@bender@twtxt.net most of the people are not extreme, so taking an extreme example to validate a today’s behavior it has no much point. But I will try to answer your question. First if I was in Germany during those times, I hope that I would have been in the good side of history (I hope so because I grew up around jews family), then if it had been the case I think I will have been arrested, and it is when I would have stopped talking (but at least I’m sure I won’t have stopped).
Good luck @axodys@octobloc.xyz, where are you ?
Actually my house burnt to the ground, and my pc was inside, so my PC burnt.
The course was a standford course (in their old platform lagunita) by the famous Professor Jeffrey Ullman. But you can find the course (very interesting already read the book many times, before he burnt too :D) in edx : https://www.edx.org/course/mining-massive-datasets?index=product&queryID=99850d48786919886c407ba517259a5c&position=1
What I loved to do is take some intensive course online, where I had to program hours per day, to achieve the course. unfortunately after 80% (almost 2 month) I had to stop, (no more time), so I never graduated. I wanted to restart (because I had all the code) but my PC burnt and I lost everything.
I still believe that debating is the most peaceful way to deal with disagreement because
@abucci@anthony.buc.ci, the point on debating in social network, is not stopping people from spreading bad ideas. Is to make everybody else that look at the debate think, and not fall on those bad ideas, by hiding the bad ideas, and not debating them, we may push others people to believe in them, and we may push people that already believe in them to stay in an echo chamber and become worse.
@bender@twtxt.net the problem with that sentence is that if one day two people may disagree, and they may convince themself that the other is spreading hate speech,/disinformation or worse than the other is a nazi, and ask for physical harm.
waiting for we define what is misinformation, I will continue dressing like :
Just to be sure (of course it’s an attempt to do a joke)
@prologic@twtxt.net I agree with you, we should be discussing ideas openly and transparently. Because it’s though discussion that we can get the reality. As @bender@twtxt.net says “people spreading things they believe to be right”, maybe we are ourselves spreading false claims, without knowing, we can only know by exchanging ideas, and being open. The biggest question is what is “misinformation”, I believe the answer change according your beliefs. Many times we have seen what was categorize as “official” misinformation, being actually real.
My account in mastodon is dying as well @prologic@twtxt.net is right twtxt is better and decentralized.
@justamoment@twtxt.net Ubuntu Touch
@akoizumi@social.kyoko-project.wer.ee yes but it will be the coolest brick ever.
@prologic@twtxt.net I would like to agree with you but I saw well informed parents with well informed kids , and on teenagers years have been sharing nudes like all their friends.
I’m unfortunately well aware of that shit. And believe me don’t get your kids to use internet or social media before 18.
Social media should be forbidden before 18.
@hacker-news@feeds.twtxt.net Even elastic is. Dark times ahead.
Next project : install Ubuntu in my phone
Twitter had multiple complain for knowing but not acting. And I unfortunately know survivors of child exploitation. Thanks #elon for prioritizing it.
for years the biggest provider of child pornography are Facebook Instagram and twitter.
Finally twitter put it has top priority : https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-says-child-sexual-exploitation-content-is-top-priority-2022-11
Apple limited a crucial AirDrop function in China just weeks before protests : https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/11/30/apple-limited-a-crucial-airdrop-function-in-china-just-weeks-before-protests.html
Real Time Recommendation System With Collisionless Embedding Table : https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.07663.pdf
@prologic@twtxt.net I think it is a joke
That’s nice
@stigatle@yarn.stigatle.no very beautiful set up
kv-server --join somehost:1111
Or memcached with mcrouter.
@akoizumi@social.kyoko-project.wer.ee when you write a message before your morning coffee.
@mckinley@twtxt.net I had the same though coming back from weekend. I guess is nice, maybe we should adapt our use of yarn or find a way to adapt yarn to our use.
I love the “RSS appear to have been duct-taped to the specification as an afterthought” part.
I’m now digging in how Mastodon moderates. Will let you know.
@prologic@twtxt.net I don’t know, or their search engine is really bad (what I think), or there is string moderation against news coming from brazil (may be true as well, as many journalist and politician had been censored recently)?
depois da saida desse artigo o site de dados abertos do governo brasileio http://dadosabertos.tse.jus.br/ nao e mais acessĂvel.
@akoizumi@social.kyoko-project.wer.ee why don’t you never have normal links :D “i am gravely disappointed”, “I understand your pain”, Do you use a particular search engine to find those ?
@akoizumi@social.kyoko-project.wer.ee Good one.
I don’t know why people use #mastodon for. I though it can be a good replacement for twitter, but I m trying to find what is happening in Brazil, and apparently according to mastodon there is nothing happening in #Brazil. Seriously ?
Índios manicoré Amazonas se revoltam com as eleições com possiveis fraudes na Urnas : https://youtu.be/0QbiZLX0xfE
Audit independante das eleicoes brasileiras : https://odysee.com/@anarcodan:e/BrazilWasStolen:c8?t=976 e https://odysee.com/BrazilWasStolenPart2:0
I’m very bad at tennis table, as I can’t stare without having headaches. I m used now to never stare so I never see that small fast ball
@prologic@twtxt.net where is the code of feeds ? I saw some errors, and I just want to investigate more.
Frightening : How China tracks everyone : https://youtu.be/CLo3e1Pak-Y?t=360
Dude I m here many times per day , I came here before to go out of bed on the morning and it’s the last thing I see before to close my eyes the night. Do I really have to answer your question?
I only had bad experience with mastodon, twitter is a very active community everybody talks to each other share like. In mastodon each time I go there is a majority of posts without comment or share. It seems to me that is a dead community.
How to copy art style with AI : https://waxy.org/2022/11/invasive-diffusion-how-one-unwilling-illustrator-found-herself-turned-into-an-ai-model/
1.9 :S
Very funny and cute : https://nitter.net/Lilblackbabies/status/1586852345970835456
Actually I was so exited to invite him that I wrote the message and forgot to post. Hopefully checking twice I saw my error and posted the message.
I just invited one of my heroes (Martin Fowler) to come by here.
@taco@twtxt.net ola
NodeJS also have another good point for web UI. when you have to manage front end teams that knows very well JavaScript.
Btw Go is also good for networking. And
C# has a very beautiful reflection library I still prefer go but I may think in C# if I have to deal with a lot of reflection.