I’d like to know more numbers for techs like GPS/Navigation, Twitter, TikTok, AI/ML based assistants. Decisions taken based on ML. Wearables. Medicine. Encryption. % of population with a mobile device and Internet access.
It’s going so fast that we can’t remember how to live w/o those technologies, anymore.
As a tech designer is exciting. As a world citizen… Well, a bit overwhelming, but with hope that all that tech won’t make us consumerists.

#stupidMooresLaw #buckleUp


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Back-Online - my provider decided to only hand out IPv6 addresses for a couple of hours. What a pain. Now, I do not have an IPv6 but my old IPv4 again. It is super strange these days. About 3–4 months ago, their mobile-part got hacked and data leaked. Maybe they are trying to fix stuff and closing down and fixing services. I don’t know. All I can say, that download speed is fine, but ping is bad sometimes throughout the day.


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This is now correctly working rather nicely 👌


– If anyone wants to give this a try, just docker pull prologic/yarnd:latest (if you’re running using Docker) or git pull and rebuild, then either --enable-feature webfinger or add it to Settings -> Poderator Settings and restart (or edit /path/to/data/settings.yaml)

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In-reply-to » Paleblue | USB Rechargeable Lithium Batteries – Pale Blue -- Just came across these... Are they any good? 🤔 Anyone familiar with these? 🤔

@prologic@twtxt.net I always wanted a few of these

AA batteries with USB plug

AA batteries with USB plug

But now cost wise I have some traditional NiCd chargers and batteries for the few devices without rechargeable batteries at home. Like the Xbox controller. Works well enough.

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In-reply-to » It reminds me when I was learning piano. Yeah, I wanted to play the classics or the modern tunes, bu instead as my fingers where pathetic I had to practice with boring and monotone scores to build dexterity for my hands.

Checking my notes, I find that there are as well a few strange traits in Spanish that foreigners could find counterintuitive, like having silent letters, sounds depending on the following vowel, and so…

Español vs Français

Español vs Français

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Speaking of Git hosting / forges / thingies… I just realised that the way in which sr.ht manages patches is actually very similar to what I had in mind, at least conceptually. And… it looks like they somehow have figured out a way to represent whether or not the patches were applied in this nifty Web UI


– If you follow the link to a proposed patch for example you also get another nice interface explaining how to deal with the patch


– As well as a nifty (if you expand it out) little CLI snippet you can paste into your Terminal like:

$ curl -s https://lists.sr.ht/~migadu/alps-devel/patches/36196/mbox | git am -3

Neat! 👌 Some good inspiration to draw from there… (even if I still don’t like the idea of using Email).

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In-reply-to » @prologic It became interesting on that issue In GitHub!

@prologic@twtxt.net I’m not sure, we can try but I’m more of a terminal person when handling my projects, I end up neglecting the web UI pretty fast, what do you recommend?

Also a quick look around got me on this site, could it be what you’re aiming for? (In scope at least)

As for the name of the project if it get to a good point it could become a complete solution for the basic needs of git dev (if I understood the hard-fork need).

It’ll be like a swiss army knife, so, with that thinking in mind:


In honor of MacGyver, thanks to this meme.


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