
What’s made you unlock twitch.tv?
A couple of events where my only choices for watching them are: Twitch, Youtube or Fartbook.
What are you doing differently?
TL;DR: I stopped going there unless I have to for the reason above.

I used to spend Waaaaay too much time on the platform. I had a whole setup using Streamlink, MPV and Chatterino where sometimes, I’d have up to 10 concurrent open streams all day long on a secondary monitor (thanks to tiling window managers’ magic), some I was interested in watching, some I moderated for a couple of friends and some I’ve had open just for support (helping new streamers in the community with their numbers till they take off and such). Theeen something happened to one of my loved ones, so I had to stop all the nonsense and spend that time and attention with the person who deserves it the most. I blocked the platform at first since I had a habit to type twit... as soon as I opened a browser 😅 (addiction is real) and now I don’t. (That reflex got replaced with typing twtxt... instead 😂)

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I’m gonna upload my part of the video to youtube and the slides to my website within a day or two. Then you can add it to yarn.social etc.

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