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Recent twts from xuu
In-reply-to » QOTD: What do you host on your home server? How do you host it? Are you using containers? VMs? Did you install any management interface or do you just SSH in? What OS does it run?

@mckinley@twtxt.net for me:

  • a wall mount 6U rack which has:
    • 1U patch panel
    • 1U switch
    • 2U UPS
    • 1U server, intel atom 4G ram, debian (used to be main. now just has prometheus)
  • a mini ryzon 16 core 64G ram, fedora (new main)
    • multiple docker services hosted.
  • synology nas with 4 2TB drives
  • turris omnia WRT router -> fiber uplink

network is a mix of wireguard, zerotier.

  • wireguard to my external vms hosted in various global regions.
    • this allows me ingress since my ISP has me behind CG-NAT
  • zerotier is more for devices for transparent vpn into my network

i use ssh and remote desktop to get in and about. typically via zerotier vpn. I have one of my VMs with ssh on a backup port for break glass to get back into the network if needed.

everything has ipv6 though my ISP does not provide it. I have to tunnel it in from my VMs.

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In-reply-to » Not making THREADING the default view of e-mail clients and thus teaching users that e-mail is “chaotic” (if you get a lot of mail, it becomes unusable without threading) and “needs” full quoting all the time was one of the worst mistakes ever.

My email is such a cluster of noise. The only time i actually use it is to find out I have to do my security training or something. All communication is slack now days.

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In-reply-to » yarnd does not do auto discovery via webfinger though.. i cant put @username and have it fetch the feed url from webfinger. to fully make feeds portable. would also need to be able to use that for hashing.

well @username@username rather…

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In-reply-to » yarn should define its own federation protocol that extends the basic twtxt in ways that twtxt doesn't allow. it's time. and i've got ideas!

yarnd does not do auto discovery via webfinger though.. i cant put @username and have it fetch the feed url from webfinger. to fully make feeds portable. would also need to be able to use that for hashing.

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In-reply-to » Yeah, the lack of comments makes regular JSON not a good configuration format in my view. Also, putting all keys in quotes and the use of commas is annoying. The big upside is that's in lots of standard libraries.

and then i have a compact version that makes things more grep’able in scripts.


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In-reply-to » Yeah, the lack of comments makes regular JSON not a good configuration format in my view. Also, putting all keys in quotes and the use of commas is annoying. The big upside is that's in lots of standard libraries.

I can query the configurations a few different ways. i can request the specific name foo.bar or a glob like foo.* or trace the hierarchy trace:some.deep.name.space which will give me the namespaces some, some.deep, some.deep.name, and some.deep.name.space. These can be combined.

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In-reply-to » Yeah, the lack of comments makes regular JSON not a good configuration format in my view. Also, putting all keys in quotes and the use of commas is annoying. The big upside is that's in lots of standard libraries.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org its a hierarchy key value format. I designed it for the network peering tools i use.. I can grant access to different parts of the tree to other users.. kinda like directory permissions. a basic example of the format is:

# multi
# line
# comment
root :value

# example space comment
@namespace.name space-tag 

# attribute comments
attribute attr-tag  :value for attribute

# attribute with multiple 
# lines of values
foo :bar

repeated :value1
repeated :value2

each @ starts the definition of a namespace kinda like [name] in ini format. It can have comments that show up before. then each attribute is key :value and can have their own # comment lines.
Values can be multi line.. and also repeated..

the namespaces and values can also have little meta data tags added to them.

screenshot of my webapp

screenshot of my webapp

the service can define webhooks/mqtt topics to be notified when the configs are updated. That way it can deploy the changes out when they are updated.

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In-reply-to » @lyse Lack of comments are definitely a shortcoming of JSON. I don't like TOML because it lets you have nested categories ([foo] [foo.bar] [foo.baz]) and it just feels confusing to me, even with indentation. Simple INI files are okay.

@mckinley@twtxt.net Don’t forget the syntax for arrays of sets [[foo.bars]] [[foo.bars]] [[foo.bars]]

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In-reply-to » @prologic High five, I’m “generation Java” as well! 😂 There were some leftovers of C++, we used that in the computer graphics courses in Uni a lot. But pretty much anything else that involved programming was Java.

@movq@www.uninformativ.de Haha! yeah sounds about like my HS CS program. A math teacher taught visual basic and pascal. and over on the other end of the school we had “electronics” which was a room next to the auto body class where they had a bunch of random computer parts scavenged from the district decommissioned surplus storage.

The advanced class would piece together training kits for the basic class to put together.

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In-reply-to » I finally found the NASM assembler.

I finished my data structures classes with C++ and the next year they changed it out with Java. When i transferred up after my assoc degree it was C++ using the counter-strike source game engine.

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In-reply-to » Go 1.22.0 introduces a new experiment for range functions. Have you tried them out? What do you think it can make easier to accomplish?

Things can get very interesting when we add the iter.Pull function in the mix. It works like pythons yield from.


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In-reply-to » I noticed that some of my software projects have a rather long lifetime, so I made a little graph:

@movq@www.uninformativ.de its always fun to look back on old projects. I talked to an old coworker about a codebase i made back in 2010 that still has lots of the same architecture i built into it back then and is still in heavy use.

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In-reply-to » Linus Torvalds Has 'Robust Exchanges' Over Filesystem Suggestion on Linux Kernel Mailing List Linus Torvalds had "some robust exchanges" on the Linux kernel mailing list with a contributor from Google. The subject was inodes, notes the Register, "which as Red Hat puts it are each 'a unique identifier for a specific piece of metadata on a given filesystem.'"

@prologic@twtxt.net pretty nothing berger. The “blowout” was pretty tame coming from Linus kill yourself now. The world will be a better place” Torvold.

The issue was a dev making a “fix” that didn’t have a documented problem. They reused some specific low level functions they did not understand the reason they were made.

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