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Recent twts from eldersnake
In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else.

I admit I’ve always compromised on this way too much myself, always to this day having Facebook Messenger just to communicate in my families group chats. Sure I run it in a Work profile on my GrapheneOS phone that I can switch off at any time, I can completely cut it off from network access any time as well, I can have a lot of rudimentary control over it, I use it as sparingly as possible, but it doesn’t change the fact everytime I use it we’re funneling private convos through bloody Meta’s servers and trackers etc.

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@prologic@twtxt.net hey mate, all working well here so far. The login issue isn’t really an issue as far as actually logging in goes, rather if I get my password wrong it gives the response error code in console, the response of which contains the HTML for the wrong password page if you inspect it, but on the frontend itself nothing actually happens which is the confusion. Just stays on the login page as if it was never submitted. Am I alone in having this issue as well?

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Unfortunately not on that front. Still the same 404 posting errors and oddly occasional login errors.

That’s why I was wondering if using Go 1.22.4 could be an issue. I don’t know how exactly. Only way to test is to rebuild it with an older version I guess, which is why I did the make clean in the first place. Old habits die hard lol.

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@prologic@twtxt.net Righteo, so rookie error - I obviously had some untracked, rather important files for starting my pod and I ran a make clean. Why I originally had them in the git directory is anyone’s guess. Anyway it blew away those files including the database so that’s that. So your good self and @bender@twtxt.net etc - apologies but your profiles got nuked as well (as did my own but easily recreated).

Another thing I noticed which was the reason I ran make clean in the first place. I noticed my pod was being built with Go 1.22.4. Could this be a problem @prologic? preflight.sh actually errors out about it

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@prologic@twtxt.net Sorry for the late reply. Does this help at all?

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