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Recent twts from off_grid_living


And here the Tommos camp with Mum and Dad in the trailor at Myall Lakes.
Boy I could tell you some stories here, like the time we got dozens of spiders all in the tent one night, and the time Dad yelled to Bob to get the red belly black snake that crawled over Brains sleeping bag. Up I jump grab a shovel and cut the head off. silly me !! We camped out with all our partners too.

Karen was treated like family with the 5 siblings and Mum and Dad. It was a great time. Happy camping James on your birthday!

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Happy Birthday my Son, I guess you are still camping and celebrating your special day with family.
You were born on a Wednesday on 15 September 1982 at Belmont Hospital, which is a lovely low set place outside Newcastle, as you were brought home to live with my Mum and Dad at Sunshine in our first few months as a married couple, at Sunshine near Morriset NSW. Enjoy your special day.

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Happy Birthday my Son, I guess you are still camping and celebrating your special day with family.
You were born on a Wednesday on 15 September 1982 at Belmont Hospital, which is a lovely low set place outside Newcastle, as you were brought home to live with my Mum and Dad at Sunshine in our first few months as a married couple. If you subtract 9 months and a bit, the term of your pregnancy, that makes your conception date a few days after our marriage, and the first time both of us had sexual intercourse together, sometime around Friday Saturday or Sunday beginning on 4th December 1981. We were married at Gosford and arrived in the Sydney Hilton Hotel on that evening Thursday 3rd December, it was such a quiet place so far above the street level, the tiny cars below looked like ants. Because you were the first child, we have special sessions each week to attend to learn how to be parents after your birth, and care for the Mum during your delivery. If I remember yours was a breech birth, the doctor had to turn you around somewhat before the normal course of action took place. Karen was brave, being only on gas. Enjoy your special day.

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I just received a thought… When you visit a server home page, or any page, why can’t the server sent you a page full of images, asking the human to click on three ants, or four ducks, or two trees, or five cars?
Can an AI machine do such a thing? After a few seconds of human time, the page they wish is downloaded for them. Would this work all you computer experts? (I am getting sick of bots reading my content and stealing my copyright)

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It’s better to eat plants you know have 60 minerals in them than to eat veggies from the store you have no idea what is in them. I can’t wait to see if our chooks like the wheat we are growing. they don’t like the wheat from the produce store, comes with NPK Ca and Mg, that’s about it I reckon. Farmers do not add 60 minerals to their paddocks any more, too expensive to do so.

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The potato shed is fully insect proof and the tender leaves are untouched and uneaten by beetles.
Great idea, will we get potatoes and can I grow them all year round… Have to wait and see…. More larger shade houses to build to keep the beetles out.

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In-reply-to » You are both silly, LOL, does not GOD empower those who seek Him with wisdom?

Thanks Bender for quoting the NIV version: Deuteronomy 20:13-14 New International Version (NIV)

Let me see this in the KJV: De 20:17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:

Ge 15:16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.

It seems to me GOD gave these people groups over 400 years to repent of their evil ways. Even when Jericho was such a city, Rahab, a prostitute was saved along with her family because she had faith in God, the only one saved from destruction of Jericho (see Joshua chapter 2). Since God is grace and mercy as well as just and a judge over sins, is not GOD able to spare people in cities as He see fit? or even remove their probation of living?

Ps 7:14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity “aven” , and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood.

If you study the Hebrew there is a Hebrew word called “aven” which refers to the epi-genetic potential that drives all our genetic expressions, and records all our propensities of ourselves and our parents. This epi-genetic potential kicks in when you are over puberty, and unless GOD drives out these propensities, you become as your parents before you, doing the same sinful habits as they did. After 400 years, is there any possibility of a child seeking God over his inherited potential from sinful parents before him? Rahab is one example, so God is able to save some, but others choose to be lost, because of their own doings. Hope this helps. Shalom

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In-reply-to » Yes I have personally taken this horse paste many times myself and can vouch for its wonderful affect on removing both cancer and parasites from your system.

You are both silly, LOL, does not GOD empower those who seek Him with wisdom?

Many good people have this gift of wisdom, so learn to discern those who are wise and helpful in our lives.
By their fruits ye shall know them.

I remember one science person was in charge of doing “gain of function” research, creating GM organisms so viruses from other animals could infect humans. Why would a science person be interested in this? Why intentionally make viruses from other animals infect humans? But they did, and still do…. I would call this kind of science evil in the least, and the fact it was brought before the USA counsel suggests not all science people are doing good science. Wisdom is defined as the ability to know the difference between good and bad decisions. We learn this ability by getting into studies on topics. Start learning and stop being deceived.

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In-reply-to » Media

Yes I have personally taken this horse paste many times myself and can vouch for its wonderful affect on removing both cancer and parasites from your system.

The Internet is trying to bag this drug from the layperson, like all wonder drugs on the www. Medicine is a money making business, they do not want you to be made well. Vaccine injury is possible the biggest contributor to the business of making you ill, so than for the rest of your life you seek the doctor who treats your disease, rather than affect a cure, because most cures are too late. Its a great system, and people trust science too much these days, but as you can see not all science is bad, some people are doing a wonderful job. Shalom

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Love the program James has given me, I just edited some 40 webpages from junk viewing to nice, in a few minutes per edit, as shown in the two programs both running in Windows Mode.

On the left is directly to the Webserver files On the right is the webpage running over the www

Really nice and easy to navigate.

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In-reply-to » Media

Lyse you are completely correct. I run the local host website as a thin webpage right next to the NotePad 2 text editor, and I edit the webpage as I go along, while the web server shows you how it looks like on the Local Internet. That way I save dozens of editing mistakes when it finally become hosted on the grand Internet, plus I have an exact copy the my website at all times, should I lose something from the hosted Internet.

So how do any of you who have created webpages before do this sort of thing? How do you know what your experience is like? Since the host changes features, this changes the web hosting experience, which is a terrible pain. Think of the thousands of editing I have to do?

I will post you some examples…

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OK I found this one, small enough, but where does it install to? can’t find the app, of any files of anything.
Being a total novice to Linux stuff….where is this file located and why don’t they prompt you for a folder location of the program? And why such a stupid name? Dozens to choose from and most over 300MB, not what I want - I just want Apache to run the index.html webpage or the index.php webpage. I do not need Javascript or Java programming editors….

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If some of you budding fathers want to know how I created a computer nerd to one day work for Facebook in the big USA, well you purchase a $1000 Xmas present, an enormous thick book with C++ programming, and say, you can play as many games as you like kids, but James has to create them using computer software.

SO James created once a 3D chess program with sound, took 6 months or so, really hard to beat, not based on logic moves point by point like other chess programs, this one was based on the depth of looking for patterns, set it to 5 moves ahead and you were toast every time. Nice program too, sadly gone over the years, computers suffer from bit rot. We used to try and mark rotten hard drive discs once as bad sectors, not sure how UBuntu does this these days, I see a dozen errors on the screen every time I load.

Today I would purchase for my kids AI CAD simulation software with metal 3D printer and get your child to build fancy 3D models and engines from scratch. This will make them an expert in the CAD AI industry by the time they are 14 years old. Sadly AI is here to stay and will spoil the Internet.

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Hey all your computer experts, I am having trouble with running Apache on my Ubuntu machine using Vine, the problem I think is configuring the /apache/conf/httpd.conf file, I usually NotePad2.exe edit it and change the path to the appropriate files

For example see the next post

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In-reply-to » Media A picture of our lovely hens. Notice the red arrows of the feed they waste and leave alone. Wheat. They hate wheat, lying around in huge 3m area on the carpet.

part 2, James your twtxt is way too short…. say 2 tonnes of wheat, costing me say 15,000 thats 7,500 for a tonne or $7.5 for a Kg of wheat. That is about 12 times for expensive than wheat is today, ans this assumes the cow manure has any minerals in it, which I know from experience doesn’t. So I would have to add NPK, Ca and Mg along with B, Mn, Co, Zn and Cu, all adding thousands to the overall cost.

The chooks would love to eat such wheat, but imagine the cost of making it?

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A picture of our lovely hens. Notice the red arrows of the feed they waste and leave alone.
Wheat. They hate wheat, lying around in huge 3m area on the carpet.

Obviously the wheat has few minerals in it and not worth eating,,,fancy that we eat wheat bread all the time. What a waste of time !!! eating nothing in it…. I might trying growing my own wheat with at least 60 minerals in it, but costly to make.

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