
"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

Recent twts from prologic
In-reply-to » @doesnm What do you think of when you say "decentralized"?

@xuu I guess the way SimpleX does its routing is quote clever and ingineious really. – However we never designed that way. That wasn’t an attack vector we were really concerned with right? I’ve been using SimpleX with you for the last day or so now and reading up on it, and whilst there are some overlapping and similar ideas I feel that SimpleX has slightly different design goals right?

I mean is more designed to be self-hosted, with good crypto but we never tried to set out to build a complex multi-broker, relay network-type protocol right? Do we need to? Probably not I think. Hmmm 🧐

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In-reply-to » @doesnm Agree. should allow the user to post multiple brokers on their webfinger so the client can find a working path. I mean generally speaking you would cache things for a period of time right? There are other things you could do as well to build a better more resilient system. These are good conversations to have, however we, and by we I mean mostly @xuu and I really, haven’t had a lot of time to spend/invest in of late 😭 Are you interested in helping continue it’s development with us? Do you have any experience with cryptography and/or programming language like Go?

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In-reply-to » Oh boy... Eugene Rochko's status. And what a flashy name, "Social Web Foundation". See the "industry support" header on that page. Don't like it one bit.

So… Yes all this is sorta/kinda true, remember I used to work there once (great place to work, awful company). It isn’t by design or on-purpose I don’t think, at least not from the perspective I had back then.

What really needs to happen here in general, and I’ve said it before; is this:

Profiting off of user-generated data and metadata should be made illegal.

Social Media (systems) don’t need to be regulated beyond not allowing minors to access social media. But if you enact the changes to laws (see above) such that profiting off of userdata is made illegal, then you minors can be potentially “safe” from predators. Let’s be honest, predators are the “big tech” companies that make this shit™ highly addictive to the point where it “rots your brain”.

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In-reply-to » Yeah.. it is very similar to a smp is a relay queue for messages. You can self host one if you choose. They also have something called xftp for data storage and device state transfer. You can also self host one. needs a lot more work 🤞it is however designed to be 1000% decentralized 👌

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In-reply-to » Over the past few days I've been playing around with the latest Chat-GPT, I think the model is called o1-preview. I've used it for various tasks from writing documentation, specs, shell scripts, to code (in Go). Yes. I think as a fancy autocomplete “tool” it’s not too shabby. Beyond that I’m not convinced it saves you time at all.

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Over the past few days I’ve been playing around with the latest Chat-GPT, I think the model is called o1-preview. I’ve used it for various tasks from writing documentation, specs, shell scripts, to code (in Go).

The result? Well I can certainly say the model(s) are much better than they used to be, but maybe that isn’t so much the models per se, but the sheer processing power at OpenAI’s data centers? 🤔

But here’s the kicker though… If anyone ever for a moment ever think that these “AI” things are intelligent, or that the marketing and hype is ever remotely close to trying to convince of us this “AGI” (Artificial General Intelligence) or ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence), you are sorely mistaken.

Chat-GPT and basically and any other technology based on Generative-AI (Gen-AI), these pre-trained transformers that use adversarial neural networks and insanely multi-dimensional vector databases to model all sorts of things from human language, programming languages all the way to visual and audible art are (wait for it):

Incredibly stupid! 🤦‍♂️

They are effectively quite useless for anything but:

  • Reproducing patterns (albieit badly)
  • Search and Retrieval (in a way that “seems” to be natural)

And that’s about it.

Used as a tool, they’re kind of okay, but I wouldn’t use Chat-GPT or CoPilot. I’d stick with something more like Codeium if you want a bit of a fancier “auto complete”. Otherwise, just forget about the whole thing honestly. It doesn’t even really save you time.

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In-reply-to » @prologic I wanted to wait for things to settle down. It’s still unclear to me in which direction we’re going – and if that new/different stuff is even possible to implement in jenny. That said, I’ve been really busy with private stuff these last few days, I’ve lost track of most of what you’re discussing. 🥴 I think the proposal should be as simple as this:

  • Update the Twt Hash extension.
  • Increase its truncation from 7 to 12

@xuu is right about quite a few things, and I’d love it if he wrote up the dynamic hash size proposal, but I’m inclined to just increase the length in the first place mostly because my own client yarnd doesn’t even store the full hashes in the first place 🤦‍♂️ (I thinnk)

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In-reply-to » I mean sure if i want to run it over on my tooth brush why not use something that is accessible everywhere like md5? crc32? It was chosen a long while back and the only benefit in changing now is "i cant find an implementation for x" when the down side is it breaks all existing threads. so...

@xuu Good point.

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In-reply-to » @bender To be fair it really isn't sha256sum vs. b2sum. Neither is more complicated than the other.


$ printf "%s\t%s\t%s" "" "2024-09-29T13:30:00Z" "Hello World!" | sha256sum | awk '{ print $1 }' | xxd -r -p | base64 | head -c 12

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In-reply-to » @prologic I wanted to wait for things to settle down. It’s still unclear to me in which direction we’re going – and if that new/different stuff is even possible to implement in jenny. That said, I’ve been really busy with private stuff these last few days, I’ve lost track of most of what you’re discussing. 🥴 Oh I hope that is true 🤣

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In-reply-to » @prologic I wanted to wait for things to settle down. It’s still unclear to me in which direction we’re going – and if that new/different stuff is even possible to implement in jenny. That said, I’ve been really busy with private stuff these last few days, I’ve lost track of most of what you’re discussing. 🥴 sorry to hear about your personal things going on. 🤗

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I am told through various sources that Iran decided last night to attack Israel with over 200 missile strikes in response to Israel attacking Lebanon. 🤔

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