The issue, manifesting as a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), is preventing computers from starting up properly and forcing them into continuous recovery cycles.

![](http … ⌘ Read more

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構建 LLM 應用:開源聊天機器人(第七部分)
作者:Vipra Singh 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀在這篇博客文章中,我們將使用 LangChain 創建一個基礎的 LLM 應用程序。介紹我們之前的博客文章深入探討了大型語言模型(LLMs),覆蓋了它們的發展歷程和廣泛的應用場景。現在,讓我們更近距離地聚焦這一旅程的核心:本地構建 LLM 應用程序。在這篇博客文章中,我們將使用 LangChain 創建一個基礎的 LLM ⌘ Read more

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rehrar releases Stack Wallet v2.1.3
rehrar1 has released Stack Wallet2 version 2.1.33 with various fixes and improvements.

Changes overview
Show n/x confirms while unconfirmed
Show n confirmations on tx details screen
Null error fix on send from stack when doing epic to any swap
Fix spacing on wallet settings view
Ignore verification of mnemonic passphrase if passphrase is empty
Added multi address functionality to FROST [..]

The rel … ⌘ Read more

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b4n6_b4n6 proposes bounty for improved monerod docs
b4n6_b4n61 has proposed a bounty2 for adding more details to the docs from the monerod --help command3:

In my experience, this is important undocumented information of the monero-wallet-gui/monerod. I think adding this is practical for new devs to understand the monero-wallet-gui/monerod better.

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NVIDIA transitions fully towards open-source GPU Linux kernel modules
It’s a bit of a Linux news day today – it happens – but this one is good news we can all be happy about. After earning a bad reputation for mishandling its Linux graphics drivers for years, almost decades, NVIDIA has been turning the ship around these past two years, and today they made a major announcement: from here on out, the open source NVIDIA kernel modules will be the default for all re … ⌘ Read more

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Linux patch to disable Snapdragon X Elite GPU by default
Not too long ago it seemed like Linux support for the new ARM laptops running the Snapdragon X Pro and Elite processors was going to be pretty good – Qualcomm seemed to really be stepping up its game, and detailed in a blog post exactly what they were doing to make Linux a first-tier operating system on their new, fancy laptop chips. Now that the devices are in people’s hand, though, it seems all is not so rosy in this … ⌘ Read more

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Ly: a TUI display manager
Ly is a lightweight TUI (ncurses-like) display manager for Linux and BSD. ↫ Ly GitHub page That’s it. That’s the description. I’ve been wanting to take a stab at running a full CLI/TUI environment for a while, see just how far I can get in my computing life (excluding games) running nothing but a few tiled terminal emulators running various TUI apps for email, Mastodon, browsing, and so on. I’m not sure I’d be particularly happy with it – I’m a GUI user through and through – but l … ⌘ Read more

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J.D. Vance Left His Venmo Public. Here’s What It Shows
The Republican VP nominee’s Venmo network reveals connections ranging from the architects of Project 2025 to enemies of Donald Trump—and the populist’s close ties to the very elites he rails against. ⌘ Read more

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Unified kernel image
UKIs can run on UEFI systems and simplify the distribution of small kernel images. For example, they simplify network booting with iPXE. UKIs make rootfs and kernels composable, making it possible to derive a rootfs for multiple kernel versions with one file for each pair. A Unified Kernel Image (UKI) is a combination of a UEFI boot stub program, a Linux kernel image, an initramfs, and further resources in a single UEFI PE file (device tree, cpu µcode, splash screen, secure boot sig/key, … … ⌘ Read more

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Inside an IBM/Motorola mainframe controller chip from 1981
In this article, I look inside a chip in the IBM 3274 Control Unit.1 But before I discuss the chip, I need to give some background on mainframes. ↫ Ken Shirriff Whenever we talk about mainframes, I am obligated to link to the story of an 18 year old buying a mainframe, while still living at his parents. One of the greatest presentations of all time. ⌘ Read more

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Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Everywhere. This Company Thinks It Has the Secret to Make Them High-End
It’s possible to grow gems in the time it takes to watch a movie, and main-street jewelers are selling examples for hundreds of dollars, not thousands. The race is on to save the value of the most precious stone. ⌘ Read more

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