Apple Agrees to Follow President Biden’s AI Safety Guidelines
Apple has committed to a set of voluntary AI safeguards established by President Joe Biden’s administration, joining other tech giants in a move to ensure responsible AI development (via Bloomberg).


Apple is now part of the a … ⌘ Read more

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背景–單頁應用(Single Page Application,簡稱 SPA)是一種現代 Web 應用程序架構,通過動態重載頁面中的部分內容來提供更流暢和更響應式的用戶體驗。由於 SPA 在客戶端(用戶的瀏覽器)運行大量的 JavaScript 代碼,並且與傳統的多頁應用不同,它不會每次操作都從服務器重新加載整個頁面內容,因此在性能和用戶體驗上有顯著優勢。然而這種應用也存在一定弊端,譬如當服務端 ⌘ Read more

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小愛音箱改造篇(一)- 創意萌芽
我家裏正好有一臺沒怎麼用的小愛音箱,最近我突然有了個新奇的想法 - 把它和 GPT 技術結合起來。既然決定了,那就開始行動。在接下來的時間裏,我會逐步記錄並分享我是如何一步步改造這臺小愛音箱的。創意萌芽—-開始任何項目之前,我都有一個固定的習慣:先畫一張流程圖。這樣做可以幫助我清晰地梳理和規劃我想要實現的功能。這次的小愛音箱改造計劃,我打算讓它變得更加多功能和個性化。具體來說,我有幾個核心功能 ⌘ Read more

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Go 異步編程小技巧
我們通過一個簡單的例子看一下 Goroutine 的使用func main() {    go func() {        fmt.Println(“Goroutine started”)        // do some work        fmt.Println(“Goroutine finished”)    }()    // wait for Goroutine to fini ⌘ Read more

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阿里巴巴 MySQL 規範,五千字版,這次全了(建議收藏)
大家好,我是田螺。今天跟大家講講阿里巴巴 MySQL 規範。本文轉載來源公衆號:架構師之路。規範內容取自 “阿里巴巴 MySQL 規範”(黃山版),發佈時間爲 2022.2.3,開源。 第一部分:建表規範【強制】規範一:是否字段表達是否概念的字段,必須使用 isxxx 的形式命名;數據類型必須是 unsigned tinyint;1 表示是,0 表示否;舉例:是否刪除正確:使用 isdelete ⌘ Read more

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作者:Jack Morris 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀文本嵌入是否可以還原文本信息?向量數據庫的興起近年來,隨着生成式 AI 的迅速發展,衆多企業紛紛尋求將 AI 融入其業務之中。其中最常見的做法之一是構建能夠回答有關文檔數據庫內信息的問題的 AI 系統。解決此類問題的大多數方案都基於一項關鍵技術:增強檢索生成(RAG)。RAG 系統的概覽這是現在許多人開始使用 AI 的一 ⌘ Read more

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TCP 已經實現 KeepAlice- 爲什麼應用層還要實現一遍?
TCP 心跳——TCP Keepalive 是一種用於檢測 TCP 連接是否活躍的機制,通過定期發送探測數據包來確定連接的狀態,主要用於檢測空閒 (殭屍) 連接、保持 NAT 映射 (NAT 設備、防火牆設備) 等。原理簡述要啓用 TCP Keepalive 自動檢測機制,需要通信雙方都開啓 Keepalive 選項 如果在一定時間(默認 2 小時)內沒有數據傳輸,TCP 會發送一個 ⌘ Read more

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4 種集成 Rust 與 Node-js 的方法及其最佳實踐
Node.js 是一個強大的 JavaScript 運行時,建立在 Chrome 的 V8 JavaScript 引擎。它允許開發人員使用 JavaScript 編寫服務器端腳本,在將頁面發送到用戶的 web 瀏覽器之前創建動態 web 內容。將 Rust 與 Node.js 集成可以顯著提高 Node.js 應用程序中某些任務的性能。有幾個令人信服的理由將 Rust 與 Node.js 集成:1 ⌘ Read more

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OpenAI beta tests SearchGPT search engine
Normally I’m not that interested in reporting on news coming from OpenAI, but today is a little different – the company launched SearchGPT, a search engine that’s supposed to rival Google, but at the same time, they’re also kind of not launching a search engine that’s supposed to rival Google. What? We’re testing SearchGPT, a prototype of new search features designed to combine the strength of our AI models with information from the web to give you … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » he emailed my ISP about causing logging abuse. This is the only real ISP in my area, its gonna basically send me back to dialup.

@xuu wow, such a remote place, eh? I imagine you living somewhere in the Himalayas, driving to town once every couple of months to resupply.

Don’t get me wrong, it is attractive, until my Internets are threaten. Then all bets are off. 😂

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Two threads, one core: how simultaneous multithreading works under the hood
Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is a feature that lets a processor handle instructions from two different threads at the same time. But have you ever wondered how this actually works? How does the processor keep track of two threads and manage its resources between them? In this article, we’re going to break it all down. Understanding the nuts and bolts of SMT will help you decide … ⌘ Read more

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Intel: Raptor Lake faults excessive voltage from microcode, fix coming in August
In what started last year as a handful of reports about instability with Intel’s Raptor Lake desktop chips has, over the last several months, grown into a much larger saga. Facing their biggest client chip instability impediment in decades, Intel has been under increasing pressure to figure out the root cause of the issue and fix it, as claims of damaged chips have stacked … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » Wayland wants to make every frame perfect. I wish web devs had the same goal. Instead, we’re stuck with this: But stuff is still “mostly usable”, isn’t it? It’s not like it became impossible to write a letter because everything has gotten so slow.

That’s what I meant by “absolute” performance: A human being tolerates a system boot up time of 0.5-2 minutes, for example, so there’s an absolute/fixed duration that any task is allowed to take. Boot: 0.5-2 minutes. Opening Word: 1-10 seconds. Saving an image file: 1-10 seconds. Time until the next song starts to play when you click “next track”: 0-5 seconds. Stuff like that. As long as we don’t exceed those durations, people will be more or less happy.

Wasted potential? Ab-so-fucken-lutely.

(Maybe I’m repeating myself. I’m tired. Sorry. 😅)

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In-reply-to » Went for a walk onto my backyard mountain again and ate the first three wild blackberries of the season. Watching the sunset unfold from the summit was quite spectacular. The solar disk was glowing extremely blood red. The photos show it way too white, though. Uhh, nice. Haven’t seen a sunset like that in a while, I think. 🤔

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In-reply-to » he emailed my ISP about causing logging abuse. This is the only real ISP in my area, its gonna basically send me back to dialup. haha funny! though i just realized my ISP is the only one with fiber pulled to the property so i would have to get a phone line from them some how. The other ISP in the area is basically a mobile hotspot.

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New Jersey’s $500 Million Bid to Become an AI Epicenter
The Garden State has enacted a hefty new tax credit specifically for AI businesses. But tax incentives—particularly around data centers—haven’t always created large numbers of jobs. ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » @abucci / @abucci Any interesting errors pop up in the server logs since the the flaw got fixed (unbounded receieveFile())? 🤔 Can you please check if you reported @xuu’s IP address on mistake and let his ISP know that this was some false alarm? They’re monitoring his traffic to your server and treating this as continued abuse. :-(

(His twts have been synced to your yarnd by yarnd’s gossip protocol.)

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In-reply-to » @abucci / @abucci Any interesting errors pop up in the server logs since the the flaw got fixed (unbounded receieveFile())? 🤔

We received the abuse report below regarding network abuse from the IP address indicated.
On researching I see that HTTPS (tcp 443) traffic is continuing and originating from you NAT IP address 100.64.x.x
This was further found to be originating from your firewall/router at 192.168.x.x (MAC D8:58:D7:x:x:x).
This abuse is continuing and constitues a violation of [ISP] Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service.
Please take action to identify the source of the abuse and prevent it from continuing.
Failure to stop the abuse may result in suspension or cancellation of service.

Thank you,

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In-reply-to » @abucci / @abucci Any interesting errors pop up in the server logs since the the flaw got fixed (unbounded receieveFile())? 🤔

he emailed my ISP about causing logging abuse. This is the only real ISP in my area, its gonna basically send me back to dialup.

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