slides/go-generics.md at main - slides - Mills -- I'm presenting this tomorrow at work, something I do every Wednesday to teach colleagues about Go concepts, aptly called go mills()
So. Some bits.
i := fIndex(xs, 5.6)
Can also be
i := Index(xs, 5.6)
The compiler can infer the type automatically. Looks like you mention that later.
Also the infer is super smart.. You can define functions that take functions with generic types in the arguments. This can be useful for a generic value mapper for a repository
func Map[U,V any](rows []U, fn func(U) V) []V {
out := make([]V, len(rows))
for i := range rows { out = fn(rows[i]) }
return out
rows := []int{1,2,3}
out := Map(rows, func(v int) uint64 { return uint64(v) })
I am pretty sure the type parameters goes the other way with the type name first and constraint second.
func Foo[comparable T](xs T, s T) int
Should be
func Foo[T comparable](xs T, s T) int