@prologic@twtxt.net “foo”
ahh this is useful https://go.dev/doc/modules/managing-dependencies. the go culture doesn’t typically have large dependency graphs like Ruby or JS.
@prologic@twtxt.net the go get
and go mod tidy
wont fetch new changes. that’s all a manual affair AFAIK
Ah git-bug! Ive chatted with the creator when he was working on the graphql parts. Its working with git objects directly sorta like how git-repo does code reviews. Its a pretty neat idea for storing data along side the branches. I believe they don’t add a disconnected branch to avoid data getting corrupted by merging branches or something like that.
He says “The college ready foundation send messages of support to all college ready foundation stations all around the world.”
It is a very odd message of support to themselves. But OK.
@prologic@twtxt.net.. hmm and now they are gone. :(
Twting to see if it will update my links list.
@prologic@twtxt.net I’m sure Monroe would like to know about them.
@eaplmx@twtxt.net I didn’t like the original click wheel. I think the first mini wheel was the better of them
I have found the issue with this very subtle bug.. the cache was returning a slice that would be mutated. The mutation involved appending an item and then sorting. because the returned slice is just a pointer+length the sort would modify the same memory.
CACHE Returned slice
original: [A B C D] [A B C D]
add: [A B C D] E [A B C D E]
sort: [E A B C] D [A B C D E]
fix found here:
@movq@uninformativ.de yeah.. i rewrote it a few times because i thought there was something breaking.. but was mistaken
though now i am seeing a weird cache corruption.. that seems to come and go.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org @prologic@twtxt.net yeah that was how i did it too. I think ill start using the debug version in new stuff since its been added. My comment was around assigning the result of an anonymous function to a a variable.
Tell me you write go like javascript without telling me you write go like javascript:
import "runtime/debug"
var Commit = func() string {
if info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo(); ok {
for _, setting := range info.Settings {
if setting.Key == "vcs.revision" {
return setting.Value
return ""
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org `
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org ill check this out.. also.. why the heck is my reply trying to set the subject to #bd3yzvq)
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org WTH.. i cant reply to this?
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org interesting… ill look into the parsing on that one
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org interesting… ill look into the parsing on that one
PSA: DMs on social media sites are not truely PMs. This is why we have a separate tool for private messaging from yarn. Always remember, if you don’t own the infra (or the parts at the ends of e2e encryption) you don’t own the data. and the true owners can view it any way they want!
This is by design due to Google culture. The only way to get promoted into the higher pay scales is to ship a new product. So you have people shipping what worked before without regard to how it will exist within the product ecosystem. Also, why they seem to die off so quickly after launch. see allo and duo for example. The person that launches gets promoted to a higher level and off the original team and so it is left to wither and die.
this will be setup to share to other pods that are running a version after it gets implemented…
it uses the queries you define for add/del/set/keys. which corrispond to something like INSERT INTO <table> (key, value) VALUES ($key, $value)
, DELETE ...
, or UPDATE ...
the commands are issued by using the maddycli but not the running maddy daemon.
see https://maddy.email/reference/table/sql_query/
the best way to locate in source is anything that implements the MutableTable interface… https://github.com/foxcpp/maddy/blob/master/framework/module/table.go#L38
@tkanos@twtxt.net user in question had posted information about someones employment in what appeared to be a threat to contact their boss. Maybe it was in jest.. but we felt it was a form of doxing that we do not wish to see within our community. Yarn.Social is first and foremost a town square of ideas and should be viewed as a safe place for all.
@mckinley@twtxt.net any points if it was written in D?
Very cool. I am digging the multipurpose use for this kind of parser.
FIDO 2 isn’t too difficult. modern-ish browsers will support it natively now so the JS required is quite minimal.
for service registration like nickserv. really its only for password recovery so a trow away is fine.
oof.. probably too late for me.
from what i understand you put up X coins. if the block is invalid you lose the coin and the block is invalidated. the network will not build new blocks on invalid ones
when is?
-1 for the negative on environment all that electricity uses. Still waiting on proof of stake.
It is also too overrun with Tech Bros scamming people to get rich quick.
It was a fun ride back when I first bought in. But I have since cached out for my lambos and such.
oh wow.. no clue. maybe a config issue where its loading the webassm from a different domain? https vs http even?
Very nice! I look forward to more in this front
And that I can silence it without having or go through the full test announcing fire and carbon monox throughout the house.
It should be illegal for firealarms to sound a low battery after 10pm and before 8 am.
passwd entry because i already turned it into a forwarding address anyway
My home router has a honeypot for some services on the public facing ports. https://haas.nic.cz/
Ah figured it out.. Seems the box yarn is on is having issues with the certificate behind the LB.
trying the delete cache…
My pods ticktok feed is still stuck. :(
Huh.. CloudFlare finally did the right thing.. Though reputation probably damaged.