Aha! Double returns! :-D
Trying to replicate what prologic did:
This is the first bulleted line.
This is the second bulleted line.
This is the third.
Using -
instead now, to see:
- This is the first bulleted line.
- This is the second bulleted line.
- This is the third.
here. There shouldn't be <p>
within them, I think. I might be wrong.
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net LOL. It was your doing.
Yes, you did something quite weird with yours.
Let me see how mine come out:
- This is the first bulleted line.
- This is the second bulleted line.
- This is the third.
This concludes my test.
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net unrelated, there are problems with <li>
here. There shouldn’t be <p>
within them, I think. I might be wrong.
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net just being real. I will do it because I feel it’s my duty. As Anthony said on his letter, it isn’t about a silly name, but blindy abiding.
@a.9srv.net@a.9srv.net I don’t think it will have any impact, but it is the very least we (investors, and/or customers) can do. I will do the same.
@andros@twtxt.andros.dev it seems your GtS has issues:
Warning! It looks like trusted-proxies is not set correctly in this instance’s configuration. This may cause rate-limiting issues and, by extension, federation issues.
If you are the instance admin, you should fix this by adding to your trusted-proxies.
@twtxt.andros.dev@twtxt.andros.dev it might be fine, but not here. It just causes more issues than fixes.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org not quite. Yes, the feeds on Yarn have episodic messes. But look at mine, and compare it to McKinley’s. It is night and day.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org that feed looks all messed up, in a big glob.
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net seems like you showed interest on some Snake Oil kumbayah. LOL.
@falsifian@www.falsifian.org deal, I will stop writing twtxts for the next 96 hours (giving you some extra buffer there)!
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net pretty cool, thanks! (this is also a test; I used to follow you, I unfollowed to see how my reply mention shows).
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net right. I don’t follow you. I will restart following you once Yarn has fixed this problem. :-P
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net Octal 31 = Decimal 25
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net when is the christening? Let me know, and I will plan a trip to down under. ☺️
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I extensively use Cloud tabs under macOS/iOS, and history across both OSs as well. I am finding the it has limited my needing to use search engines greatly.
Granted, I usually keep between 50-60 open tabs, and Safari (both mobile and desktop) does a great job with them (power wise). Now, 500! Ooof! 😅
Dew it! :-)
@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz my back hurts just from reading you put together a shelf last night! :-D
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org you just reminded me I need to schedule a visit to the Tooth Fairy. 😅
About the weather, ugh! Crazy the world we live in. Our west coast is engulfed on fires, and the other side of the world is pretty much freezing. You can’t make this up!
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net hehehe, it is not streamlined as you want it. Feedly and an amalgam of news sites, prioritising BBC, NPR, and The Guardian.
Tech news on Hacker News, some subs on Reddit, etc.
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net I get an email each day with headlines, but it is not my only source of news.
@https@twtxt.net://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.tx@ https://www.newsminimalist.com/. It has RSS, but if you need custom ones you might need to subscribe.
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net hmmm.
This is me test
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net no. It is jest. Just like The Onion, but exclusively for a fictitious company. 😂
, following your recommendation, there could be many "twtxt" nicks. 😀
@doesnm@doesnm.p.psf.lt the logic that keeps on growing! :-D
, and the feed has no nick. What is the nick?
I mean, since most feeds are named twtxt.txt
, following your recommendation, there could be many “twtxt” nicks. 😀
, and the feed has no nick. What is the nick?
@doesnm@doesnm.p.psf.lt so, example.com/x/pineapples/yo.txt
nick is also yo?
@doesnm@doesnm.p.psf.lt I see problems with that, that do not exist on my approach. You could see, example.com/x/bananas/yo.txt
, and the feed has no nick. What is the nick?
Or using the same twt hash method, but only for the URL, to generate the nick, if it doesn’t exist, like so, @5vxo4ia@twtxt.net
form of mentions. Strictly require that all mentions include a nickname/name; i.e: @<name url>
@eapl.me@eapl.me yeah, it is a typo, meant to be proposal. OP is the “Lord of the Typos”. :-P
@probiotic@twtxt.net I see nicks as a label, but otherwise superfluous. I can give whatever nick I want to anyone, as long as the feed exists (at least on Yarn).
So, if nick exist on feed, great, use it! if it doesn’t, assign a random hash derived from whole URL as nick. Done. :-D
@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz where do I buy that lifetime ticket? Temme, I am ready!
(quiet… secret… 😀)
What kind of magic is this? Hahahaha!
(yes, I meant like that) but it didn’t work for me… OT, what are you doing awake?! Don’t make me message your wife, and tell on you! :-D
@movq@www.uninformativ.de on Yarn, if you start a twtxt with (something), for example, it gets stripped out. Not sure if that’s what OP referred about.
Test for doesnm.
form of mentions. Strictly require that all mentions include a nickname/name; i.e: @<name url>
@head_honcho_supremus@twtxt.net sounds good but, when using Yarn—at least—users shouldn’t need to worry about this minutiae. They simply hit “Reply”, or “Fork”.
Note, I manually added a nick to this reply.
@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz Uuuuf! making sure my previous reply’s mangled mention wasn’t a fluke…
Ha! This one renders different than when replying to someone on a different pod. The plot thickens!
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net I unfollowed you, to prove this is broken. Enjoy your free tier! :-)
@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz welcome! :-)
Wow, GtS keeps getting better! Re: https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/admin/domain_permission_subscriptions/#fun-stuff-to-do-with-domain-permission-subscriptions
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I now have the vivid image of children trying to beat you, or parading you around town demanding justice. 😅😂 The helmet is quite good, and having to open the visor to talk is a riot! LOL.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org burn, burn, burn!
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I got a bit over 1,000, which isn’t bad at all. During Thanksgiving holidays I got over 2,000.
I am at inbox zero now, but not telling my boss. This week I feel like I need it slow, to recover from the vacation. LOL.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org that’s one of the first things I do on macOS; disable all the animations and delays. :-)
@prologic@twtxt.net I am using it to access ollama running on the Mini without having to expose my public IP. ☺️
@prologic@twtxt.net it allows me to access the peers on the network by their hostname, i.e. luddite.lo.op
is my phone. Since MagicDNS takes precedence, I can simply do ping luddite
and pings me phone.
@prologic@twtxt.net hmmmm
Headscale MagicDNS (mimicking Tailscale’s) is awesome.
@prologic@twtxt.net so, that’s how you call it, eh? 😊
@prologic@twtxt.net yes, Chrome, under Linux, was a no go.
Was able to upload and update using Safari under macOS. Latest Chrome under Linux didn’t let me. 🤷🏼♂️
@prologic@twtxt.net :-( I know the feeling. It sucks. Plenty of fluids and rest. There is no much else you can do. Of course, a Theraflu, or similar over the counter will make you feel better, but they will also make you groggy and sleepy.
For later reading: https://macos-defaults.com/. What brought me there was https://macos-defaults.com/dock/autohide-delay.html
I also get:
An invalid form control with name=‘email’ is not focusable.
The browser’s console spits:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
@prologic@twtxt.net I seem not to be able to change my avatar. I pick it, but the update button does nothing.
is my favorite. Gotta roll this out at work. :-)
@movq@www.uninformativ.de pam_happy_hour
is awesome! :-D I am certainly going to play with it, LOL.
? 🤔 Vultr is offering 1 vCPU, 500MB Memory and 10GB Storage for FREE! That's right $0.00 🤣 Media
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com it depends on the transfer they offer. Oracle also offer free VMs.
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com sorry to hear, mate. Hoping and wishing everything gets, and stays, better.
Though my use of words wasn’t the best, I would agree. It certainly is possible. 😅
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I was referring to their documentation advice, mostly:
“GoToSocial supports both SQLite and Postgres as database drivers. Though it is possible in theory to swap your database from SQLite to Postgres or vice versa, we do not currently have tooling to support this, so you should consider your choice of database carefully when starting out.
SQLite is the default driver and it’s been shown to work brilliantly for instances in the range of 1-30 users (or maybe more).”
@movq@www.uninformativ.de wait until you hear of 2026. 😂
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz I think it is kind of impossible to switch from sqlite to Postgres. I have run GtS on sqlite from get go, no issues. Granted, single user instance, but still…
@kay@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz “when it rains, it pours!” :-D
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz wow, thanks for sharing that guide! I have now used it on my better tuned instance. Woot!
“we are invading the humble twtxt/yarn network”
LOL. @prologic@twtxt.net loves it. He wants it to grow a little. He told me. More than once!
@eapl@eapl.me same here. There are many “doctors”, and “professors” named Don Abel. None of them are showing as having said, or written that quote.
Hmm, yeah, I am doing something wrong. Same is happening with any site to which I apply the this.
Is there a reason you forked this from mholt? What was added, or changed? Your “Initial commit” throws an error.
On a test I ran, with a static site that is a PWA, like this:
example.com {
root * /web/example.com
route / {
rate_limit {path} 20r/m
It works (as limiting rate), but when rate isn’t reached, the page doesn’t render. Not sure what could be going on.
So this should build caddy with both modules:
$ xcaddy build --with git.mills.io/prologic/caddy-ratelimit --with git.mills.io/prologic/caddy-waf
@movq@www.uninformativ.de hahahahaha! I see. Of course, better be safe than… well, you know it. :-)
The rate-limit one too (https://git.mills.io/prologic/caddy-ratelimit), for sure! Would the caddy-waf
$ xcaddy build --with git.mills.io/prologic/caddy-waf
Yes? Still, the README for a configuration example would be awesome!
@prologic@twtxt.net cool! Looking forward to the README for https://git.mills.io/prologic/caddy-waf! :-) I will probably build that module on my Caddy!
@prologic@twtxt.net can you give me an example of one ASN you have blocked? First time I heard of ASNs but, furthermore, blocking ASNs. It seems like they are huge blocks!
@prologic@twtxt.net what’s ASN again?
@prologic@twtxt.net fail2ban should work fine.
UA about? I thought I could ask before throwing a 1000GB file at it 🪤 could it be the same 'xt' thing @lyse was talking about the other day?
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org TABs, of course, are best. >:-)
That graph doesn’t look that bad. I mean, by the looks of it, I wouldn’t even qualify it as a DDoS. 😅
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I am sure they would have been just fine. Should we assume your main driving machine is on solid state?
This Simon Willison’s post is a good read: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Dec/31/llms-in-2024/. If you haven’t read it, and are negatively or positively thinking of the so called AI, then you should.
There is more at Simon’s blog. It is worth spending some time in it.
On DDoS, wouldn’t sshguard and/or fail2ban work?
@prologic@twtxt.net you are documenting everything, right? I am very interested in a HOWTO! ☺️
@prologic@twtxt.net currently playing with:
qwen2.5-coder:32b 4bd6cbf2d094 19 GB About a minute ago
qwq:latest 46407beda5c0 19 GB 10 minutes ago
codestral:latest 0898a8b286d5 12 GB 14 minutes ago
codellama:34b 685be00e1532 19 GB 17 minutes ago
gemma2:27b 53261bc9c192 15 GB 29 minutes ago
phi3:14b cf611a26b048 7.9 GB 23 hours ago
Which run really well on a regular (non-pro) M4.
@prologic@twtxt.net good evening, future man! 😂😂😂