
Twts matching
In-reply-to » 👋 Q&A: Let's discuss the removal of Editing and Deleting your last Twt. This is something @fastidious has raised to me on IRC and something I find quite a valid approach to this. Over time I believe the utility and value of "Editing" and "Deleting" one's last Twt isn't as valuable as we'd like and increased complexity and introduces all kinds of side-effects that are hard to manage correctly. I vote for the removal of this feature from yarnd, the mobile app nor API support this anyway...

With further discussion on on IRC I believe we have resolved this:

  • Add support for Edit/Delete everywhere.
  • Add support for yarnc sync and /api/v1/sync API endpoint.
  • Revert to old Cache behaviour of overwriting cached feed entries (DONE).
  • Stop worrying about the very rare occasion an Edit splits a thread.


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In-reply-to » It’s pretty easy with jenny to use GPG to sign your feed (just do it in your publish_command), but of course, there’s no verification. 🤔 Should this be on the TODO list? Is it overkill? Nobody’s using it at the moment … I wouldn’t necessarily think of it as “messaging” per se, but naturally it could be repurposed for that of course. ask me on on IRC what the use-case for this was. THe primary and most useful use-case is for “private social media”. For example (true story); I was out with my family visiting the museum and we had a great time, took a few pics, etc. Naturally we wanted to share those moments with our extended family… What are your choices? Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram? Fuck no 🤣 All privacy eroding piles 💩

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In-reply-to » RFC Add support for discovering peering pods

From on IRC:

[14:51:55]  <prologic> Meanwhile if someone could take a look at this PR
[14:51:56]  <prologic>
[14:55:06]  <Ullarah> So what will this add? Peering pods, I assume you can discover users/feeds based on a given a yarnd instance?
[14:59:10]  <prologic> I'm confident you've addressed @fastidious's concerns too :D
[14:59:30]  <prologic> Yes effectively I'm trying to expand pods's and their ability to discover one another
[14:59:48]  <prologic> And keep some kind of in-memory information about peers
[15:00:04]  <prologic> The intention is to use this for a couple of things
[15:00:34]  <prologic> Gossiping missing twts between peering pods, where one pod might have a root twt for a conv whilst another may not (because it was edited or that pod simply does not follow that feed)
[15:01:01]  <prologic> Automatically whitelisting domains of peering pods (because media processing means pods themselves can be "trusted" to serve media inline)
[15:01:17]  <prologic> That's the two use-cases right now

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📣 FYI: video conf today, all are welcome, open floor, bring your ideas, opinions or just come socialise with us! 🤗 Video Conf

  • Date/Time:
    • Saturday, March 12 · 22:00 – 23:00 (AEST)
    • Saturday, March 12 · 12:00 – 13:00 (UTC)
  • Google Meet joining info

Apologies, but we’ll use Google Meet this time, as sometimes folks can’t join with my PeerCalls instance very well 😢 #Conf

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👋 Hey all! I’m so sorry all, but I won’t (for once) be attending the Weekly Video Call tonight er planned. Why? I’ve basically been burning far too many hours at my day job the last few weeks and I’m seriously burned out 😢 I just can’t keep going. Just the last ~2 days I’ve spent about 40hrs of my time (plus other engineers) working on critical infrastructure problems. I’m spent.

You guys go on without me and give me a short summary of what you guys/gals all talked about 🤗

Sorry about this, but I’ll be sure to be there next weekend!

Peace and love 🤗 #Weekly #Video #Conference

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Spent a bunch of time over the last two days working on integrating search into yarnd, but got sidetracked instead with improving the the search engine called yarns that I host at – Bluge and Bleve are such similar libraries I’m actually not sure which is better now 😅 – Fortunately I’ve built the search engine codebase in such a way that bleve can be swapped out by bluge by only implementing the Indexer interface 👌

Going to do that tomorrow after I let yarns recrawl and scrape the Yarn/Twtxt space from my iMac while I go get some sleep 😴 #search

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Views of broken feeds, I missed you on IRC on – I guess you went to bed. But I had a look at what you’ve done, this is brilliant 👌 Do you think you could work on this some more and make a PR of it? I’d also like to have something like this at some point for yarnd itself too so operators can manually clean up broken/dead feeds as well. Mine has particularly become messy over time 😅

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📣 Updates to Search Engine:

  • Remove the default fuzziness of 1 (but see below)
  • Fixed several bugs in the pager (trying searching for “Hello World” and sort by “Oldest”)
  • Try to auto-detect the type of the query string by parsing it as a query string, if that fails default to match query…

This last feature GuessQueryType() now allows advanced users to type in a Query String query and letting the backend figure out that’s what you meant. So for example you can search for terms with fuzziness quite easily by just typing in the search box: fuck~1 (for example) or search for mentions by typing in – Enjoy 🤗 #Twtxt #Search #Engine

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💡 Pro zs Tip: Need a way to include “dynamic” content or other files? Here’s a simple “include” plugin you can use:

$ cat .zs/

if [ ! $# = 1 ]; then
  printf "Usage: %s <file>\n" "$(basename "$0")"
  exit 0


if [ -f "${ZS_OUTDIR}/$1" ]; then
  cat "${ZS_OUTDIR}/$1"
  echo "error: file not found ${ZS_OUTDIR}/$1"

Usage: {{ twtxt.txt }} (as used by the site and to include a full-example feed in the “Manually” section (Thanks to @autiomaa for this feedback! 🙇‍♂️) #zs #static-site #static-site-generator

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In-reply-to » @jlj @xuu hello! @prologic and I were chatting about the question of globally deleting twts from the network. @prologic noted that he could build the tools and endpoints to delete twts, but some amount of cooperation from pod operators would be necessary to make it all work together. He asked me to spawn a discussion of the subject here, so here we are! and I discussed this idea a bit on on IRC – Summary here

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💡 Quick ‘n Dirty prototype protocol/spec:

If we were to decide to write a new spec/protocol, what would it look like?

Here’s my rough draft (back of paper napkin idea):

  • Feeds are JSON file(s) fetchable by standard HTTP clients over TLS
  • WebFinger is used at the root of a user’s domain (or multi-user) lookup. e.g: ->
  • Feeds contain similar metadata that we’re familiar with: Nick, Avatar, Description, etc
  • Feed items are signed with a ED25519 private key. That is all “posts” are cryptographically signed.
  • Feed items continue to use content-addressing, but use the full Blake2b Base64 encoded hash.
  • Edited feed items produce an “Edited” item so that clients can easily follow Edits.
  • Deleted feed items produced a “Deleted” item so that clients can easily delete cached items. #Protocol #Ideas

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