Another view!
This is what I’ll be facing into in the next few hours and over the next couple of days! Cyclone Alfred 🌀
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Same I think it’s not worth it either
@xuu Awww thanks bro 😎
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I know right? 🤣 Fuck this geoip blocking censored shit™ 💩
Video unavailable
@eapl.me@eapl.me@eapl.me@eapl.me That should be fine 🤞
This seems to be capable of supporting edits as you noted. But I need to think a bit more (~2am here now) of whether this can be abused in any way… The advantage of Content-based Addressing (hashing the content) is that the hash is then immutable, meaning that we can have integrity that the hash actually represents that content from that author at that time.
@eapl.me@eapl.me@eapl.me@eapl.me I kind of like the idea of 96473B4F_1
– That is SHA256SUM(feed_url)_<monotomic_feed_post_id>
Example feed I guess? ☝️
# default_lang = en
# discovery_url = https://example.com/discovery/
# follow = alice https://example.com/alice.txt ABCDEF12
# follow = alice gemini://example.com/alice.txt
# avatar = https://example.com/avatar/alice.png
# avatar = gemini://example.com/avatar/alice.png
1 2025-03-03T15:00:00-04:00 {lang=en} Hello, world! Welcome to my twtxt feed. UTF-8 check: é, ö, ü.
2 2025-03-03T15:05:00-04:00 {lang=es} ¡Hola, mundo! This tweet is in Spanish.
3 2025-03-03T15:10:00-04:00 {url=ABCDEF12,id=1} Replying to tweet 1 using its URL hash.
4 2025-03-03T15:15:00-04:00 {edited=1} This tweet has been edited once.
5 2025-03-03T15:20:00-04:00 {lang=fr} Bonjour le monde! A French twt overriding the default language.
6 2025-03-03T15:25:00-04:00 Regular twt without metadata defaults to en.
@eapl.me@eapl.me Some really good idea in this post of yours 👌👌
@andros@twtxt.andros.dev Reading… 👀
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I meant “detect” lol 😂
@xuu Is this why threads are getting a bit messed up lately? 🧐
@xuu@txt.sour.is redirects to https://text.eapl.mx/main-en for me?
@xuu Um sorry?! A “smart” toilet?! 🤦♂️
@eapl.me@eapl.me@eapl.me@eapl.me This sounds great! 🙌 Will you coordinate this activity? 🙏
@xuu@txt.sour.is What do you mean by this? 🧐 If we implement and other clients don’t, Then we end up forking the community no? 🤔
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Pros/Cons. I’m not so Vince’s that switching to location based addressing will be better.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Clients could detest edits 🤞
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I agree, extremism either way, and bad temper’s never amount of anything good 😢
Remember any media outlet and even independent youtuber(s), etc, typically pick apart the bits they want to show and sensationalize things a bit 🤣 Yes there was a heated debate/argument, but it’s nowhere near as bad as some media outlets are making 🤦♂️ Also yes, JD is a hot head, Zelensky should have just shut up 😅
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I hope so 🤣 The 46m one in the white house oval office right?
@off_grid_living@twtxt.net And yet… All of this nonsense is paid for the the people with taxes 🤦♂️
@off_grid_living@twtxt.net To a certain extend. The limit is artificial and configurable.
Hmmm 🧐
I watched the full debate and yes, there was a heated argument in the last 10 minutes, but Trump pulled it back together calmly in the end. All three of them were complete asses Trump, JD and Zelinski.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I think so?
Oh… So some of Trump’s ~600 staff are quitting over this already? 🤔🤔
Idea: The entire world population email comments@whitehouse.gov with words of disdain 🤣 For example:
Dear Mr. President
Your behavior today was woeful. I am writing to ask you to resign immediately before you make things much worse.
Kind regards
Citizen of the World
‘Putin and his cronies are probably popping champagne’: Sen. Kelly blasts Trump - YouTube
Honestly, the U.S President and Vice President should just resign immediately. What a disgrace.
@david@collantes.us What da actual fuck?! Was this actually televised live? 🤔
@andros@twtxt.andros.dev I don’t get the “layers” bit at all, but the composability ist just common sense to me. It requires a good language though with the right levels of abstractions. i.e: prefer interfaces over classes.
Reading into the so-called CLEAN architecture reminds me of the work I did nearly two decades earlier called circuits hmmm 🧐
Which I will happily take down one Claro Enterprise Solutions (Claro Networks) conract me back!
I’m going to bed. I left them a 1 Star rating and full Review on Google Maps 🤣
Why are some America so fucking rude and hostile? Is this normal? 🤔
So I contact the Miramar Police West District Station just now to seek help in finding out if a business called Claro Enterprise Solutions located at 3350 SW 148th Ave #400, Miramar, FL 33027, Estados Unidos with phone number +19545177301 actually exists, is legit and to validate the phone number.
Why? Because someone or something from this ASN (network) is doing some stupid shit™ that I had to block at the ASN (entire network) level 🤬
@doesnm@doesnm.p.psf.lt You should follow them all 😆
@bender@twtxt.net Ahh I noticed that too! Not yarnd
making this happen 😭
@david@collantes.us Bent by? 🤔
@bender@twtxt.net What happened here with yarnd
@bender@twtxt.net What happened?
The people have spoken! 🥳 twtxt.dev shall have a new logo of:
Project 2025, which is an initiative from the Heritage Foundation, is generally considered to be aligned with right-wing or conservative policies. The project, officially known as “The Conservative Action Project,” is focused on shaping the future direction of the U.S. government by promoting conservative principles, particularly around limiting the size of the government, reducing taxes, deregulation, and emphasizing a strong national defense. It also places a significant focus on reversing progressive policies, including those related to climate change, healthcare, and social programs.
The project’s plans include reshaping the federal bureaucracy, restoring what its proponents see as the Constitution’s original principles, and ensuring a government that reflects conservative values. Given this focus, it is typically associated with right-wing politics.
I’ve only had that problem trying to replay to a twt that was part of a thread.
I think I know what the problem is 🧐
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com This is true/ But this is why we have specs and standards 🤞
@bender@twtxt.net Yup they are! 🙌 The LNP (Australian Liberal National Perry) are a bunch of right-wing authoritarian assholes 🤣
Right-wing fuckers 🤣
@bender@twtxt.net 100% 🙌
@bender@twtxt.net This is true. We do need to do something about this soon 🙌
The Australian LNP (Liberal National Parry) are big fat LIARS!!!
@xuu Let’s add it in and we’ll amend yarnd to partially (for now) implement the DM ext.
Interesting 🧐
https://greens.org.au/campaigns/legalise-it – The Greens party inI Australia want to legalize cannabis / weed / pit / marijuana 🤣 I have zero issue with this! I’d you’re an adult you can make your own heath decisons 😆
Short summary of Project2025 and Trump’s plans for the US:
Abolish the Federal Reserve
Why? To end what is seen as an unelected, centralized body that exerts too much influence over the economy and monetary policy, replacing it with a more transparent, market-driven approach.Implement a national consumption tax
Why? To replace the current federal income tax system, simplify taxation, and increase government revenue through a broader base that includes all consumers.Lower corporate tax rates
Why? To promote business growth, increase investment, and stimulate job creation by reducing the financial burden on companies.Deregulate environmental policies
Why? To reduce government intervention in the economy, particularly in energy and natural resources sectors, and to foster a more business-friendly environment.Restrict abortion access
Why? To align with conservative pro-life values and overturn or limit abortion rights, seeking to restrict the practice at a federal level.Dismantle LGBTQ+ protections
Why? To roll back protections viewed as promoting LGBTQ+ rights in areas like employment and education, in line with traditional family values.Eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs
Why? To end policies that are seen as divisive and to promote a merit-based system that prioritizes individual achievements over group identity.Enforce stricter immigration policies, including mass deportations and detentions
Why? To prioritize border security, reduce illegal immigration, and enforce existing laws more aggressively, as part of a broader strategy to safeguard U.S. sovereignty.Eliminate the Department of Education
Why? To reduce federal control over education and shift responsibilities back to local governments and private sectors, arguing that education decisions should be made closer to the community level.Restructure the Department of Justice
Why? To ensure the department aligns more closely with the administration’s priorities, potentially reducing its scope or focus on areas like civil rights in favor of law-and-order policies.Appoint political loyalists to key federal positions
Why? To ensure that government agencies are headed by individuals who are committed to advancing the administration’s policies, and to reduce the influence of career bureaucrats.Develop training programs for appointees to execute reforms effectively
Why? To ensure that political appointees are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the proposed changes quickly and effectively.Provide a 180-day transition plan with immediate executive orders
Why? To ensure that the incoming administration can swiftly implement its agenda and make major changes early in its term without delay.
Do y’all agree with any/all/some of these poliices? Hmmm 🤔
@xuu Bahahahahaha brilliant 🤣🤣
@bender@twtxt.net Nah, we’ll just make our clients partially implement the spec. That is, ignore Twts that begin with !<nick url> ...
where url
is not your url.
@xuu So we probably need a way to ignore/hide these hmmm? 🤔
$ bat https://twtxt.net/twt/vnr6wza | jq '.text'
"!<andros https://twtxt.andros.dev> U2FsdGVkX1/RU/NkTLRBrZGuZMaeIOoVkh7mBigVC/58DW80tKrwx1L3UCj0qWj8dvRU5/uwVh32ujJUr+O8ug=="
Ones that are not targeted at us? i.e: not my Twter URI.
@andros@twtxt.andros.dev Yeah we often interchange Twt and Yarn 🤣
@arne@uplegger.eu Nice! 👍
Finally! Someone that Twts more than I do 🤣
@xuu Works for me over here 👈
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Works 👌
@arne@uplegger.eu I think you want to use the sodium_crypto functions/modules for PHP 🤔🤔
@off_grid_living@twtxt.net The smaller the file size the smaller the image’s resolution and the less detail you can see. It’s a tradeoff between space, bandwidth and pixel density and detail.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de that used to be me until I lobbied to have fiber optic to the premise
I am so sorry Maggie Forest, but I won’t be voting for you for the Ryan electorate. I will continue to vote for and support Elizabeth Watson-Brown a voice for the people of Ryan who actually gets things done!
@sorenpeter@darch.dk I think it was just one broken image link, right?
, the microblogging for hackers and friends...
@eapl.me@eapl.me Agree 👍
that I have on https://git.mills.io/robots.txt with content:
@falsifian@www.falsifian.org In the process of 🤞
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Poo 💩 I feel you 🤗
@bender@twtxt.net I plead the 5th 🤣
@bender@twtxt.net It’s the blind abiding that worries me a lot. I’m still reading his letter, plus some other similar things I’ve come across I’ll share later. It’s all fucking horrifying just how fucking goddamn corrupted everything is lately 🤦♂️
here. There shouldn't be <p>
within them, I think. I might be wrong.
@bender@twtxt.net Not my doing. That’s the Markdown parser/render. Not Goldmark (yet).
On my hit list of assholes tech giants that break the rules and are bad web citizens:
Open AI
more to come…
@bender@twtxt.net Not with that kind of attitude 🤣
I don’t think it will have any impact
Can’t seem to prevent “bad bots” from aggressively hitting your shit™ 🤦♂️
Bloody hell 🤦♂️🤦♂️
$ jq -r --arg host "gopher.mills.io" '. | select(.request.host==$host) | "\(.request.client_ip) \(.request.uri) \(.request.headers["User-Agent"])"' mills.io.log-au | while IFS=$' ' read -r ip uri ua; do asn="$(geoip -a "$ip")"; echo "$asn $ip $uri $ua"; done | grep -E '^45102.*' | sort | head
45102 /gopher.floodgap.com/0/feeds/democracynow/2015/Oct/14/0 ["Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"]
45102 /gopher.floodgap.com/0/feeds/voaheadlines/2014/Mar/09/voanews.com-content-article-1867433.html ["Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"]
45102 /gopher.viste.fr/1/OnlineTools/hangman.cgi%3F0692937396569A52972EB2 ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]
45102 /gopher.viste.fr/1/OnlineTools/hangman.cgi%3F9657307A96569A52974634 ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]
45102 /gopher.viste.fr/1/OnlineTools/hangman.cgi%3FB7571C7896569A529E6603 ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]
45102 /gopher.viste.fr/1/OnlineTools/hangman.cgi%3FB75EF81296569A529E6617 ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]
45102 /gopher.viste.fr/1/OnlineTools/hangman.cgi%3FC6564ADB96569A5A9E660C ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]