
"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

Recent twts from prologic
In-reply-to » @prologic I'm not a yarnd user, so it doesn't matter a whole lot to me, but FWIW I'm not especially keen on changing how I format my twts to work around yarnd's quirks.

What’s wrong with my original suggestion of doing the transformation before the text hits the twtxt.txt file? @prologic, I think it would achieve what you are trying to achieve with this content-type thing: if someone writes ¼ on a yarnd instance or any other client that wants to do this, it would get transformed, and other clients simply wouldn’t do the transformation. Every client that supports displaying unicode characters, including Jenny, would then display ¼ as ¼.

So many clients do client-side transformation already, mostly in the form of @-mentions. e.g: If I mention you, that gets transformed into the full proper Twtxt mention syntax. We could in theory transform other things too, but I see little value in doing so? 🤔 – Also it’s probably more a “Client” recommendation anyway at that point right?

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In-reply-to » @prologic I'm not a yarnd user, so it doesn't matter a whole lot to me, but FWIW I'm not especially keen on changing how I format my twts to work around yarnd's quirks. Only that this rendering behavior comes from yarnd’s Markdown parser library that is used:

What has text/markdown got to do with this? I don’t think Markdown says anything about replacing ¼ with ¼, or other similar transformations. It’s not needed, because ¼ is already a unicode character that can simply be directly inserted into the text file.

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In-reply-to » So, we need a computer for house (that is, wife and I) usage. We have none, we rely on our pocket computers. I would like to fill the void with the recently announced Mac mini. What technique could I use with an already stressed out wife, to accomplish this goal? 😅 Juat buy it 🤣🧐

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In-reply-to » @prologic I'm not a yarnd user, so it doesn't matter a whole lot to me, but FWIW I'm not especially keen on changing how I format my twts to work around yarnd's quirks.

I think realistically the only way to resolve this is to formally support and define a specification for feed formats. The available mime types lists two formats that I think are important here. text/plain and text/markdown. I believe a specification that defines and formalizes this so that a feed author can state in their feed that their feed is primarily text/plain or text/markdown or via HTTP headers (not mandatory) will work here. I also think it might be worthwhile niversing this and defaulting to text/plain (by design and by default, spec TBD) and then clients like yanrd can just be updated to declare text/markdown.

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In-reply-to » AI Slop Is Flooding Medium AI slop is flowing onto every major platform where people post online -- and Medium is no exception. Wired: The 12-year-old publishing platform has undertaken a dizzying number of pivots over the years. It's finally on a financial upswing, having turned a monthly profit for the first time this summer. Medium CEO Tony Stubblebine and other executives at the company have described the platform as "a home for human writing." But ... ⌘ Read more Really?! And we expected what to happen exactly? 🤔

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In-reply-to » The last week I've been playing around with , dang good tool for testing ai models and such. I really like the node based workflow. And makes it super easy to test any AI model. Only thing I miss now - is one of those image to video setup's, that's what I'm working on fixing now. So that I can generate images, and then automatically make them into short videos as well. Fun to play around with. This seems cool hmmm 🧐

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In-reply-to » The Fediverse Is Getting Its Own TikTok Competitor Called Loops An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Similar to how Mastodon offers an open source, distributed version of X, the fediverse is getting its own TikTok competitor. This week, an app called Loops began accepting signups on its new platform for sharing short, looping videos. Still in the early stages, Loops is not yet open sourced, nor ... ⌘ Read more

Exactly! But you still have to sign up to “their” platform. da fuq?! I smell something fishy here 🤣

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In-reply-to » The Fediverse Is Getting Its Own TikTok Competitor Called Loops An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Similar to how Mastodon offers an open source, distributed version of X, the fediverse is getting its own TikTok competitor. This week, an app called Loops began accepting signups on its new platform for sharing short, looping videos. Still in the early stages, Loops is not yet open sourced, nor ... ⌘ Read more

But you have to sign-up though? wut?! 😟

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In-reply-to » Feeling suspicious about a little something and I, don't like it -the feeling- a bit. Maybe I'm just being paranoid... but most probably I'm just being an ignorant judgemental piece of shit and I hate myself for it already. To be honest I thought the same too, I felt as though you were being a bit too harsh on yourself 😅 Chill 🤗

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In-reply-to » My very strong opinion on the use of Twtxt is if you intend to use it, you should be prepared to let people pull your feed or at least check it and regular rentals. I agree. At the end of the day it’s just a text file served by some means, we should get more upset by crawlers that don’t respect our robots.tzt rules 🤣

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In-reply-to » @Codebuzz I really like this idea of just using the Feed's # nick as a sort of "identifier". This gets us out of this mess of when feeds move locations or authors decide to host on 3 or 4 different protocols 🤣 Downside? Something picks the same nick? (they'll still hash differently, so that's fine).

Hah 🤣

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In-reply-to » IMHO, the original spec had it right when it said (paraphrased) "just upload your tw.txt file wherever". The essence of micro-blogging, as opposed to full-scale blogging, is low friction and low stakes. Imposing a norm that you can't just use any ol' url, looking down on people with insufficently cool urls (as in "Cool URIs don't change", puts up too much of a barrier to entry. Right, so a “Cool Domain” is just a URI in your Domain space that you control and maintain stability. As you control the Domain Space, you can keep URI(s) stable even in the face of change. Okay.

But what I don’t get is @asquare ’s comment:

Imposing a norm that you can’t just use any ol’ url, looking down on people

@asquare Who’s imposing this and “looking down”? If you got that impression from me, that was not my intent. I’m merely pointing out the problem we have, nothing more. We need to solve for that.

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In-reply-to » IMHO, the original spec had it right when it said (paraphrased) "just upload your tw.txt file wherever". The essence of micro-blogging, as opposed to full-scale blogging, is low friction and low stakes. Imposing a norm that you can't just use any ol' url, looking down on people with insufficently cool urls (as in "Cool URIs don't change", puts up too much of a barrier to entry. What do you mean by “Cool URLs”?

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In-reply-to » @Codebuzz I really like this idea of just using the Feed's # nick as a sort of "identifier". This gets us out of this mess of when feeds move locations or authors decide to host on 3 or 4 different protocols 🤣 Downside? Something picks the same nick? (they'll still hash differently, so that's fine).

Yup that’s right.

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In-reply-to » For example, this links to the previous post, no crypto needed: I really like this idea of just using the Feed’s # nick as a sort of “identifier”. This gets us out of this mess of when feeds move locations or authors decide to host on 3 or 4 different protocols 🤣 Downside? Something picks the same nick? (they’ll still hash differently, so that’s fine).

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In-reply-to » the test would be: how often does unwanted content get pushed on your feed? do incongruent posters easily disrupt harmonious connections? &c. less about the community, more about how the social dynamics play out as various groups and individuals interact. not sure that really applies strictly in a purely decentakised system? 🤔

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