

it's kat. she/her

Recent twts from kat
In-reply-to » my camcorder battery & mini dvds came in the mail so i did a test recording! it's so cool i love the crap quality. i do hope the memory stick arrives soon though because for the discs i can't get them on my computer (not even a rom drive filesystem mount) without "finalizing" the disc which is like an old camcorder thing. i still think i'll prefer disc recording though even if a limit of 30 minutes (or longer for lower quality) is strict. i like limitations like that

@@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz anyway when i get the memory stick i will record something silly and exclusive for yarn friends i canā€™t wait <3

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In-reply-to » my camcorder battery & mini dvds came in the mail so i did a test recording! it's so cool i love the crap quality. i do hope the memory stick arrives soon though because for the discs i can't get them on my computer (not even a rom drive filesystem mount) without "finalizing" the disc which is like an old camcorder thing. i still think i'll prefer disc recording though even if a limit of 30 minutes (or longer for lower quality) is strict. i like limitations like that

@@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz i also like the separation inherent with using dedicated devices. like i have a DAP, a fiio X1 ii from 2019, and itā€™s still going strong. itā€™s perfect for on the go music listening and i never have to worry about like going somewhere with no reception and the music drops out. itā€™s all local AND the battery lasts longer because iā€™m not using wi-fi or bluetooth or data. also i can directly access the file system and just add files anytime. this goes for my point & shoot and other devices too. i love this shit iā€™m such a nerd

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In-reply-to » my camcorder battery & mini dvds came in the mail so i did a test recording! it's so cool i love the crap quality. i do hope the memory stick arrives soon though because for the discs i can't get them on my computer (not even a rom drive filesystem mount) without "finalizing" the disc which is like an old camcorder thing. i still think i'll prefer disc recording though even if a limit of 30 minutes (or longer for lower quality) is strict. i like limitations like that

@@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz i think what i love about ā€œretroā€ (relative to me because i was born 2004) is that it has friction but in a different way than modern tech does. sure thereā€™s friction with getting a video from your phone to a computer unless youā€™re a nerd like me with android and syncthing. but not only is that something that could be but isnā€™t easier, itā€™s justā€¦ it makes sense for a camcorder from ~2009 to have the kind of friction it does

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my camcorder battery & mini dvds came in the mail so i did a test recording! itā€™s so cool i love the crap quality. i do hope the memory stick arrives soon though because for the discs i canā€™t get them on my computer (not even a rom drive filesystem mount) without ā€œfinalizingā€ the disc which is like an old camcorder thing. i still think iā€™ll prefer disc recording though even if a limit of 30 minutes (or longer for lower quality) is strict. i like limitations like that

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In-reply-to » it's epic that twtxt slash yarn doesn't have reposts or likes. it's just chill. replies and posting is all a site needs

@prologic@twtxt.net this is epicā€¦ youā€™ve made a great platform!!! screw big tech we got literal threads here. X, The Everything App, wishes it had literal yarn threads smh my head. also twtxt is so cool like i love that yarn is a frontend for it but also its own thing. all plaintextā€¦ coolest shit ever

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In-reply-to » i like this little ideas utility i've been using like i keep pulling up the idea table to see what i've added and it makes me wanna start one of them like the CLI app i wanna write in golang with charmbracelet's bubbletea even though i only have a vague idea of what i want in a CLI app

@@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz iā€™ve really wanted to make one of those sites you can curl thatā€™s terminal friendly but looks different on the browser like how does wttr.in do itā€¦ magic

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In-reply-to » I am now proud to say, that as of this moment, I am off of Clownflare šŸ¤£ Still using Cloudflare for DNS, but no longer proxying through their services or terminating TLS at their edge. Instead, all my sites and services now terminate TLS on my own edge proxy running Caddy+Wireguard (so all ingress is actually egress šŸ¤£) šŸ„³ #Clownflare #Cloudflare

@prologic@twtxt.net YAYYY fuck cloudflare!!! caddy+wireguard amazing combo

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In-reply-to » tried building the yarn social app for android but wahhh android studio and flutter scare me... big ass IDEs and SDKs and shit not worth it

@prologic@twtxt.net totally understandable! i used the web app from my phone and it worked perfectly šŸ«¶ i canā€™t imagine the headaches that maintaining apps bringsā€¦

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really wanna make an ssh zine app inspired by a telnet zine cms i found on github. iā€™m gonna probably go ahead with the telnet zine idea i have if i can get people for it but if i could build my own ssh mirror for it with golang and the charmbracelet wish library thatā€™d be epic

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asciinema is really cool. thought about self hosting my own upload site which they have docs for but i donā€™t need to host everything even if itā€™d be a fun project. the default/main site is fine enough for me when i wonā€™t be uploading a whole lot.

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being a k-pop fan in nerd circles means no one will ever take you seriously. the solution is to be so unserious and insane that it wraps back around to people taking you seriously as you do cool things while being deeply unserious

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iā€™ve transitioned text editors from nano (yeah i know) to micro and god micro is just so much better i did not know there was a CLI text editor i could use with sensible keyboard shortcuts that did not leave me feeling like iā€™m typing nuclear codes to do simple tasks like saving and editing

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In-reply-to » tried building the yarn social app for android but wahhh android studio and flutter scare me... big ass IDEs and SDKs and shit not worth it

fair lol! i should give the web app a try, i donā€™t think iā€™ll get much use out of it from my phone anyway because i suck at typing on a phone but i might as well log in!

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