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Recent twts from hecanjog

Somewhere I read that changing location, like entering a room, can rejigger neural pathways so that some thoughts and memories are somehow associated with the space. It’s the same for me when picking up a laptop. My purpose feels clear until I open a blank web browser window and my mind goes blank, too. In all the moments where I’m drawing a total blank, and then suddenly the thoughts come easily again: maybe that’s my brain looking for the room it was in before.

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Starting (again) to work on something very old, I discovered it modulates up by a halfstep twice. Up, up, done. Maybe I can work in some extremely slow contrary motion, too.

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The soundworld of the river in February is pretty different from August. There are so many sloshy water-type sounds right now. I suspect some of it is actually fishes vocalizing. So hard to tell!

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the hydrophone is back in the water again! two of them this time. i’m hoping the river will freeze soon. one will stay until the spring and the other will come in and out for me to listen in the meanwhile…

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The country music vamp n’ talk is a nice format. A stolen-from-the-blues-thing? I like the vibe of someone pouring out their heart into the mic in plain speech while their friends pour their hearts into their instruments gently in the background.

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Hmmmmm, I haven’t been posting here much this year. Seems to be the same for everyone I’m following. Did everyone move to the fediverse? I’m @erik@erik if anyone is reading. (But I think I’ll keep posting here now & then, because it’s fun.)

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