@bender@twtxt.net I was wearing this t-shirt yesterday:
@prologic@twtxt.net I get this error when replying to yarns.
How to lose a sale:
@eaplmx@twtxt.net Hmmm you can already do this even without a manifest 🤔
– Even if we do add a manifest, it won’t make any pod’s Web interface a PWA 😢
@prologic@twtxt.net Got a mention for the first time in recent memory, from @darch@neotxt.dk!
Wondering whether the fully qualified nature of it – or of how it displays, at least – has anything to do with it showing up, but not this, from @bender@twtxt.net.
Other see multiple posts from @kevin? I guess it might have something to do with the 3 different url =
field in his twtxt file
I’d like to know more numbers for techs like GPS/Navigation, Twitter, TikTok, AI/ML based assistants. Decisions taken based on ML. Wearables. Medicine. Encryption. % of population with a mobile device and Internet access.
It’s going so fast that we can’t remember how to live w/o those technologies, anymore.
As a tech designer is exciting. As a world citizen… Well, a bit overwhelming, but with hope that all that tech won’t make us consumerists.
And some screenshots for the video and form this one as well: How we deal with long posts in FeedLand - YouTube
More info: http://docs.feedland.org/categories.opml
@prologic@twtxt.net Not but it seem to be good enough for this😆
External and selfhosted feed:
Feed on an external pod:
Feed on local pod:
Hmm I need to work our the logic for the last one for internal users to not show the link to home pod
Now with Logout move to your profile page, which can then be easily accessed from the topnav:
And a CSS-only modal for the Mute/report feature:
Back-Online - my provider decided to only hand out IPv6 addresses for a couple of hours. What a pain. Now, I do not have an IPv6 but my old IPv4 again. It is super strange these days. About 3–4 months ago, their mobile-part got hacked and data leaked. Maybe they are trying to fix stuff and closing down and fixing services. I don’t know. All I can say, that download speed is fine, but ping is bad sometimes throughout the day.
Some more work on the new profile_ui:
My Dashboard is looking good so far.
I hope @prologic@twtxt.net doesn’t mind that I took the opportunity to add the yarn.social logo to the ultimate https://github.com/walkxcode/dashboard-icons/ repository, so it can be retrieved automatically. Sorry for not asking 😔
new #logo for yarn.social
https://sfsf.shop/answerswithjoe/ and https://thefutureisrad.creator-spring.com/listing/sfsf20-009?pr=ANSWERSJOE
New profile_ui is slowing coming together:
This is now correctly working rather nicely 👌
– If anyone wants to give this a try, just docker pull prologic/yarnd:latest
(if you’re running using Docker) or git pull
and rebuild, then either --enable-feature webfinger
or add it to Settings -> Poderator Settings and restart (or edit /path/to/data/settings.yaml
Moon and Mars very close to each other tonight.
Sadly, I lack the equipment/skill to take a good photo of this. The Moon is way too bright and you can hardly see Mars on the left.
@abucci@anthony.buc.ci did you know about the chip inside USB-C cables?
some groups have created their own chips that have hidden keyloggers that can phone home over network connections.
My top 10 (most listened) artists of 2022, according to Last.fm:
Oh gawd that’s a bit of an edge-case / bug 🤦♂️
I’m no cartography expert, but last time I checked Alaska was not a city? 🤔
Mockup for redesign of the profile page https://wireframe.cc/XvxNVE
mitmproxy - an interactive HTTPS proxy – trying to debug what I think is a bug with go-git and needed a way to see what’s going on on the wire/protocol level – This tool mitmproxy
is fucking amazing shit 👌
@prologic@twtxt.net I always wanted a few of these
But now cost wise I have some traditional NiCd chargers and batteries for the few devices without rechargeable batteries at home. Like the Xbox controller. Works well enough.
Checking my notes, I find that there are as well a few strange traits in Spanish that foreigners could find counterintuitive, like having silent letters, sounds depending on the following vowel, and so…
Doing CTRL+Z on my tangerine… So fun! 🍊
@prologic@twtxt.net Nice going there!
Finally received my new Mac Studio today
and am now just setting it all up (so much software to install 🤣)
@darch@neotxt.dk No I mean this…
and this…
– I think if we can somehow achieve this kind of UX for filters it might work better on Mobile and take up less room.
Added horizontal scroll for the filters now too:
Speaking of Git hosting / forges / thingies… I just realised that the way in which sr.ht manages patches is actually very similar to what I had in mind, at least conceptually. And… it looks like they somehow have figured out a way to represent whether or not the patches were applied in this nifty Web UI
– If you follow the link to a proposed patch for example you also get another nice interface explaining how to deal with the patch
– As well as a nifty (if you expand it out) little CLI snippet you can paste into your Terminal like:
$ curl -s https://lists.sr.ht/~migadu/alps-devel/patches/36196/mbox | git am -3
Neat! 👌 Some good inspiration to draw from there… (even if I still don’t like the idea of using Email).
View right now at 8am. A balmy -10°C and light snow!
@prologic@twtxt.net I’m not sure, we can try but I’m more of a terminal person when handling my projects, I end up neglecting the web UI pretty fast, what do you recommend?
Also a quick look around got me on this site, could it be what you’re aiming for? (In scope at least)
As for the name of the project if it get to a good point it could become a complete solution for the basic needs of git dev (if I understood the hard-fork need).
It’ll be like a swiss army knife, so, with that thinking in mind:
In honor of MacGyver, thanks to this meme.
@darch@neotxt.dk Glad you already fixed, here the screenshots anyway.
Before scrolling:
After scrolling:
I made a little art out of the appetizer toothpicks.
@prologic@twtxt.net is this something you can work width?
giving off some aphextwin vibes
@prologic@twtxt.net something like this?
live on the same link as before (just scroll down;)